Biological treatment of pulpitis
Chemical and biological conservative treatment methods in therapy
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
How to choose the right toothpaste and cream based on the markings on the tubes, what do the colored stripes mean?
What do the colored stripes on tubes of toothpastes and creams mean? There are so many different myths
The tooth under the crown hurts - periodontitis has been treated
Questions and answers about: tooth hurts under a filling The most common questions asked by patients
MRI images of the head
Is it possible to do MRI with implants, pins, braces, plates?
Image of the brain on MRI results Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the best diagnostic methods
Antibiotics in dentistry for treatment and prevention
One of the most severe, excruciating pains is toothache. Occurs for various reasons: caries,
Infection is the main cause of tracheitis
Acute obstructive laryngitis (croup) in children: diagnosis and treatment (based on clinical recommendations)
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Surgery to remove a cyst in the maxillary sinus
Before studying the material, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the structure and functions of the nose. Paranasal sinus cysts
Surgical methods for treating periodontal diseases
One of the most severe, excruciating pains is toothache. Occurs for various reasons: caries,
Numbness after nerve removal in a tooth
Dental implantation is an effective solution for those who have lost one or more teeth.
Results of treatment of a patient with a tongue tumor using embolization of the afferent branches of the tumor
Tongue cancer refers to malignant tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx, which, in turn,
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