Sore gums and pregnancy: how to avoid premature birth

How is catarrhal gingivitis treated in pregnant women?

Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women begins with professional teeth cleaning: plaque and tartar are carefully removed, and the teeth are polished using special brushes and pastes. The next stage is anti-inflammatory therapy. For this purpose, the dentist prescribes the use of anti-inflammatory rinses, applications and toothpastes. The correct diet is very important - you need to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate foods and avoid frequent snacking. And of course, you need to take good care of your oral hygiene.

Causes and symptoms of gingivitis in pregnant women -

The development of the disease is usually associated with a restructuring of the hormonal balance during pregnancy - primarily with a high concentration of estrogens, progesterone, and prostaglandins. A number of authors also consider the phenomenon of toxicosis as an additional reason for the development of gingivitis in pregnant women. However, as we said above, there are additional reasons that are not related to hormones or any other changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

These changes relate, firstly, to changes in eating behavior. For example, women usually begin to consume significantly more carbohydrates (foods containing sugar, flour, starch). Moreover, a large amount of them is consumed between main meals, i.e. These are so-called snacks between meals. Naturally, after every cookie or bun in the middle of the day, women do not run to brush their teeth, but at most rinse their mouths with water or mouthwash.

Stuck food debris is an excellent breeding ground for soft microbial plaque, which also leads to its rapid growth. Pathogenic plaque bacteria produce toxins that trigger an inflammatory reaction in the gums. Thus, the development of gum inflammation in pregnant women is caused by both changes in eating behavior and the observed insufficient level of oral hygiene.

1) Symptoms of the first half of pregnancy -

The first symptoms usually appear at 3-4 months of pregnancy, i.e. just when the most intense hormonal changes in the body occur. The symptoms of this period are more characteristic of the form of gingivitis, which is commonly called “catarrhal gingivitis” -

  • bleeding gums,
  • swelling of the gingival papillae and the marginal part of the gums,
  • pain when brushing teeth,
  • change in gum color from pale pink to red, and then to bluish.

At the same time, women’s complaints that their gums hurt during pregnancy can be associated not only with pain during brushing their teeth, i.e. when mechanical irritation of the gums occurs. If severe inflammation develops, pain can be observed even at rest.

Moreover, when soreness and bleeding gums appear, many women begin to “spare” their gums, starting to brush their teeth less often or less intensely (leaning more on mouth rinses). As a result, there is an even greater accumulation of soft microbial plaque in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, which only increases bleeding, as well as other symptoms of gum inflammation.

2) Symptoms of the second half of pregnancy -

Mild inflammation, which is manifested by swelling and bleeding of the gums, worsens in the second half of pregnancy ( In many women, at this time, the growth of the marginal gums begins (polypous growth of gingival papillae). This type of gingivitis is called “hypertrophic”. It is especially pronounced in the area of ​​the front teeth, as well as where there are overhanging edges of fillings and crowns that injure the gums.

There are 2 forms of hypertrophic gingivitis -

  • Edema form - in which the gingival papillae are enlarged, bluish, soft to the touch, have a loose consistency or polypous growths.
  • Fibrous form - when the gingival papillae are still enlarged, but become dense to the touch (due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue).

How are treatment methods chosen depending on the stage of pregnancy?

The first trimester of pregnancy is associated with the risk of spontaneous abortion, so during this period interventions should be as necessary, and the indications for them are acute pain or severe swelling of the gums. Tartar can also be removed, but it is still better to postpone this manipulation for a while. In the second trimester, you can carry out complex treatment, including professional cleaning and taking antiseptics. And in the third trimester, a visit to the dentist should be as short as possible, so you should limit yourself to only hygiene procedures.

How can oral health affect a child?

Recent research shows that severe gum disease, accompanied by red, swollen or bleeding gums, can harm the health of an unborn baby.

Scientists have found that women with severe gum disease are 7 times more likely to have preterm birth before 32 weeks than women with healthy gums. Another study looked at women with gingivitis and more severe gum disease and found a threefold increase in the risk of giving birth before 37 weeks.

Current research into gum disease during pregnancy shows a risk of prematurity comparable to that of alcohol consumption and slightly higher than that of smoking. Premature babies may have a wider range of health problems immediately after birth than full-term babies.

Women with gingivitis may also have low birth weight babies during pregnancy. Studies have shown that if you have gingivitis during pregnancy, you are 3 times more likely to have a low birth weight baby. This estimate is comparable to the risk associated with smoking during this period.

Why does gingivitis occur during pregnancy?

Tens of millions of microorganisms live in the oral cavity. Slight swelling of the gums leads to an increase in periodontal pockets, which become an excellent reservoir for the life and reproduction of bacterial microflora. In addition, microorganisms do not lack nutrition, since pregnant women like to pamper themselves with sweets, and carbohydrate foods are the best substrate for the development of bacteria.

Swelling of the gums, leading to an increase in periodontal pockets, excessive salivation, an acidic environment in the mouth, an increased feeling of hunger - these features that accompany pregnancy are the main factors contributing to the rapid growth of oral microflora. And this, in turn, provokes inflammation of the gum tissue - gingivitis.

Prevention of oral diseases

To prevent inflammation of the gums around the tooth, various preventive measures should be taken.

The following measures will help prevent bleeding:

  • Performing a gum massage using a soft brush;
  • Taking vitamins for expectant mothers;
  • Reducing intake of sugary foods;
  • Timely treatment of caries;
  • Treatment of mouth diseases;
  • Visiting the dentist once every trimester;
  • Drinking high-quality clean water;
  • Diet;
  • Regular dental care.

If you follow the rules presented, you will not have to look for information on forums on how to deal with the problem. In addition, you will prevent the occurrence of diseases both in yourself and in your baby.

Traditional methods of treatment

If there is swelling due to a wisdom tooth cutting out or an infection, use special preventive baths. Decoctions of sage, chamomile, and chlorhexidine solution are excellent.

You can also try some other methods if your wisdom tooth is growing:

  • Place a few drops of garlic juice on the affected area. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse your mouth.
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin or soda.
  • Apply ice to the outside of your cheek.
  • Perform a massage.

What else to treat? Various applications and masks help a lot. For example, a mask made from raw beets. The grated vegetable is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes.

Another excellent folk option is tar applique. Take a small amount of birch tar and use it to brush your teeth at night. After a couple of days the problem will disappear.

Potato juice can cope with inflammation quickly. Take potatoes, wash them with a stiff brush, and douse them with boiling water. Then all that remains is to grate it and apply it to the problem area for 25 minutes.

An interesting recipe - a mixture of bergenia, galangal, clove spices and tooth powder. All components need to be taken and ground. Then she brushes her teeth in the morning for a couple of minutes.

You can prepare healing gum from lemon juice, mint essential oil, honey and beeswax. The mixture is heated on the stove until it becomes homogeneous. All you have to do is wait until it cools down, make lozenges, and you can chew.

A simple way is to rinse your mouth with 10-day old kefir. The product is diluted in the ratio of half a glass of water per glass of kefir. It is necessary to rinse the affected area with it as often as possible.

In the morning and before bed, you can rinse your mouth with mumiyo (take 3 g of the substance and dissolve in 100 ml of water). The duration of use of the product is about 21 days.

You can get rid of ulcers by rinsing your mouth with infusion of golden mustache. The leaves of the plant are ground and poured with boiling water. Sea salt is added to the mixture, after which you can rinse.

Applying heat to the affected area is strictly prohibited! This will only increase the spread of pathogenic bacteria. There is also no need to apply painkillers to the painful area to prevent irritation.

What to do if your gums hurt and bleed during pregnancy - doctor's advice

Even at the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should understand that discomfort, bleeding in the mouth and other troubles should be taken seriously. If these symptoms appear, you should contact your dentist to prevent the development of severe pathologies.

If the gums are swollen, the doctor usually prescribes a set of measures:

  • Prescribes special anti-inflammatory drugs for external use. Basically these are ointments that should be kept in the mouth for several hours.
  • Daily hygiene measures - cleaning, rinsing, etc.
  • Professional cleaning in dentistry. Removing plaque is a very important process. The bacteria found in it can cause serious illness.
  • Food enriched with microelements and vitamins.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to choose the right medications. They should strengthen the gums, but not harm the child. The best option is decoctions of calendula, medicinal chamomile and sage. Hardware procedures are selected individually.

The use of potent drugs is prohibited.

Among the preventive measures you may be prescribed:

  1. diet;
  2. gum massage using a soft brush;
  3. vitamin complexes;
  4. reducing consumption of foods high in sugar;
  5. visiting a specialist once every trimester;
  6. drinking high-quality clean water.

The best treatment for teeth and gums is prevention. This way you will maintain the health of the mother and fetus. But if pharmaceutical products were nevertheless prescribed, you should make sure that they are not dangerous for pregnant women (made from lidase, acetylsalicylic acid or glucose).

Experts' opinion

As a result of clinical experiments using the Asepta series of products, conducted at the Kazan State Medical Academy, the complex use of anti-inflammatory drugs from the Asepta line contributed to faster relief of inflammation, the combined use of balm, gel, rinse, toothpaste and vitamin-mineral complex mutually enhanced the therapeutic effect did not require daily visits to the dentist.


  1. The use of drugs from the Asepta line in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases (N.V. Berezina E.N. Silantyeva S.M. Krivonos, Kazan State Medical Academy. Kazan.) N.V. BEREZINA, E.N. SILANTIEVA, S.M. KRIVONOS Kazan State Medical Academy
  2. Silantieva E.N., Berezina N.V., Krivonos S.M. Complex treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis using drugs from the Asept line, Practical Medicine journal
  3. Clinical studies of antisensitive toothpaste “Asepta Sensitive” (A.A. Leontyev, O.V. Kalinina, S.B. Ulitovsky) A.A. LEONTIEV, dentist O.V. KALININA, dentist S.B. ULITOVSKY, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova
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