An adult's stool smells like acetone, what is it?

The smell of stool can tell a lot about the patient's intestinal health. In ancient times, it was by the appearance of feces that shamans and healers made a diagnosis and were able to select the correct and necessary treatment for the patient at the moment. Modern diagnostic techniques have minimized the direct contact of the diagnostician with body secretions: studies are aimed at determining the cellular and biochemical composition, appearance is of less importance.

Causes of foul odor

Feces are the result of the vital activity of the human body; unnecessary and waste substances are eliminated with it. The main role in the formation of the smell of feces is played by the microorganisms that inhabit the human intestines, and not by the food eaten the day before.

The main causes of unpleasant odor can be divided into two main categories: pathogenic and non-pathogenic.

Natural causes

  • Predominance of protein foods in the diet. By decomposing and being processed, it is the nitrogenous bases that form the sharp, unpleasant odor of excrement.
  • Liquefaction of stool. The softer the stool, the stronger and more pungent the smell. This happens due to the fact that in this case there is more moisture in the stool, which evaporates and gives this smell. During constipation, the stool is dense, the dry residue is much higher in percentage, and the smell of such excrement is less pronounced.
  • Eating foods with strong odors. Foods such as fish, garlic, and onions can impart their odor to feces.

Pathological causes

  • Dysbacteriosis. Violation of the relationship between beneficial and opportunistic intestinal microflora leads to the predominance of the processes of rotting and fermentation over normal digestion of food. As a result, a sharp foul odor of feces and increased gas formation may occur.
  • Infectious processes and helminthiases. During infection, the balance of microflora is disrupted and, as a result of inflammatory processes, the function of the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tube decreases. This leads to the appearance of a lot of undigested fiber, starch and other inclusions in the stool. In addition, the stool becomes significantly liquefied, fermentation processes are activated, flatulence is formed and the smell intensifies.
  • Oncological pathology. Oncological diseases lead to disruption of digestion and loss of intestinal sections from the digestive processes. As a result, the processes of decay of undigested food fibers, which stagnate in the intestines, are activated.
  • Melena. Gastrointestinal bleeding leads to the formation of strong, foul-smelling stools, which are the result of oxidation and fermentation of hemoglobin. While it has a tarry appearance, it is significantly liquefied.
  • Liver diseases. Pathology of the liver parenchyma, gall bladder and ducts leads to insufficient bile formation and its release into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tube. As a result, digestion and intestinal motility are disrupted with the formation of putrefactive processes.
  • Enzyme deficiency. Diseases of the pancreas and malabsorption syndrome lead to disturbances in the digestion of food with increased putrefactive processes.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. Functional pathology of the intestine, which results in disruption and separation of peristaltic waves. At the same time, the stool is unstable (either liquefied or constipated), the processes of fermentation and rotting intensify, and the feces become fetid.

Possible associated symptoms

The disease can only be suspected if there are accompanying symptoms of foul-smelling stool:

  • Changes in other stool parameters (color, consistency, cellular and biochemical composition). Indicates a digestion disorder at the level of enzymatic deficiency.
  • The appearance of pathological impurities (blood, mucus, foamy layers, fibrin films). They indicate the presence of an infectious process or the formation of erosions and ulcerations (blood), inflammation of hemorrhagic nodes.
  • Abdominal pain. A frequent nonspecific syndrome, which can be either the result of organic pathology or a sign of functional disorders in irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Flatulence. Indicates the activation of fermentation processes and an imbalance between pathogenic and non-pathogenic intestinal flora.


How to understand that a child has a tendency to an acetonemic state? After stress, physical and emotional stress, or during illness, the child develops the following signs:

  • breath smells like acetone or rotten apples
  • suddenly there was a pain in the stomach
  • vomit
  • weakness or even diarrhea
  • the child constantly wants to sleep

This means the body needs glucose. The main thing is to give glucose and water in time, then vomiting can be avoided.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if foul-smelling stool appears in combination with other signs of gastrointestinal pathology:

  • oily feces with an unpleasant odor - you should look for pathology of the pancreas, as the digestion of fats is impaired;
  • the smell of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulfide) - indicates dysbiosis and active fermentation processes inside the intestines;
  • the smell of vinegar (ammonia) - may indicate dysbacteriosis and increased decay processes;
  • sweet unpleasant odor - when infected with cholera;
  • the aroma of acetone - indicates protein starvation or can be the first sign of diabetes; it also appears after drinking large amounts of alcohol;
  • The smell of rotten fish may indicate a helminth infestation.

Diagnosis of the causes of the pathology

Diagnosis is made based on patient complaints. If, along with changes in odor, there are other signs indicating the presence of pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tube, then they require in-depth analysis and the appointment of additional examination:

  • Coprogram. Reveals the cellular and biochemical composition of feces, which will allow you to judge the insufficiency of digestion, the presence of pathological impurities, and blood.
  • Ultrasound of the digestive organs. Detects structural disorders of the parenchymal digestive organs (liver, pancreas), dysfunction of the gallbladder and the formation of stones in it, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Endoscopic diagnostics. Among the techniques, FGDS, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy are widely used, which can detect structural disorders of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of tumor-like formations, ulcers and erosions.

Mucus and sour smell of newborn feces: causes

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Unfortunately, a newborn child is simply not able to tell his mother what is bothering him. But a kind of indicator of the baby’s condition can be his feces.

Mucus in baby's stool

Most often, after detecting mucus in the stool of an infant, the doctor diagnoses “dysbacteriosis.” And this is the most common culprit if the problem concerns the baby's digestive system. But mucus in a baby’s stool does not always indicate a problem.

The formation of a child’s intestines ends at approximately 6–8 months of life. And during this time, the baby’s stool is constantly changing. If the baby is breastfed, the contents of the diaper may have a different consistency and color. And this depends on many reasons:

  • Fat content of milk. It depends on what portion the baby ate: the liquid front one or also sucked the back one, which is more nutritious and thick.
  • Frequency of breastfeeding. It is recommended to feed the baby according to his demand and sometimes hindmilk simply does not have time to accumulate. And the baby receives the front portion much more often.
  • Duration of feeding.

In case of any abnormalities in the child’s stool, mother’s milk is considered the best medicine, since it contains all the substances necessary for the child’s intestines. This:

  • various antibodies;
  • anti-infective proteins;
  • bifidobacteria that form the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green stool with mucus is not a reason to urgently go to the doctor. If the child actively eats and does not show concern, then the mother just needs to reconsider and adjust her own diet. A breastfeeding specialist can help with this.

After the child turns six months old, new products begin to be introduced into his menu. And the mucus in his stool may simply be a reaction to a change in diet.

Another reason for the appearance of mucus in the stool is the child’s intestines. The fact is that in the thick part of the gastrointestinal tract there is initially a fairly large amount of mucus. It takes part in the process of formation of feces, and if the baby’s intestines work at an accelerated rate, they simply do not have time to mix with feces.

Sometimes the presence of mucus in stool can be caused by taking medications.

When might specialist intervention be required?

But if a child exhibits the following symptoms, then consulting a doctor becomes a necessity:

  • stomach upset;
  • regurgitation;
  • vomit;
  • poor weight gain or even the child began to lose weight;
  • rare urination;
  • dark colored urine;
  • the baby's skin has lost its elasticity;
  • there is a sunken fontanel;
  • The baby has bad breath.

If in addition to mucus, the child’s stool contains white inclusions, streaks, or it has completely turned white, then the reasons may be as follows:

  • this is what dead epithelial cells may look like, and then we are talking about inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • the child may have lactase deficiency, as well as intolerance to cow protein;
  • helminth infection.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the appearance of mucus in the stool of a baby in the presence of certain symptoms. Self-medication is unacceptable here.

Stool smell

Another important criterion that a mother should pay attention to. The presence of odor is influenced by certain substances that are the result of bacterial breakdown of protein. These are indole, phenol, skatole and some others. The normal smell of baby diaper contents is unpleasant, but never strong.

The smell of stool is also influenced by the food the child eats. If the child does not yet receive complementary foods and feeds exclusively on mother’s milk, the smell becomes less pronounced.

With any stomach upset (diarrhea), the child's stool gives off a stronger odor, while during constipation, the stool practically ceases to smell. This occurs due to the fact that the intestinal walls absorb all the breakdown products of protein.

The sour smell of feces in an infant indicates the development of fermentative dyspepsia - a condition caused by excessive consumption of carbohydrates, as well as fermented drinks. But the child’s mother is solely to blame for this, as she supplemented her menu with dubious products.

The sharp smell of rot in children's stool indicates indigestion, the development of putrefactive dyspepsia, as well as colitis accompanied by constipation. A foul smell in stool appears when there are problems with the secretion of the pancreas, as well as when there is insufficient amount of bile entering the gastrointestinal tract.

The smell of acetone in the stool of an adult

> Throat


Testing for intestinal diseases by smelling stool is increasingly being used around the world. British doctors have developed a whole system for identifying intestinal disorders based on the putrid odor of feces.

And there is nothing strange about this - pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms cause food to rot and release certain harmful toxins that contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor in stool. A similar testing system was created based on a sensor for recognizing odors characteristic of certain ailments.

The sour smell of feces is an alarming symptom. The reason may be hidden not only in digestive disorders.

The pathology is influenced by chronic intestinal diseases, the development of life-threatening infections - dysbiosis, impaired transportation of food masses, damage to the pancreas.

If the human body cannot adequately ensure the correct process of absorption of vital substances in the intestines, then a chronic illness develops. Poor absorption and very foul-smelling stool may be caused by:

  • Food allergies;
  • intestinal infections;
  • celiac disease;
  • food intolerance;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • inflammation.

Why does stool have an unpleasant, pungent odor? The consistency and smell of stool is influenced by bacteria and microorganisms present in the intestines. With various violations, bacteria are activated and begin to multiply quickly. The growth of pathogenic microflora increases.

As a result, microbes poison the intestines more with their toxins and provoke increased rotting of food. Diarrhea with a sour smell indicates a chronic disorder of the digestive processes and intestinal infection.

Nasty and loose stools in an adult can occur due to pancreatic insufficiency.
If the diarrhea has an odor, you should consult a doctor. Smelly diarrhea is often accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, flatulence, and fever. All of these conditions can be extremely dangerous. Normally, a healthy person has bowel movements no more than twice a day. Feces have a soft consistency. Evacuation occurs effortlessly and without pain. The color of the stool is brown, and in infants it is light yellow. The smell of feces is normally unpleasant, but without fermentative or putrefactive tones.

What does feces smell like?

What determines the smell of feces? The answer is obvious - from the food taken the day before. Feces without an unpleasant odor are practically never found - certain foods provoke a corresponding “aroma” of feces.

When eating meat, there is a sharp-smelling poop; after eating dairy products or beer, a sour odor may occur. The stench appears when there is illness and the flow of bile into the intestines.

  • A sour smell occurs if a person has consumed too much sugar, peas, legumes, or fruits. Foods rich in carbohydrates cause fermentation and dyspepsia.
  • The stench develops with impaired pancreatic function and pancreatitis. Also, the stench occurs when there is hypersecretion of the intestines, if diarrhea occurs.
  • A putrid smell is a sign of impaired digestion. Appears when proteins are poorly absorbed in the digestive system.
  • Oily accents in the smell indicate the influence of bacteria and the decomposition of fats.

In the process of therapy and correction of digestive disorders, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. Overeating, drinking alcohol, fatty meats, fried and spicy foods are extremely harmful to the body. In case of obvious violations, you should consult a doctor. For therapy, medications are prescribed to restore digestion.

If an infection is detected, treatment requires the use of an antibiotic. In case of poisoning, drugs that relieve intoxication are used. If no infection is detected, it is enough to follow a diet and take a vitamin complex.

On a note! Diarrhea in adults is treated with medications that harden the stool. Infection is indicated by strongly foul-smelling stools and frequent bowel movements. In some dangerous situations, hospital treatment may be necessary.


To avoid various disorders in bowel movements and digestion, it is important to properly handle foods when preparing food.

Meat must be subjected to strong heat treatment. Do not cook meat and vegetables on the same cutting board. Vegetables may be contaminated with salmonella or other pathogenic flora. Bacterial infection of the intestines must not be allowed.

For various pathologies, obesity, and chronic illnesses, it is important to adjust your own diet. The menu should not contain food that causes fermentation in the intestines or irritates the walls of the stomach. These measures will significantly reduce the risk of complications.

It is necessary to observe not only the diet, but also the drinking regimen. Drinking plenty of water should be done daily. You need to drink a lot, using clean table water, and avoid soda. It is allowed to drink teas, fruit drinks, compotes. It is better to avoid freshly squeezed fresh juices.

Daily exercise and walks in the fresh air help improve health. Physical activity stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system and improves peristalsis of organs. The food entering the body is absorbed much faster.

All of the above measures contribute to the fact that the digestive organs will soon begin to work like a clock. The diet prevents the development of constipation and diarrhea, strengthens the immune system and ensures normal feces and bowel movements.

Fetid and putrid odor of feces in an adult. Reasons for changes in stool odor in an infant

An important indicator that helps diagnose intestinal diseases is the smell of stool. It can be affected by pathogenic microorganisms that cause food rotting. Normally, the smell should be unpleasant, but not pungent. If it is sour or rotten, strongly reeks of ammonia, bleach, and bitterness, this indicates disturbances in the digestive tract.

Causes and treatment of acetone taste in the mouth

If there is a taste of acetone in the mouth, the reasons may be associated with serious diseases. It is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor.

  • 1Pathologies in adults
  • 2Thyrotoxicosis and other diseases
  • 3Childhood diseases

1Pathologies in adults

Often this symptom is caused by diabetes. This pathology reduces insulin production. Excess sugar is excreted in the urine. The patient is constantly thirsty. He complains of weakness, fatigue, and insomnia. In diabetes mellitus, ketonemia and acidosis are observed. In this case, the concentration of ketones increases to 80 mg%. Therefore, the patient’s breath smells of acetone. This organic substance can be detected in urine during laboratory tests.

The symptom in question may appear against the background of hyperglycemic coma. Pathology develops in stages. The patient has an increased heart rate, constricted pupils, pale skin, and pain. Due to the increase in glucose concentration, fats are intensively burned, ketones are formed, which poison the body.

If the first signs of a diabetic coma appear, urgent hospitalization of the patient is required. Otherwise, the patient will lose consciousness and coma will occur. Therefore, if you notice the smell of acetone coming from your mouth, it is recommended to make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

A similar symptom is observed in renal pathologies. This is due to the main function of the organ - the removal of breakdown products of nutrients. The acetone smell indicates the development of nephrosis or kidney dystrophy, provoked by a pathological change in the renal tubules. This pathology is characterized by disruption of fat and other metabolic processes and the appearance of ketones in the body. Nephrosis is often accompanied by symptoms of chronic infection (tuberculosis):

  • swelling;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • lower back pain;
  • high blood pressure.

If the smell of acetone is accompanied by swelling on the face, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Timely treatment of nephrosis prevents the development of complications. The patient makes a full recovery. If the disease is severe, kidney activity stops.

2Thyrotoxicosis and other diseases

The symptom in question may be caused by thyrotoxicosis. This pathology of the endocrine system is accompanied by high production of thyroid hormones. The main signs of this pathology include increased irritability, sweating, and strong heartbeat. Symptoms are accompanied by changes in appearance - hair, skin, upper limbs. The patient is losing weight quickly, but his appetite is good. The patient complains about the functioning of the digestive system. If acetone from the mouth is accompanied by the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist. The success of the patient’s recovery depends on timely treatment.

A strong odor of acetone from the mouth can appear due to an unbalanced and monotonous diet, after prolonged fasting. Therefore, this symptom is often observed in women who adhere to a strict diet (due to a sharp restriction of high-calorie foods). A similar symptom appears in models who adhere to the Kremlin diet or the Atkins diet. Due to the low intake of carbohydrates in the body, fat breakdown occurs. This emergency breakdown of fats promotes the formation of ketones. The latter substances accumulate in the blood, poisoning the body from the inside. Such diets affect internal organs such as the kidneys and liver.

In this case, in order to establish the exact cause of the acetone taste, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out. Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the amount of nutrients in the body. You cannot get rid of an unpleasant odor with a mouth freshener. The main thing is to cure the underlying pathology (since a long-term diet can provoke the development of various diseases).

The acetone taste may be associated with a long course of chronic pathology or an infectious process. In this case, massive breakdown of proteins begins, which provokes this symptom. Scientists have proven that excess protein contributes to changes in acid and alkaline balance. This disrupts metabolism. A high concentration of acetone in the body is fatal.

3Childhood diseases

The risk group includes children predisposed to acetonemia.

The specific taste of acetone in a child’s mouth is observed several times in a child’s life.

Some children experience this symptom up to 8 years of age. More often, this symptom appears after a viral infection and poisoning, which is accompanied by high body temperature. This phenomenon is associated with low energy reserves. If during this period the child gets a cold or other infection, then his body will not have enough glucose to fight microorganisms.

More often in children, the value of the latter indicator is minimal, and in case of an infectious process it is less than the lower limit of normal. In this case, fats are broken down to produce additional energy. New substances enter the bloodstream, causing nausea and vomiting. This condition is not dangerous for the child. The above symptoms will go away after recovery.

What is acetone?

Acetonemic vomiting syndrome (acetone) in children, also known as ketotic hypoglycemia (CH) in childhood, is not a disease, but a metabolic disorder that can begin from 18 months to 5 years, and goes away by itself by 8-9 years of age. It is important to understand that during any illness, stress, or physical activity, the child must be given water, not limit sweets, and be given glucose in solutions and tablets.

With this disorder, the level of ketone bodies (this includes acetone) in the blood, urine and exhaled air increases, and the level of glucose in the blood decreases. The body tries to get rid of excess acetone and removes it through urine and exhaled air. This happens if a child goes hungry for a long time or the body consumes a lot of energy, then blood glucose drops and glycogen reserves are depleted. Since these ketone bodies are an alternative source of energy, when glucose levels are low, they begin to be produced in large quantities, which leads to intoxication of the body, and this, in turn, leads to nausea and vomiting. If normally ketones are detected only in trace amounts, then with this syndrome their amount increases by 50-80 times.

Why do children get acetone?

There is a mechanism for the occurrence of vomiting that is specific to childhood. Let's try to superficially explain its essence. So, the human body receives energy mainly from glucose. Glucose accumulates in the body, primarily in the liver, in the form of a special substance - glycogen. In adults, glycogen reserves are huge, in children they are insignificant. With physical exertion, emotional stress, high body temperature, i.e., with any phenomenon that requires significant energy expenditure from the child’s body, a situation may arise when glycogen reserves run out.

What we have as a result: there is no more glycogen, but energy is still very much needed. As a result, the body begins to receive energy from fat reserves. Intensive breakdown of fat is accompanied by the formation of acetone, which is excreted in the urine (i.e., acetone appears in the urine, which can be determined using special test strips). If there is a deficiency of fluid, acetone accumulates in the blood, irritating the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and the vomiting center in the brain. Vomiting and abdominal pain occurs. The described situation even received a special name - acetonemic state, and the vomiting that accompanies this condition is called, accordingly, acetonemic vomiting.

Whether a child develops an acetonemic state or not is determined by individual metabolic characteristics: glycogen reserves, the intensity of fat breakdown, and the ability of the kidneys to excrete acetone. Therefore, there are children in whom acetone never accumulates, even at a very high temperature and in a very serious condition, and there are those in whom an acetonemic state occurs in almost any illness - it’s just some kind of punishment.

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A characteristic sign of diabetes mellitus is the smell of acetone emanating from the patient's body. At first, the smell comes from the mouth, but if appropriate measures are not taken in time, the patient’s skin also acquires a sour smell.

The human body is a collection of complex mechanisms, where all organs and systems clearly perform their functions. In order to understand where acetone comes from, you need to delve a little into the chemical processes occurring in the human body.

Note! The main substance that provides energy to the brain and many organs is glucose. This element is present in many foods, even those that do not seem sweet. In order for glucose to be well absorbed in the body, the production of insulin is necessary.

The hormone is produced by the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas.

Diseases that can cause odor

The smell of acetone from the body can signal several diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Eating disorder.
  3. Thyrotoxicosis.
  4. Kidney problems (dystrophy or necrosis).

Why does your body smell like acetone?

The answer to this question can be obtained if you understand what happens in the body when the pancreas fails to cope with its duties and insulin deficiency occurs, or even worse - it is not produced at all.

In such a situation, glucose cannot independently penetrate cells and tissues, but accumulates in the blood, while the cells are starving. Then the brain sends a signal to the body about the need for additional insulin production.

During this period, the patient's appetite worsens. This is due to the fact that the body is “sure”: it lacks energy supply - glucose. But the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin. This imbalance causes the level of unused glucose in the blood to increase.

In other words, blood sugar levels increase. Excess unclaimed glucose causes a reaction in the brain, which sends a signal for ketone bodies to enter the body.

Acetone is a type of these bodies. Unable to use glucose, the cells begin to burn fats and proteins, and the characteristic odor of acetone begins to emanate from the body.

Diabetes mellitus and acetone odor

There is no need to immediately fall into depression and panic if you suddenly discover that the smell of acetone emanates from your body. This is not at all proof that diabetes is developing in the body.

Important! Only doctors in the clinic can establish an accurate diagnosis and cause of the smell by ordering appropriate laboratory tests of the patient’s blood and urine.

Ketone bodies, and therefore acetone, can gradually accumulate in the blood and poison the body. This condition is called ketoacidosis, followed by diabetic coma. If therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the patient may simply die.

You can check your urine for the presence of acetone even at home. To do this, take an ammonia solution and a 5% sodium nitroprusside solution. If acetone is present in the urine, the solution will turn bright red. In addition, you can buy tablets at the pharmacy that can be used to measure the level of acetone in the urine:

What to do?

Do not panic! Responsibility for the condition of the child lies only with you!

So, the child is nervous, hungry, and has a smell of acetone on his breath - give him a sweet drink, give him some sweets. Coca-Cola is best, because this drink has a lot of sugar and the child will drink it with great pleasure. This category also includes various sweet lemonades and sodas.

Do not put your child on a diet, especially a hungry one, especially one without sweets. This can make the situation worse. Don't limit your child's sweets! It is necessary to ensure that the distance between meals for the child is at least 4 hours.

It is also important to remember that stress in a state of acetonymia is contraindicated, just like a sharp increase in physical activity. You should always carry 40% glucose and candy with you.

If you doubt that your child has acetone, buy special test strips to determine it in urine. These are paper strips with a reagent that changes color depending on the acetone content in the urine.

If the child’s condition is more severe, then it is necessary to start giving him a sweet drink; in this case, saline solutions will only help against dehydration, but will not affect his well-being. But you can give a saline solution in parallel with sweets.

Sometimes it happens that if there is severe vomiting, it is impossible to give the child a sweet drink. In this case, glucose is administered intravenously or an injection of an antiemetic is given, and while it is working, this is about 2-3 hours, you need to let the child drink as much sweet liquid as possible.

If the condition does not improve, vomiting does not stop, and signs of dehydration appear, call an ambulance, as in this case infusion therapy is needed. As soon as the acetone crisis has passed, you just need to forget about it. Do not torment your child with diets, do not look for reasons, but simply live and do not forbid your child sweets, because in 100% of cases children outgrow this condition.

The main thing is to know how to provide first aid and not to scare the child with hospitalization. Of course, there are situations when a hospital cannot be avoided, for example, when intoxication and dehydration of the body are too severe, then the introduction of glucose through a vein is inevitable, but such conditions are very rare and most often we can cope at home ourselves.

It is worth remembering that this condition can develop in an absolutely healthy child, and acetone syndrome without other signs most often does not mean the presence of diabetes. But if acetone appears in a child often for no reason and is accompanied by sudden weight loss, the child often urinates and is constantly thirsty, then it is worth checking for type 1 diabetes.

Preparing a saline solution for dehydration

A treatment method aimed at introducing fluid into the body is called rehydration therapy. Rehydration is, in fact, the replenishment of fluid losses. There are two main methods of rehydration - intravenous, when the necessary solutions are injected into a vein through a dropper, and oral - when a person receives the necessary solutions through the mouth.

What it is? Sometimes it is a ready-made solution, but usually it is a powder, or tablet, or granules, which contain the sodium, potassium, chlorine and other substances necessary for the body in specially selected combinations and concentrations equivalent to pathological losses. Let me explain: sweating is a loss of not only fluid, but also sodium and chlorine (after all, sweat is salty, and everyone probably remembers the school formula NaCl). If you replenish fluid losses, but do not replenish salt losses, this is fraught with serious problems. How much salt do you still need? So smart scientists calculated the optimal amount of salts for a certain volume of water.

The formulas for rehydrating agents are based on these calculations. In addition to salts, the preparations often contain glucose; sometimes extracts of medicinal plants (chamomile extract, for example), and decoctions of cereals (rice, wheat, etc.) are added.

Oral rehydrating agents are an ideal option for quickly and effectively replenishing physiological and pathological fluid losses.

This is why oral rehydration products are over-the-counter medications.

That is why oral rehydration products should be an essential component of a home first aid kit.

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