Mouth ulcers: causes and methods of treatment

January 16, 2019

If a white sore appears in the mouth, then many people do not pay enough attention to it, and at the slightest concern they immediately open the Internet and begin to look for information on how to treat it using traditional methods. But, you must admit that even doctors sometimes cannot immediately make an accurate diagnosis after the first examination, and here we are talking about the oral cavity, where bacteria spread at lightning speed from inadequate treatment. Accordingly, any experiment can end disastrously: at best, teeth and gums will suffer, at worst, infection will spread to the blood, other organs, and even to the brain. After all, without a professional diagnosis, you cannot know for sure what is hidden behind this seemingly harmless sore.

Why might white sores appear in the mouth?

The editors of propose to consider all the reasons why an ulcer could be localized in the mouth. Believe me, most of them are not at all as harmless as they might seem at first glance.

Reason No. 1: you injured the mucous membrane

A sore or wound in the mouth can be located anywhere: on and under the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks, on the gums or on the roof of the mouth, in the throat and even on the lips. Almost always it causes anxiety and discomfort, pain during eating. But despite this, many consider injury to the mucous membrane not dangerous. Moreover, this state of affairs is quite familiar, everyday - it doesn’t happen to anyone. After all, you can get injured due to strong mechanical impact, using a toothbrush too hard, biting on food, or during surgical interventions. Injury can result from thermal burns, chemical exposure, or improperly installed crowns and fillings.

Children can easily get a wound - sometimes it’s enough just to “pull” an object into their mouth that is not intended for food. This can be an ordinary sharp pen or pencil.

In children, trauma is a common cause of the problem.

Why is it dangerous to ignore such injuries? First of all, you need to remember that in some cases, sores in the mouth become a chronic phenomenon, that is, after healing, they appear again after a certain period of time. Each time they heal more slowly, and the surrounding microflora affects them more aggressively. Chronic foci of damaged areas of the mucosa cause bacterial infection, leukoplakia, fibroma, hematoma and erosion.

If a sore appears in your mouth as a result of an injury, then think about how to treat it in a timely manner and avoid relapse so that it does not become chronic. First, rule out a traumatic factor, for example, contact a dentist to adjust fillings, dentures, and crowns. Secondly, treat the damaged areas with antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). Thirdly, try to speed up healing with vitamin A, rosehip and sea buckthorn oils.

Preventive measures

To avoid causing the formation of aphthae in the mouth, you need to:

  • Perform daily hygiene procedures to remove plaque from teeth and tongue;
  • eat only well-washed foods;
  • do not refuse to visit the dentist if erosive changes occur on the oral mucosa;
  • include more vitamins in the diet;
  • use toothbrushes of medium or soft hardness;
  • Visit the dentist every six months.

If you adhere to all of the above recommendations, then the likelihood of painful aphthae appearing in the oral cavity will be reduced to zero.

Reason number 2: your gums are inflamed

Sores in the oral cavity often occur in smokers due to constant exposure of the mucous membranes to various substances and resins harmful to the body. But the disease can also occur as a result of insufficient oral hygiene (large accumulation of tartar and plaque, imbalance of microflora), trauma to the mucous membrane, as well as in people with hormonal disorders and reduced immunity. In this case, there is a very high risk of getting ulcerative gingivitis, which, in addition to white foci of inflammation, is characterized by bad breath, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, and bleeding gums.

If you ignore the disease further, you risk encountering periodontitis, when the negative impact of the disease spreads to the periodontal tissue and affects the ligaments that hold the tooth in the socket. So you can completely lose one, two or all teeth.

With gingivitis, white sores are an alarming symptom

Are white mouth sores the result of a condition such as gingivitis? How to treat them in this case? Therapy should be comprehensive, aimed not only at disinfection and elimination of white canker sores, but also at restoring normal blood circulation in the mucous membrane. Be sure to undergo professional oral hygiene, follow the recommendations of your doctor, go to physiotherapy, use specialized rinses and medicated toothpastes in courses.

Should I treat at home or should I go to the doctor?

Considering that most aphthae are provoked by various viruses or other serious diseases, it is practically impossible to treat them at home . Due to the low effectiveness of such therapy, this process only worsens, aphthae occur more often and with renewed vigor, which leads to the development of serious complications.

Therefore, when developing aphthae, it is more advisable to contact a qualified specialist who will not only identify the true cause of their formation, but also draw up a treatment plan according to the individual characteristics of each patient.

Reason #3: you have developed stomatitis

If you use traditional methods of treatment, which, for example, are used for sores in the mouth resulting from mechanical trauma, you will not only not get a positive result, but will also worsen the situation. White ulcers in the mouth in adults and children are characteristic of aphthous and herpetic forms of stomatitis. In the first case, the wounds can be single and larger in size, in the second they are small and there are many of them.

By the way, stomatitis can easily appear as a result of stress, overexertion, untreated caries, vitamin deficiency (in particular, lack of vitamin C). How to treat such sores in the mouth? Adjust your diet, sanitize your oral cavity, use gels and ointments like “Chlorophyllipt”, “Stomatofit”, “Cholisal”, “Metrogil”.

On a note!

There are also such phenomena as Setton's aphthae and Bednar's aphthae. The first speak of the occurrence of necrotic processes in soft tissues, characterized by the appearance of ichor and lymph, severe pain. They are localized on the inside of the cheeks, the lateral lines of the tongue, and in the corners of the lips. The latter occur mainly in children due to injury to the mucous membrane; they are located on the palate.

The photo shows stomatitis in a child

Lack of treatment or incorrectly selected therapy measures can lead to a constant relapse of the disease and its transition to the chronic stage - if you haven’t cured it once, it will always occur with you at the slightest weakening of your immune system. But this is not all the trouble: ulcers can lead to necrotic damage to soft and even bone tissue, to tooth loss, and to gangrenous and purulent phenomena.

What is afta

The medical concept of “aphthae” (in Latin aphthae) implies ulcerative formations of an oval or round shape. Their size rarely exceeds 3-5 mm. In some cases, larger, irregularly shaped lesions may appear on the mucous membrane. They are also called sores, they are quite painful and cause severe discomfort. Their appearance is associated with problems in the gastrodigestive tract.

Mechanism of occurrence

Aphtha on the inside of the lip

At the initial stage of development of aphthous stomatitis, itching and a burning sensation are felt in the oral cavity, more precisely in the area of ​​the mucous membrane where the ulcer forms.

After 2-3 days , the bubbles are clearly visible; there may be not one, but several at once. Such small aphthae begin to transform into painful ulcers in a fairly short time. They have a characteristic yellowish-white color.

Along their edges there is pronounced redness caused by a local inflammatory process. Considering the fact that the pathological condition also affects nearby lymph nodes, this pathological condition is often associated with toothache.

After a few days , the spots have a white-gray color, and they already consist of fibrin, a protein that affects the blood’s ability to clot and forms a protective barrier over the aphthae. If the wounds are large in size, then the pain is quite persistent, provoking not only discomfort, but also general fatigue, and sometimes the appearance of a feverish state.

What it looks like (+photo)

At the first stage of development of the disease, aphtha has the appearance of a vesicle containing liquid. At the second stage of stomatitis progression, the ulcers acquire a yellowish color and are surrounded by a reddish halo. At the third stage, the aphtha is white in color and contains protein inside. At the fourth stage, aphtha looks like a pink spot.

First stage

Second stage

Third stage

Fourth stage

Most often, painful manifestations can appear on:

  • mucous membrane of the lower lip;
  • language;
  • central area of ​​the jaw;
  • gums, palate;
  • throat, pharynx.

If there are too many aphthae, then we are talking about the presence of a chronic pathology, which is accompanied by relapses.

Reason #4: You have an oral infection

It's hard to believe, but if a white sore appears in your mouth, this may be a sign of diphtheria, syphilis or tuberculosis. Naturally, there can be no question of how to treat it without consulting a doctor, especially using traditional methods.

Most people have experienced the appearance of whitish sores on the mucous membranes and on the edges of the lips due to the common herpes virus, which constantly “dormants” in everyone’s body. How to treat them? Zovirax or Acyclovir will help, plus local strengthening of the body's immune forces.

As for tuberculosis, a sore in the mouth, as in the photo, is already a secondary sign of the disease. It can appear on the red border of the lips and on the mucous membrane, it can bleed and have a fairly soft structure, and it will cause severe pain. In addition, the patient’s general condition worsens and his body temperature rises.

Three tuberculosis ulcers on the mucous membrane are a secondary symptom

With syphilis, sores in the mouth are painless and can be single or multiple. Accompanied by the presence of purulent infiltrate inside. Naturally, treatment for such a pathology will have to take place in a venereology clinic or hospital.

Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner for such diseases is fraught not only with significant damage to the health of the entire body and organs as a whole, the inability to lead a full life, the threat of infecting others, but even death. Infections from the mouth with saliva can be transferred to the throat, trachea, tonsils, respiratory tract, and esophagus.

It is important to know!

In a child, the cause of white ulcers in the mouth can be measles, scarlet fever and chickenpox. No self-medication is acceptable here. You need to see a doctor.


The cause of the disease is determined by the dentist. First, he examines the lesions, and then asks the patient several questions to determine the factors that triggered the appearance of the ulcers.

The questions concern how long ago the rashes appeared, how often they reoccur, the presence of bad habits and additional symptoms of pathology (fever, weight loss).

After a visual examination, the dentist may prescribe a blood test. Based on biological material, the possibility of infection of the patient with bacterial and viral pathogens is established, and the level of iron and vitamin B in the body is determined. If the results are controversial, a biopsy of material from the affected areas of the epithelium is additionally prescribed.

If, when collecting an anamnesis, the dentist suspects the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a patient, the patient will be referred to a gastroenterologist for a more complete diagnosis and treatment.

Reason No. 5: you have a dangerous cancer disease

The following symptoms are characteristic of oncology: a sore has appeared in the mouth, mainly on the inside of the cheek or on the lower jaw, on the gum, it is white, does not hurt, but after all the measures taken it does not go away, but only increases in size and interferes with normal swallowing, chewing and salivation. This may be a precancerous1 disease or cancer. How to treat? The main thing is to make the correct diagnosis as early as possible, to identify a malignant tumor or a benign one. The result and success of treatment largely depends on this.


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  1. Gileva O.S., Libik T.V., Pozdnyakova A.A., Satyukova L.Ya. Precancerous diseases in the structure of the pathology of the oral mucosa. Problems of dentistry, 2013.

Treatment of concomitant diseases

It is important to understand why mouth ulcers form: the reasons for their appearance are different and treatment can be much more complex than with ordinary stomatitis. In the presence of systemic, sexually transmitted, oncological diseases and complex infectious processes, it is not enough to simply spread medicinal products on the wounds.

Without eliminating the cause of mouth ulcers, it is impossible to get rid of the disease completely. After the abscess heals, it will soon appear again. This is why it is important to see a doctor even if home treatment seems to help with the ulcers.

After diagnosing diseases more complex and dangerous than stomatitis, you need to be prepared for long-term treatment. It cannot be interrupted at your own discretion or the medications changed. Severe infections of bacterial origin require systematic use of antibiotics; folk remedies cannot be cured.


No matter how many times ulcers appeared, so many times it was stomatitis. Fortunately, other causes of white ulcers in the mouth were avoided, and stomatitis was enough for the eyes, a very painful disease. In oncology, a sore on the inside of the cheek is a precancerous or cancerous disease of what? Cheeks, jaws?

Sabina (01/29/2019 at 07:26 pm) Reply to comment

    Sabina, it all depends on the situation - you need to look at your overall health status and other symptoms. If your dentist or therapist suspects more serious pathologies, you should consult an oncologist.

    Editorial staff of the portal (02/01/2019 at 07:17) Reply to comment

After every slightest stress, a couple of these pop out on the inside of my cheek. I wonder if a nervous disorder could be the cause of the appearance of white ulcers in the mouth?

Anna (01/31/2019 at 15:11) Reply to comment

    Stressful situations lead to fatigue of the body as a whole, disruption of many systems, and decreased immunity. So yes, many diseases do occur as a result of stress.

    Editorial staff of the portal (01/31/2019 at 16:17) Reply to comment

The reasons for the appearance of white ulcers in the mouth are very different, but no matter how many times I had them, it was always stomatitis. I’ll apply the gel and as soon as it goes away I’ll stop using it. Do I need to treat this somehow comprehensively, or if the ulcer goes away, should I do nothing further?

Olga (01/31/2019 at 15:21) Reply to comment

Please tell me, could the main cause of white ulcers in the mouth be not stomatitis or an infection of the oral cavity, but diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example?

Kamil (02/04/2019 at 16:19) Reply to comment

The reasons for the appearance of white ulcers in the mouth turned out to be worse than I could have thought. I get them from time to time, I just dilute baking soda and salt in a glass of water and rinse, and they disappear after a couple of days. Or is it better to go to the doctor next time? I thought since they disappear it means it’s not scary(

Marina (02/04/2019 at 18:08) Reply to comment

Just terrible diagnoses can be hidden behind a simple white sore. The causes of white sores in the mouth are much worse than I could imagine. It turns out you need to immediately run to the doctor.

Lena (02/04/2019 at 23:34) Reply to comment

Could sores in the mouth mean that some internal organ is sick? How can you determine it yourself and how can you treat it at home?

Tori (02/05/2019 at 12:32 pm) Reply to comment

    Ulcers and erosions in the mouth can occur as a result of endocrine disorders, indicating problems in the internal organs, for example, renal failure, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, this is a serious reason to think about the state of your health. And remember, there are so many causes of ulcers that there is no one universal treatment regimen for all types. Yes, you can try to start by rinsing your mouth with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile and calendula; this will not cause any harm. But then it’s better to contact the doctor directly, and not to the Internet, because the Internet will definitely not give you the correct diagnosis.

    Editorial staff of the portal (02/10/2019 at 08:48) Reply to comment

I'm worried about the taste of acetone in my mouth. After eating, about two to two hours later, the breath begins to smell strongly. Do you think this may be due to poor kidney function? I recently suffered from mouse fever.

Alexander (02/26/2019 at 14:48) Reply to comment

I was on a diet for almost two months, now I have already established a regimen and switched to proper nutrition, but the taste of acetone and the white coating on the tongue that was during the diet does not go away and still does not, what could this be connected with?

Maria (02/26/2019 at 09:28 pm) Reply to comment

It is strange that Colgate silk threads were not included in the rating of the best toothbrushes. The bristles are moderately soft, the bristles are very thin, it seems to me that this removes plaque very well, and between teeth too. Or is all this just inspired by advertising?

Julia (02/27/2019 at 04:19 pm) Reply to comment

The sometimes disturbing taste of acetone in the mouth is disturbing. I watch my diet very carefully. I took tests and my sugar levels were normal. I'm very afraid of diabetes, because... It runs in my family. Can gum problems cause this bad taste?

Katerina (03/01/2019 at 11:16) Reply to comment

The reasons for the appearance of iodine taste in the mouth are different; if it appears, it can be a serious health problem. Are there statistics on what percentage is the cause of excess iodine in the body? After all, there are many people who regularly eat a lot of seafood, but they do not complain about the taste of iodine in their mouths.

Anton (03/02/2019 at 15:31) Reply to comment

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White sore in the mouth: what can be done at home

If it is not possible to go to the doctor at the moment, you can treat mouth ulcers at home. In such cases, performing some procedures from traditional medicine methods will help alleviate the symptoms, but at the first opportunity you should go to the doctor for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Folk remedies can be used as an addition to drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. But only after consultation with him, because even medicinal plants are not suitable for all people and have their own side effects.

The following methods of treating stomatitis are known:

  • Ulcers in the mouth, cheek or lip can be treated with bluing. To do this, apply the solution to the affected spots; it is convenient to use cotton swabs. It is better to carry out the procedure while staying at home, as bluing turns the surface of the lips blue.
  • You can get rid of wounds and ulcers with the help of soda: rinse with a soda solution or treat white ulcers in the mouth with a paste of soda mixed in a teaspoon with a small amount of water.
  • You can treat pustules with aloe juice or sea buckthorn oil.
  • Ulcers heal quickly if you often rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, horse sorrel, calendula, or carrot juice, horseradish, diluted half with water.
  • A mixture of honey and grated almonds helps fight mouth ulcers. Even in the old days, pustules were smeared with such a mixture, which is why they healed quickly.
  • For mouth ulcers, treatment at home can be done with a mixture of grated potatoes and olive oil or grated garlic (a couple of cloves) with sour milk.
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