Pathological causes of burning tongue and proper treatment


The tongue and oral cavity of a person are an indicator of the state of health, therefore, when diagnosing any diseases, doctors examine the condition of the patient’s pharynx.

Sometimes the clinical picture describes a burning or itching in the area of ​​the sublingual cavity, on the outer surface of the tongue.

Despite minor discomfort, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out to differentiate typical dental situations from serious pathologies of internal organs or systems. Localized burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations are called glossalgia.

Predisposing factors

Itching and burning in the tongue area can occur for a number of reasons, so it is very important to conduct a whole range of studies to establish the true mechanisms of pathology formation.

General factors

Often, a burning sensation on the tongue is provoked by mechanical damage when the mucous tissues of the tongue are affected, leading to disruption of the capillary blood supply.

If the burning sensation from the tongue tends to generalize to the inside of the cheeks, palatine space and lips, then the development of stomalgia occurs. The disease occurs when mucous tissues are systematically traumatized by teeth with chips, cracks or sharp edges, braces or incorrectly installed fillings.

In addition to injuries, burning sensation can be caused by the following factors:

  • reduction of gastric secretion up to 75%;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • B12-deficiency anemia (lack of vitamin B leads to deterioration of nerve conduction);
  • gastroduophageal reflux of any origin;
  • diabetic disease;
  • some mental illnesses (innervation of nerve roots and processes increases during excitement);
  • carrying out antihypertensive therapy (with long-term treatment with Capoten, Monopril, a short-term burning sensation may occur);
  • active phase of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • menopause.

Often, a burning sensation in the area of ​​the tongue and sublingual cavity is recorded against the background of viral hepatitis of any group, pulmonary tuberculosis, cholecystitis.

When the hypothalamus is disturbed, damage to the autonomic nervous system occurs, which leads to a deterioration in blood microcirculation and the secretion of various glands, including salivary glands.

Therefore, with diabetes and other endocrinological diseases, dry mouth and burning sensation on the tongue are noted . Stress, overwork and emotional instability can provoke the occurrence of such a symptom.

Pathological causes

In dentistry, there are several main factors that cause dry mouth, soreness, burning of the tongue and discomfort in the oral cavity:

  1. Xerotomia. The symptom complex of xerotomy is expressed not only by dryness and burning in the tongue, but also by a disturbance in the secretion of the salivary glands.
    On examination, cracks ranging from barely noticeable to pronounced deep are noted on the surface of the tongue. The burning sensation intensifies to the point of pain when the patient eats acidic foods, fresh fruits, carbonated or sour drinks. The etiology of xerotomia is often caused by dehydration due to intoxication, Sjögren's disease.
  2. Candidiasis. Fungal infection of the oral cavity is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning, pain in the areas of fungal rashes.
    Candida fungus exists in all people, but under certain factors it turns into a pathogenic agent, causing diseases.

    Clinically, with candidiasis, the tongue is coated with a white, often dry coating, and the tongue area itself turns a rich bloody color. Along with itching and burning, patients experience severe pain on the tip of the tongue.

  3. Allergic reactions. Allergies and inflammation are often the body's reaction to foreign bodies in the oral cavity.
    Thus, when installing braces, during prosthetics or osseointegration, as well as when wearing removable orthodontic structures, irritation may occur. Despite the hypoallergenic nature of modern materials, the likelihood of allergies, rejection and other unpleasant consequences of prosthetics is quite likely.
  4. Deposits on tooth enamel. Insufficient care or lack of oral hygiene leads to the formation of stones on the inner surface of the tooth.
    Hard plaque contains huge colonies of pathogenic microorganisms that release toxic components.

    Microbes provoke the development of inflammatory foci in the oral cavity, leading to chronic glossalgia. The condition is easily eliminated by hygienic teeth cleaning at the dentist.

  5. Epithelial leukoplakia. When the mechanisms of desquamation of epithelial structures at the cellular level are disrupted, as well as disruption of regenerative processes, it leads to the formation of white plaques on the cheeks, on the surface of the palate and tongue.
    Often the course of the disease is latent with temporary episodes of exacerbation. Leukoplakia occurs more often in smokers, becoming a sign of a precancerous condition.
  6. Herpetic rashes. Herpes is an infectious disease of a viral nature.
    Once an episode occurs, it almost always leads to chronicity of the pathological process. The appearance of blisters on the mucous membranes of the throat indicates an exacerbation of the disease and requires immediate use of antiviral drugs. As the patient recovers, the blisters transform into small erosive lesions.

Almost all diseases of the oral cavity of any origin can cause glossalgia. This is due to the huge number of nerve roots and receptors in the tongue and sublingual cavity, including multiple capillary weaves.

Associated symptoms and what do they indicate?

The table shows symptoms and diseases:

Clinical signsDiseases
The tip of the tongue stingsBurn, leukoplakia, stomatitis
Stings under the tongueFungal, bacterial infection, inflammation of the salivary glands
The tongue is covered with a white coatingGastrointestinal diseases, candidiasis
Lips are dryAllergic, drug stomatitis, lichen planus
Tongue stings constantlyDysbacteriosis, increased stomach acidity, cholecystitis
Stings tongue and throatFungal stomatitis, herpes infection, food allergy
Tongue stings in the morningPoor quality toothpaste, stomatitis
Rash on tongueHerpetic stomatitis, allergies, thermal burns
Tongue red, crimsonConsumption of coloring foods, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, Kawasaki disease, food poisoning, vitamin B deficiency₁₂

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of pathology consists of a visual assessment of the oral cavity by the dentist. Additionally, you should visit an endocrinologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist. To clarify the general picture of the disease, the following tests should be performed:

  • blood for detailed biochemical parameters;
  • blood test for plasma glucose levels (for the possible development of diabetes mellitus);
  • throat swab for laboratory testing;
  • stool analysis for enterobiasis.

In case of a burdened clinical history, additional tests should be taken and examined by various specialists in the field to exclude exacerbation of other diseases of internal organs or systems.

Dangerous causes of blood taste in the mouth and ways to eliminate it.

Read here what can cause a white bump on the gum.

At this address you will find a complete list of human tongue diseases.

Causes other than dental

A burning tongue can be caused by factors unrelated to dentistry:

  • Glossitis and stomatitis are quite often diagnosed in patients with HIV infection

    psychological disorders;

  • heartburn;
  • drug therapy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • blood diseases;
  • previous radiation and chemotherapy;
  • unbalanced diet.

Glossitis and stomatitis are quite often diagnosed in patients with HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, and hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland.

Disruption of the normal microflora of the oral cavity occurs in chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Therapy tactics

Treatment of burning sensation in the tongue area begins with sanitation of the oral cavity (treatment of caries, removal of tartar, hygienic cleaning of teeth, including periodontal pockets).

If you have dentures, braces and other orthodontic structures, they are checked and, if necessary, cleaned or replaced.

For stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the mucous membrane, treatment is carried out. Treatment for glossalgia is prescribed only against the background of a completely healthy mouth.

Medication correction

Treatment is prescribed after the true cause of the burning sensation has been established. When the root cause is eliminated, glossitis usually goes away on its own.

The mandatory groups of drugs for the treatment of burning and other unpleasant sensations include:

  • rinsing the mouth with antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexidine aqueous);
  • the use of ointments and solutions with Lidocaine, Novocaine (baby gels are suitable for teething).

If glossalgia is of a fungal nature, local medications based on active ingredients such as Clotrimazole and Nystatin are prescribed.

If the cause is bacterial, then Metrogil-denta and Metrogil gel are prescribed. If the causative agent of the burning sensation is viral agents, then it is advisable to prescribe Acyclovir, Florenal ointment, Oxolinic ointment.

Unpleasant symptoms are perfectly eliminated by means of systemic action: sea buckthorn oil, Actovegin gel, solutions of oils A or E. If respiratory disorders are noted against the background of glossalgia, it is recommended to take Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone.

All prescriptions are made by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis of the disease. In childhood, in the later stages of the disease, hospitalization may be necessary. Additionally, drugs from the group of corticosteroids may be needed.

Alternative medicine

With localized glossitis, without deterioration in general well-being, you can limit yourself to traditional methods of therapy at home.

In case of herpetic infection or the fungal nature of the disease, it is unacceptable to use alternative medicine recipes as monotherapy.

The main means for maintaining oral health include the following:

  1. Oak decoction. Decoction of oak bark (rinsing or internal use).
    To prepare, grind 20 g of bark, place in a saucepan, add water and seal tightly with a lid. The container with the composition is boiled over a fire and infused. The finished broth is filtered and taken as a generous rinse several times a day. A fresh decoction should be prepared every day. To improve the therapeutic effect, the decoction should be warm.
  2. Sage infusion. Sage is a powerful natural antiseptic.
    Prepare the infusion as follows: place 20 grams of dry herbs in 200 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused for about 2-3 hours in a thermos or in a hermetically sealed pan, which can be wrapped in a terry towel and covered with pillows. Rinse the mouth with the prepared decoction several times a day.
  3. Curd product. Cottage cheese is mixed with fat sour cream in a 1:1 ratio, wrapped in gauze and applied to the tongue for a long time. Sour cream softens mucous tissues, and cottage cheese acts on an absorbent principle.
  4. Herbal collection. To prepare the decoction, place yarrow, chamomile, sage, aloe, and calendula in equal proportions in a bowl of boiling water and leave for an hour.
    After preparation, strain the mixture and rinse every 3 hours. The therapeutic effect is observed in the next 3 days. This decoction is a good addition to the main treatment.
  5. Honey and chamomile. To prepare the product you will need a propolis tincture and a ready-made chamomile decoction. Add 15 drops of tincture to a warm herbal decoction (about 200 ml). Rinse your mouth with this mixture for 24 hours. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days. Not suitable for young children.

To achieve good therapeutic results, traditional medicine recipes should be taken adequately.

Thus, when serious diseases of internal organs or systems are manifested, as well as when dental conditions are registered, the use of chamomile decoction alone will not give the expected results. Treatment with traditional methods is often carried out only in combination with conservative therapy.

What can cause a metallic taste in the mouth and how to get rid of it.

This article contains material on the development and treatment of allergic stomatitis.

Follow the link and find out detailed instructions for using Lugol for stomatitis in a child.


If the papilla on your tongue is inflamed, visit the dentist. Only he will be able to correctly determine the causes of the disease, find out what caused the damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and the body of the tongue. The area where the disease is localized plays an important role in making the correct diagnosis. Pathology can cover the entire organ, part of it, or the sides. Based on this factor and the clinical picture, we can assume what exactly caused the inflammation.

In all languages

When the mucous layer of an organ is affected over its entire surface, the most common cause is a thermal or chemical burn. One can assume the infectious nature of the pathology. If the damage is severe, there may be no taste at all. Patients complain of severe burning.

On the root

Most often, the papillae on the tongue at the base become inflamed due to the action of allergens. The affected root of the muscular organ causes difficulties such as the perception of bitterness, because the inflammatory process has affected the circumvallate papillae. They are the ones responsible for this function. The patient's salivation increases, and the tissues in the oral cavity swell. This condition can also be caused by problems with the digestive system, too high or low acidity of gastric juice. It is on the back of the speech organ that bacterial or fungal glossitis is localized.

On the tip

The disease can affect the tip. This often occurs due to mechanical injuries or damage. The edge of the tongue is the first to come into contact with excessively hot food or aggressive drinks, which burns this area. Soft tissues often rub against sharp chips of crowns and are subject to accidental biting.


The delicate surface on the sides often suffers from various anomalies. Leaf-shaped, conical, filamentous, mushroom-shaped structures are exposed by the teeth. This leads to an increase in the papillae, their hyperemia due to mechanical damage from fangs and molars. Also provoking factors are painful microorganisms and burns of chemical origin.

Unacceptable actions

If there is a burning sensation in the mouth, if there is damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, you should not do the following:

  • eat hot or too cold food;
  • drink sour drinks and fruits;
  • include aggressive foods in the diet (sour, spicy, salty foods);
  • chew chewing gum;
  • brush your teeth with a paste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • cauterize with alcohol compounds, brilliant green.

At the time of treatment, you should not visit crowded places (or wear a respiratory mask) or rooms with chemical dust.

During treatment, a protective regime should be observed to prevent diseases that weaken the general immune system.

List of hypoallergenic products

The list below contains toothpastes that are recognized by dentists as hypoallergenic. They can be recommended as a treatment and prophylactic agent for people with diagnosed allergies or for ongoing oral care for people with hypersensitivity to various substances used in the production of classic toothpastes.

  1. "ZERO BALANCE" (SPLAT). One of the most effective hypoallergenic pastes, containing silver ions and having a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The paste is a transparent gel and does not contain chemical additives, triclosan, menthol, fluorides or flavors. Ideal for pregnant and lactating women.

  2. Logona. Mineral toothpaste containing brown algae extract. The product does not contain fluorides, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavors or preservatives and has an organic, completely natural composition. Attention! Logona paste contains mint oil, so this product is contraindicated for people allergic to menthol.
  3. "Weleda". This is a salt paste with natural plant extracts that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, bleaching additives, fluoride compounds, flavors, dyes or preservatives. Suitable for permanent use.

Important! Even hypoallergenic toothpastes can provoke allergic reactions in the case of a rare type of allergy, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the tolerance of hygiene products and, if alarming symptoms appear, seek repeated consultation with a dentist.

Video - How to choose toothpaste?

Toothpaste allergy is a rare type of allergy that is often confused with oral sensitivity. In case of true allergies, the doctor may suggest specific therapy methods (for example, immunotherapy), but in most cases, eliminating contact with the pathogen is enough to eliminate the pathological symptoms. Antihistamines can be used as an emergency aid, but they should not be abused. The optimal choice for people with allergies to toothpastes would be a hypoallergenic toothpaste that does not contain common allergens (sodium lauryl sulfate, carbonic acid salts, essential oils and menthol). Learn about tooth replacement at this link.

Preventive actions

The main preventive measure is monitoring oral health, that is, timely visits to doctors, treatment of caries, and elimination of other dental diseases. Other measures include:

  • complete healthy diet;
  • brushing teeth 2 times a day;
  • preventive examinations at the dentist at least 2 times;
  • healthy lifestyle (disease prevention).

If there is a burning sensation in the tongue, it is important to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. It is these toxic substances that can negatively affect not only the condition of the oral cavity, but also the health of the patient as a whole.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.


In most cases, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the results of an external examination and questioning of the patient.

If your tongue stings, swells or hurts, you need to visit a dentist.

In most cases, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the results of an external examination and questioning of the patient.

To determine the etiology of the disease, scrapings are taken from the surface of the mucous membranes for cytological, bacteriological, and histological studies.

Viral infections are detected using PCR diagnostics and blood ELISA. Differential diagnosis is carried out with tongue cancer and secondary syphilis.


Burning and itching in the tongue area is a signal from the body about the beginning of a pathological process. It is necessary to begin timely and complete treatment to prevent all kinds of complications.

Considering the polyetiology of glossalgia, treatment should be carried out after a thorough examination. If you have had unpleasant sensations in the tongue area, you can share treatment methods and general well-being at that time in the form of comments below.

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Since it is difficult to immediately determine the cause of glossalgia, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating possible causes of pain. Dentures, if any, are checked, the quality of fillings, the shape of teeth and bite. At the same time, the dentist can refer you for a consultation with specialized specialists: gastroenterologist, neurologist, psychologist, endocrinologist, hematologist, etc.

If you ask your dentist how to cure glossalgia, most likely he will tell you about a number of typical procedures, which usually include pain-relieving applications, rinses with herbs, lubricating the tongue with retinol acetate and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, iontophoresis, massage). However, it is possible to select more serious medications only after establishing the exact cause of this disease.

Vasenev E.E. wrote in detail about how to treat glossalgia using modern methods. in his article about transcranial electrical stimulation. The essence of this method is a non-drug effect on the blood vessels of the brain, which significantly reduces pain and leads to progress in treatment. Judging by the results of the treatments, this method will soon be in great demand among patients with a similar diagnosis.

Language functions

In order to find out why pain in this muscle organ may occur, it is necessary to understand its purpose. So, the functions of the language are as follows:

  1. Protective. The tongue prevents the penetration of germs and viruses through the mucous membrane.
  2. Sensitive. This organ is responsible for the sensitivity of tactile, thermal, pain and taste sensations.
  3. Plastic. The tongue helps to quickly restore cells and the upper layer of skin in case of mechanical damage.
  4. Suction. With the help of this organ, various substances enter the human body.

Language is a universal mechanism. It has a direct impact on the functioning of our body. That is why he needs to constantly pay attention and regularly care for him using hygiene procedures.

From the point of view of anatomical structure, the tongue is a muscle, on top of which there are many nerve endings, glands, fibers, papillae and taste buds. This organ has a direct connection with the gastrointestinal tract and affects its functioning. Our voice timbre also depends on the language.

This organ consists of two parts that do not have a clear boundary between each other. One of them is the back one. This is the root of the tongue, which on one of its sides fuses with the oral mucosa. The front part is the body. She is able to move freely in different directions. The upper surface of the tongue is called the dorsum.

This organ can be described as a litmus test, indicating the presence of diseases and malfunctions of various internal organs.

What's wrong with this vegetable?

Often the culprits of undesirable reactions in the body are nitrates and other substances present in melons, which are used to speed up their ripening and facilitate storage.

Therefore, you should not be tempted by early fruits; it is safer to buy vegetables during their natural ripening period, and benefit from the vitamins and microelements that melon is rich in.

  • The main allergen protein is profilin. The immune system reacts to it immediately, producing protective antibodies;
  • The lipid transporter protein is considered a strong allergen that can even provoke anaphylactic shock;
  • Other substances that cause allergies are pathogenesis-related protein, thaumatin-like protein, malate dehydrogenase.

Herpetic infection

If a child’s tongue hurts, the causes of this condition may lie in the occurrence of painful ulcers. They entail uncomfortable sensations. The main cause of the disease is the herpes virus, which begins to multiply when the immune system reacts to foreign organisms.

The pathology manifests itself sharply. The child's tongue begins to hurt and the temperature rises. The baby becomes excessively sleepy, and when examining the oral mucosa, multiple blisters and ulcers are noticeable. Most often, the tip of the child’s tongue hurts. The baby's saliva becomes more viscous.

In addition to the tongue, rashes affect the surface of the cheeks, lips, and sometimes also appear at the entrance to the pharynx. These bubbles are watery and very small. They are grouped on the reddened mucosa. Over a short period of time, the bubbles open. The affected areas are covered with a yellowish-gray film. After it peels off, painful ulcers appear.

Why are early melons dangerous?

Juicy honey melon is not only a great way to quench your thirst in the summer. The fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, folic and ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A and P, fats, sugar, iron salts, potassium and sodium. Melon can be dried, dried, and made into delicious jam, marmalade and candied fruits.

Melons usually appear on shelves towards the end of July. But you can see them in supermarkets at the very beginning of summer. Sometimes these are imported fruits, for example, from Turkey or India, but most often they are domestic, grown with the help of many fertilizers.

Melon is already contraindicated for many - for example, diabetics and nursing mothers, as well as ulcer sufferers, as it causes flatulence and bloating. A damaged melon can become a breeding ground for botulism and salmonellosis. And early fruits still contain nitrates - dangerous chemical elements that can negatively affect your health.

Appearance in children

Children often face this problem. The appearance of similar symptoms in a child almost always indicates the development of candidiasis. Here it is necessary to conduct a careful visual examination of the oral mucosa for the presence of a dense white coating with a cheesy consistency - this is the very first sign of the pathology in question. If your baby is still very young and cannot tell you about the symptoms that are troubling him, pay attention to whether he is constantly sticking out his tongue. This is how little children usually make it clear that they feel discomfort in the organ.

Stomatitis is common in infants

A common accompanying symptom is burning, and this is a good reason for parents to worry. Here you need to monitor the child’s psycho-emotional state, make sure that he does not experience any serious worries or stress. If you suspect that the cause of the itching lies precisely in the psychological state of the baby, it makes sense to show him to a neurologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of sedatives. A childhood disease such as scarlet fever can also provoke itching in the tongue and even in the throat. In any case, if suspicious signs of pathology appear, the child should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

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