Furacilin tablets
How to use Furacilin correctly for stomatitis?
Since stomatitis can be caused by a variety of reasons, there is no universal cure for this disease.
Teeth straightening and bite correction without braces in adults
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
Protection for the teeth of a young athlete (mouth guard for braces)
Sports mouthguards The sports lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, and along with this the number of
The photo shows what the correct bite should be
Malocclusion in a child: ways to correct it
48646 Crooked, unhealthy teeth can ruin the appearance of an otherwise attractive person. Oral health
straighten teeth without braces
Teeth straightening - indications and ways to straighten teeth
Crooked teeth cause a lot of inconvenience: a person is embarrassed to smile, talk, or take pictures. Modern dentistry offers many
how do braces work
10 questions for an orthodontist or what you should know about braces
Excursion into history | Ligature and self-ligating constructions | Biomechanics of tooth movement | Installation
Broken removable design
Removable retainer: why is it important and what to do if you lose it?
Orthodontic treatment does not end when braces are removed. To maintain the result, keep your teeth in
how to remove a gap between a child's teeth
Is it necessary to remove a gap between teeth? The dentist answers
Many parents are concerned about the question: how to close the gap between their child’s teeth, especially in cases
Pros and cons of Pilot braces
Pilot braces - effective designs of domestic production
929 Braces systems are an excellent alternative to various removable structures for restoring the beauty of a smile. After all, a person
Problems with wisdom teeth
A wisdom tooth grows into the cheek: photo, whether it needs to be removed if it interferes and rubs
Wisdom teeth (third molars, “eights”) are rightfully considered the most problematic teeth. Rarely lucky
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