Herpetic infections in children
Herpes is the most common viral infection that exists for a long time in the body, mainly in a latent state.
Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa - diagnosis and treatment of the disease
Dry mouth (xerostomia) is a subjectively felt dryness of the oral mucosa. Formal
First degree burn: symptoms, first aid, treatment
The lips are skin-muscular folds, the structure of which is divided into three parts - skin, intermediate
Cysts, polyps of the paranasal sinuses. Odontogenic sinusitis: symptoms, causes, treatment
Polyps in the maxillary sinus appear as a result of chronic inflammatory processes. When it grows, it makes it difficult to breathe,
7 things a person feels when there is too much salt in his body
Associated symptoms and what they indicate From the various accompanying symptoms, one can understand that
Human nervous system: classification, organs and functions
The human body is a multi-stage structure, each organ and system of which is closely interconnected with each other.
Reasons for the appearance of black dots on the tongue
Reasons for the appearance of a black dot on the tongue of an adult A dot or black bump that appears
fibroma in the mouth
Fordyce granules and permanent makeup
Home > Urology > Fordyce angiokeratomas Treatment of prostatitis Pearly penile papules Fordyce granules
Bougienage of the salivary gland duct: indications and procedure
Professional dental care includes removing caries, cystic areas and performing many
if a tooth cyst hurts: treatment at home
Tooth cyst: what home treatment can help?
19915 A cyst is the appearance of a small round formation with purulent masses near the apex of the tooth root,
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