Burning mouth or burning mouth syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Causes of burning in the mouth

When a person consults a doctor with complaints of a burning sensation in the mouth, finding the cause of this condition is not always easy.
Medicine knows dozens of reasons for this condition, which often requires a thorough examination. Burning mouth syndrome is known to occur in both men and women. However, this problem worries women more often, especially during menopause and the postmenopausal period. The exact reasons for this are not yet fully understood, but most likely it is due to hormonal changes in women entering menopause.

Let's consider the typical causes of burning in the mouth - from oral diseases to systemic pathologies that also give such a symptom.

Oral diseases

If it bakes in the mouth, then among the pathologies the first thing to suspect is oral disease. Often a “fiery” tongue is noted with the following pathologies of the oral cavity:

  • Fungal infection of the mouth . If you have a weakened immune system, there is a risk of contracting candidiasis. This disease is popularly called thrush, because of the characteristic white, cheesy coating on the tongue. In this case, the fungus also affects the inside of the cheeks, gums and palate. It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of candidiasis due to the abundance of whitish discharge on the tongue. Some types of thrush occur without a cheesy coating (for example, atrophic candidiasis), but burning mouth syndrome is present.
  • Xerostomia . This is a lack of moisture in the oral cavity, in which plaque and cracks appear on the mucous membrane. In this case, xerostomia is accompanied by a burning sensation of the tongue, especially when eating sour foods.
  • Glossitis . This is an inflammation of the tongue, in which a person partially or completely loses taste. Often with glossitis there is a burning sensation and pain in the mouth.
  • Viral pathologies of the oral cavity . Often this is herpes, in which the mucous membrane becomes covered with characteristic blisters.
  • Other oral diseases . A burning sensation also occurs with leukoplakia, aphthous stomatitis, lichen planus and other oral pathologies.

Dental diseases

Sometimes the feeling of a flame in the mouth is associated with a certain condition and dental diseases, namely:

  • Tartar deposits . In this case, the root cause of the symptom is pathogenic bacteria in hard deposits, which provoke inflammatory reactions on the tongue and mucous membranes.
  • Dentures . Inadequate care of dentures often causes a burning sensation in the mouth. This is due to the fact that in the absence of proper care, biofilms of bacteria or fungi form on dentures. Microorganisms then multiply in the oral cavity, contributing to the development of inflammation. In addition, a burning sensation can be caused by the prosthetic structure itself, which touches the mucous membranes, causing injury.
  • Teeth grinding . Some people suffer from nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism). In this case, there is always a risk of touching the teeth and mucous membrane of the tongue.

Allergic reaction

Another common cause of burning in the mouth is allergies. For example, this is an allergic reaction to certain foods. Often, in addition to a burning sensation in the mouth, allergies also cause other symptoms - nasal congestion, rash, redness of the skin.

Sometimes allergies develop to dental products, for example, dentures, mouth guards, braces and others. This often happens when using low-quality materials that are highly allergenic.

There are several ways to understand that a burning sensation in the mouth is caused by an allergy. Avoid eating the food that causes symptoms. If you have recently had a denture or other structure installed in your mouth, then (if possible) remove it for a few days and monitor the condition.

Diseases of internal organs

A burning sensation in the mouth and tongue is sometimes caused by certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous and other systems. Such pathologies include:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenitis;
  • colitis;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal changes during menopause;
  • stress and mental disorders;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • other diseases.

A burning sensation in the mouth or throat is sometimes associated with poor oral hygiene, taking certain medications, and a deficiency of certain vitamins. In particular, we are talking about a lack of folic acid, iron, vitamin C, iodine (problems with the thyroid gland arise in the background) and other biologically active substances and microelements.

Elimination of bitterness in the mouth and accompanying symptoms

What can cause nausea? What should you do to remove the unpleasant feeling? If going to the doctor in the near future is not possible, try to relieve unpleasant symptoms at home. It should be remembered that short-term relief of discomfort does not replace the need for treatment. Correct drug therapy is possible if the correct diagnosis is made.

General recommendations

The first thing to do if you complain of nausea is to adjust your diet. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • cooking methods - boiling, stewing or baking;
  • you will have to give up fatty, spicy and salty foods for a while;
  • you need to eat food often, in small portions;
  • You cannot drink food with food, take liquid 40 minutes after lunch or dinner;
  • last meal – 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • Avoid consumption of sweet soda, flour products, coffee and cocoa.

Citrus fruits will help quickly eliminate an attack of nausea and bitterness in the mouth. Slowly suck on a slice of orange or tangerine, the juice of which will reduce salivation, dilute the taste and block the urge to gag. Mint or menthol lozenges also help relieve nausea.

Drug therapy

If proper nutrition does not help, medications can help with the problem. The possibility of their use should be discussed with your doctor. For therapy prescribed:

  • to eliminate heartburn and nausea - Almagel, Rennie, Gastal, Omez;
  • antispasmodics - No-Shpu, Spazgan;
  • against vomiting – Motilium, Domrid;
  • hepatoprotectors for restoring liver function - Essentiale Forte, Phosphogliv.

Is it possible to determine the cause of a burning sensation in the mouth based on symptoms?

The reasons why the oral cavity burns can only be determined by a doctor. Given the wide range of diseases and conditions in which such a symptom is possible, independent determination of the root cause often leads to false conclusions.

However, for some combinations of symptoms, the underlying cause can be determined with a high degree of probability. Let's consider several of these options:

  • Severe burning sensation in the mouth – glossitis, stomatitis, anemia or menopause.
  • Burning sensation and abundant white coating – candidiasis (thrush).
  • Burning palate - viral or bacterial pathologies of the oral cavity, mental disorders, injuries or burns.
  • Burning sensation with dry mouth – disruption of the salivary glands, diabetes mellitus, taking antibiotics or diuretics.
  • Burning in the gums – gum pathology (gingivitis, periodontal disease).
  • Burning tongue with a sour taste – gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, gastric ulcer).


A single appearance of bitterness should not cause panic: this condition can be caused by everyday factors, for example, stress or consumption of choleretic foods.

Fatty or spicy foods, pine nuts, sea buckthorn kernel oil and some other foods provoke increased bile production. Therefore, after consuming them, as well as after taking certain medications, a bitter taste may appear.

Sometimes people experience a bitter taste in their mouth immediately after waking up. Usually the reasons for this phenomenon are banal: fatty foods were eaten at night. This reaction of the body is quite normal, however, if the bitterness does not go away for a long time, this may be a consequence of a malfunction of the body.

What diseases may a bitter taste in the mouth indicate:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia);
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • parasitic infections;
  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • lack of vitamins (most often group B) and microelements.

Pregnant women often experience a feeling of bitterness in their mouth due to toxicosis. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and should not be alarmed.

Treatment for burning sensation in the mouth

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the burning sensation in the mouth. If the problem is related to diseases and conditions of the oral cavity and teeth, then in the dental clinic the patient is given one or more of the following measures:

  • Professional teeth cleaning – removal of plaque, stone, sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Treatment of dental diseases - caries, pulpitis.
  • Treatment of gum diseases – gingivitis, periodontitis.
  • Assessment of the condition of dentures and their effect on the oral mucosa. If necessary, prosthetic structures are replaced.

In addition to the above procedures, therapeutic measures for burning in the mouth also include taking anti-inflammatory, antibacterial or antifungal (for candidiasis) drugs. If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, a course is prescribed to replenish the missing biologically active substances. Some patients are prescribed physical therapy.

Other examination methods:

  • sonography is an ultrasound method that allows you to identify inflammatory processes;
  • duodenal intubation - the doctor collects bile samples to determine how quickly it enters the intestines without the influence of enzymes and with their use, then conducts bacteriological testing;
  • If a patient is suspected of having viral hepatitis, a general and biochemical blood test and serological tests of markers are prescribed.

A dental examination may also be scheduled.

After an examination and diagnosis, the doctor chooses a course of treatment to eliminate the disease and its symptoms.

Therapy methods

The main method of treatment is taking medications. Based on the examination results, the patient is prescribed a set of measures aimed at normalizing digestion.

As a rule, patients are prescribed:

  • drugs to stimulate bile excretion;
  • antispasmodics to relieve pain and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enzymes that activate the digestive system;
  • hepatoprotectors for liver infection;
  • anthelmintics and antiparasitics for the treatment of helminthiasis affecting the liver and bile ducts;
  • antiviral drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis.
  • as part of complex therapy they may prescribe: allohol, livrastil (there are contraindications, consult your doctor)

Some patients are recommended surgical treatment: crushing and removing stones or removing the gallbladder.

Regardless of the course of treatment, patients are prescribed to follow a diet, avoid fatty foods and bad habits.

Independent attempts to get rid of the bitter taste in the mouth can lead to aggravation of the condition. Since this is only a symptom of the disease, a qualified examination and treatment under the guidance of a doctor is necessary.

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