Diseases of the lips and tongue. Why are cheilitis and glossitis dangerous?
Allergic to saxophone? Did you buy a new lipstick or change your toothpaste? And suddenly lips
Lip piercing: upper, lower. Photos of the girls, how it’s done, how long it takes to heal, how to care, price of the procedure
Lip piercing: upper, lower. Photos of the girls, how it’s done, how long it takes to heal, how to care, price of the procedure
Lip piercing: what is it and cost A similar lip piercing service can be obtained in
Cure for candidiasis
Thrush in a newborn's mouth: causes and treatment
Statistics say that every second woman has suffered from thrush at least once in her life. No wonder,
Lipoma - Network of clinics JSC Family Doctor (Moscow) - Photo 1
A ball rolling under the jaw on one side: causes and treatment
Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue. This is the meaning of the term translated from Greek (“Lipos”
Quincke's edema
Why does lip swelling occur due to anesthesia, and what measures should be taken?
Surgeries and manipulations in the oral cavity almost always require anesthesia. Used for different procedures
Lip piercing: Types of piercing, procedure and piercing care
There are many ways to show your individuality. Unusual hairstyle or original hair color, unusual clothes
Scarlet fever
Bubbles in the throat and on its walls - how to treat, causes of appearance
Normally, the mucous membrane of the throat walls is smooth and has a uniform color. However, due to
Thumb sucking
Description of aphthous stomatitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment methods with photos
Why are Bednar's aftas called exactly that - after the surname of their first researcher? They are some
What to do if a child has torn the frenulum between the gum and upper lip - which doctor to contact
The frenulum of the upper lip is a small membrane of mucous membrane that is located in the cavity
Heaven in your mouth
Causes of yellow sky, diagnostic methods and treatment methods
To answer the question: why there is a yellow palate in the mouth (see photo), you should read more
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