All about dental implant systems INNO (South Korea)

Inno implants (South Korea)

Dental implantation is a modern method of dental restoration that is effective and safe.
The choice of INNO designs (South Korea) by the specialists of the Diamant clinic is explained by the fact that the implants of the South Korean brand are produced using the best world achievements in the field of osseointegration and implantation, and also correspond to all the characteristics of premium segment implantation systems, but have a more affordable price.

Thanks to this, INNO implants have excellent survival rate (above 98%), durability (more than 20 years), reliability and stability. This allows them to be successfully used for all implantation techniques - with osteoplasty (sinus lift), one-stage, two-stage.

Production technology and materials used

INNO implants are of high quality, have good survival rates at a relatively low cost. The company's specialists carefully studied the scientific base, including research at institutes and practice of working with world-class premium systems, and applied them in the production of tooth replacement structures. The developments are aimed at solving problems faced by dentists and patients (for example, bone necrosis due to excessive pressure). INNO physiological models combine the best qualities:

  • composition of materials;
  • structure;
  • surface coating;
  • shape;
  • inclination, thread depth.

The structures are made from hypoallergenic material - pure titanium. It is durable, does not oxidize, and does not emit toxic substances. The new artificial tooth takes root easily and does not cause discomfort.

Prices for Inno implants

The average cost of a structure in the Russian Federation is 25-35 thousand rubles. An affordable price combined with excellent technical characteristics makes CowellMedi Co models widely popular among patients and doctors.

To find out prices for Inno dental implants in Moscow, sign up for a consultation at Dr. Razumenko’s clinic by calling: 8.

Code no.Name of proceduresUnit of measurementCost, rub.
101Repeated treatment and diagnostic appointment of the patient650,00
300Application anesthesia150,00
301Infiltration anesthesia, conduction550,00
638Installation of the Nobel/ Inno/ Alfa Bio/ Impro system implant1 PC.35 000
639Installation of the Mini-implant system1 PC.30 000,00

* The prices indicated on the website are not a public offer. The exact cost can only be determined by visiting a doctor.

Full price list

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Article Expert:

Lavrentyev Sergey Sergeevich

Doctor - dentist, surgeon, implantologist. He regularly improves his professional level and studies modern methods of dental implantation and surgical dentistry at international seminars and conferences of outstanding implant surgeons in the world.

Work experience 25 years

Design features of the fixture INNO implantation system

Discussions of INNO implants usually center around their design. Thanks to the new hybrid design, the chewing load is effectively distributed, which reduces pressure on the bone. Other features include:

  • open thread, combining 2 types - spiral lock and Buttress;
  • thread depth Depth - 0.3-0.35 mm;
  • pitch between turns Pitch - 0.8 mm;
  • 4 round spiral cutting edges;
  • hex connection standard 2.5;
  • narrowed neck (first turn 0.2 mm);
  • double thread;
  • rounded top;
  • sandblasting coarse-grained surface treatment SLA-SH.

Installation is carried out in 2-4 turns using CWM cutters. The rods are fixed into any type of bone and are compatible with other systems.

Inno implant installation process

Installation of the structure is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1. Preparation.

At the initial stage, the dentist uses instruments to examine the oral cavity, prescribe tests and a CT scan. During the consultation, you must provide the doctor with information about the presence of diseases.

Stage 2. Sanitation and hygiene.

If necessary, treatment and professional cleaning of the oral cavity are prescribed. Plaque and tartar are removed using the ultrasonic method. Treatment of caries, pulpitis and other existing diseases is carried out. All medical procedures are performed under local anesthesia.

Stage 3. Implant installation.

If necessary, osteoplasty is performed - bone tissue augmentation. Under local anesthesia, the dentist excises the mucous membrane and drills into the bone tissue to the required depth using special cutters. If required, osteoplasty is additionally performed - bone tissue augmentation.

Next, the specialist forms a bone bed for installation of the structure. The rod is implanted, and the doctor places a plug on it. At the end, stitches are applied.

Stage 4. Prosthetics.

The period of osseointegration lasts from 3 to 6 months. The period depends on the method of installation of the product and the anatomical features of the patient. After complete implantation into the bone, an abutment is attached to the implant, a gum former is installed, and crown prosthetics are performed.

The survival rate of implants depends on several factors:

  • Biological;
  • Chemical;
  • Surgical.

The high biocompatibility of Korean titanium implants Inno is confirmed by international dental research. A high percentage of osseointegration is ensured by the unique cone-cylindrical shape. This design was not chosen by chance. Using mathematical modeling, it was proven that the “hybridity” of the design makes it possible to evenly distribute the chewing load and eliminate strong pressure on the jaw apparatus.

The rounded top of the product ensures safe installation and eliminates the possibility of membrane injury and damage to the jaw nerve during sinus lifting.

The innovative coating with rhBMR-2 calcium hydroxyapatite material provides a natural surface roughness. This mineral compound is also part of tooth enamel. The required roughness of 1.75–1.95 microns allows successful integration of the implant into the bone.

Characteristics of INNO implants

The structures are ⅓ conical in shape (in the apical section) and ⅔ cylindrical. They have a stepped structure and repeat the cavity for installation, the diameter in the cervical area is reduced. Therefore, when the implant is installed, it goes in almost halfway. The doctor only needs to perform a few movements to insert it completely.

The transverse pit helps to evenly distribute the bone material formed during the healing process (osseointegration). The tight placement enhances primary stabilization in the jaw, eliminating the possibility of excessive pressure. Adhesion to bone is ensured by the SLA active coating, which has a beneficial effect on regenerative properties.

Types of titanium rods

Manufacturers of Inno brand titanium rods have made sure that their implants can be installed in different situations. For this purpose, three types of prostheses were created for different cases of tooth replacement. The first option is a design with an implant driver, which is designed for the installation of lost lateral teeth.

The rod is designed to penetrate hard-to-reach areas of the jawbone due to a special thread shape, which is slightly different from the standard one. The diameter of the rod ranges from 3.5-6 mm, and the length can be from 7 to 14 mm. The second option is systems without implant drivers, which are made to replace the front teeth of the upper or lower jaw.

These rods are no different in diameter and length from the previous ones. The third version of the implant - a shortened one - is intended for placement in places with a lack of bone tissue. Its length is no more than 4 mm, and its diameter can reach 6 mm.


  • To install implants, you do not need to grind down adjacent teeth.
  • Prevents bone tissue atrophy.
  • They are used to restore one, several or all teeth.
  • Provide excellent primary stabilization.
  • They take root quickly.
  • Can be used even in the most severe clinical cases.
  • Implantation with the installation of a crown is allowed immediately after the loss of a damaged tooth.
  • They are identical in function and appearance to natural teeth.
  • High quality, durability (service life up to 20 years).

The INNO system can be considered the new “gold” standard of world implantology, which gives confidence to both the implantologist at every stage of installation and the patient in the long term.

How to care for Inno implants?

To maintain the integrity of the implants and the health of the oral cavity, it is necessary to follow the preventive actions prescribed by specialists. Basically, the list of preventive actions includes:

  • Proper nutrition and avoidance of hot, cold and hard foods that can compromise the integrity and health of an established tooth (ice cream, candy, nuts, etc.).
  • Refusal of bad habits that can disrupt the condition of soft tissues and destroy the integrity of teeth (smoking, alcoholic beverages and drugs).
  • Eating foods rich in vitamin D, which helps strengthen bone tissue and oral health (fish, liver, egg yolk, etc.).
  • Maintain good personal hygiene and regularly brush your teeth, which helps get rid of infections and oral bacteria (using a brush that does not scratch the gums or cause bleeding).
  • Refrain from using medications without a dentist's prescription, as they can provoke allergic reactions and damage the integrity of bone tissue.

Installation procedure

First, an examination is carried out, on the basis of which the dentist determines the possibility of installing titanium rods and whether bone augmentation is necessary. Installation of an implantation system involves:

  1. Implantation of an artificial root (screw element) into the jaw bone using a surgical method.
  2. Stitching.
  3. Connecting the implant to the abutment, which will evenly distribute the load on the gums.
  4. Screwing the artificial tooth crown to the abutment.

To avoid discomfort for the patient during surgery, local anesthesia is used..

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Dental implantation

Impro implants (Germany)

Bicon dental implants (USA)

Basal implantation

Comparison of the benefits and costs of different implants

Let us list the comparative characteristics of implantation systems from different manufacturers.

Israeli Alpha Bio

Made of titanium, which prevents allergic reactions. The porous surface facilitates easy growth of bone tissue inside. Main differences:

  • biocompatibility,
  • reliability,
  • safety,
  • high aesthetic properties,
  • long service life.

Alpha Bio implants are characterized by ease of installation and good survival rate. They do not require bone tissue augmentation and can be installed immediately after tooth extraction. Suitable for one- and two-stage implantation.

Implantium (Implantium) from South Korean manufacturers

The three-blade thread device allows for atraumatic installation with minimal discomfort for the patient. Tissue healing occurs very quickly. The polished flat base prevents jaw infections and provides increased strength and resistance to perforation. The abutment is painted yellow, which is not visible through the gum. The same type of structure and the same internal diameter make it possible to combine products with different designs. Implantium implants do not weigh down the jaw and maintain its aesthetic appearance.

Osstem implants (South Korea)

Grade 4 titanium is also used to produce the artificial Osstem root. A rod with a rough surface is formed on it. Single-step self-tapping thread with helical edge allows for easy direction changes during installation. The calcium-enriched coating reduces osseointegration time by 20% and prevents the risk of rejection. They are used for one- and two-stage implantation.

German dental systems SEMADOS (SEMADOS)

Semados dental implants were developed in Germany. Made in the form of a hexagon from grade 4 titanium. The internal thread and the presence of a cone allow you to create a wedge and strengthen the structure. The narrow polished neck allows for quick insertion into the jaw.

Swiss implants Nobel Biocare

Made from patented TiUnite material. Its composition is similar to bone tissue, which accelerates osseointegration. Each rod is marked with a serial number to avoid counterfeiting. Among the positive properties of Nobel systems it is worth noting:

  • increased stability;
  • installation in an atrophied jaw bone;
  • minimal percentage of rejections (less than 1%);
  • lifetime warranty.

Rating of dental implants by manufacturer

Below we present a rating of implants, which indicates the most common systems in Russia. Please note that we do not rank each brand in a specific place, since without taking into account individual nuances, it is difficult to determine the best among equals. All brands are divided into categories that we have identified based on information from open sources about various implant systems, research data and expert opinion. For each item a certain number of points were awarded on a ten-point system.

Market Kings

Nobel Biocare, Astra Tech and Swiss Straumann implants are considered the three most famous systems in the world. These manufacturers have been on the market for a very long time and are at the forefront of technological solutions. Their implants allow you to count on good functional and aesthetic results even in extremely difficult cases. For all points except one (accessibility), they were given the maximum number of points.

Astra Tech (Sweden/USA)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 99.9% (10 points)10 points10 points10 points4 points

Straumann (Switzerland)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 99.6% (10 points)10 points10 points10 points4 points

Nobel Biocare (Switzerland/USA)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 99.3% (10 points)10 points10 points10 points4 points

Business class systems

The brands of implants listed below, in their clinical characteristics, are as close as possible to dental implants Nobel, Straumann and Astra Tech, but are inferior in some respects or do not have as many unique developments and solutions in their arsenal.

Xive (Germany–USA)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 99.5% (9 points)9 points8 points9 points6 points

Xive Ankylos (Germany–USA)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 99% (9 points)9 points9 points9 points6 points

Impro (Germany)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 98% (9 points)10 points9 points8 points6 points

Biohorizons (USA)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
More than 97.3% (9 points)8 points8 points8 points6 points

NDI Medical (Germany)

Survival rateProstheticsEngraftment timeIndications for installationAffordability
About 99.4% (8 points)7 points7 points7 points10 points

The lineup

The list of products offered includes not only basic options, but also special designs designed for complex surgical operations. Among the popular series of implants it is worth highlighting:

  • The leader is a category of standard root-shaped prostheses with combined threads that guarantee tight fixation of the rod and correct distribution of the mechanical load on the jaw row;
  • Prime - traditional models of medium size, optimal for prosthetics, regardless of the volume of the bone structure;
  • Short – shortened products recommended for installation in case of diagnosed atrophy of the alveolar region;
  • Effective Plus - designs characterized by the presence of an internal cavity and through perforation in the implant, thanks to which the nutrition of the crown is maintained in full, which avoids necrosis of dental tissue;
  • Multi Unit is a comprehensive solution used within the framework of the “all on 4” implantation technique, which allows the installation of prosthetic structures within two days after the operation;
  • OT-Equator and TSA are narrow profile abutments used to treat complex anomalies characterized by crown crowding;
  • Ridge Plus is a technology that provides an increase in bone space through the use of bone cutting techniques and biomass integration, reducing the duration of the operation and improving the quality of fastening of prostheses;
  • Aesthetic – abutments used to restore the aesthetics of a smile, allowing the placement of artificial crowns with straight or angular fixation.

The quality of multifunctional implants offered by the German manufacturer is guaranteed by insurance liability covering the entire period of operation of the prostheses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Clinical studies confirm the positive aspects of prosthetics with NDI implants, highlighting benefits such as:

  • Option to perform operations when there is insufficient volume of the bone structure;
  • Minimizing the risks associated with maxillofacial surgery operations;
  • Availability of models suitable for any clinical picture;
  • Loyal pricing policy that ensures the availability of prosthetics.

Analysis of performance indicators did not reveal any obvious deficiencies - careful selection of the prosthetic design eliminates the possibility of implant rejection or discomfort after installation.

History of appearance

The manufacturer of Anyone implants is the South Korean company MegaGen, which is currently at the forefront of the implantology industry in the Asian region. The company was founded in 2002: over the course of several years, research was carried out and the necessary licenses and certificates were issued. MegaGen received wide recognition in 2011, immediately after entering the international market. The Anyridge and AnyOne implant systems quickly became in demand among clinicians, and the products of this manufacturer are currently represented in more than 100 countries around the world.

How did you manage to make such a leap?

  1. The MegaGen company was founded by Dr. Kwang Bum Pak, a specialist whose name is known not only in South Korea, but also in the USA, where he worked at the Department of Dentistry at Harvard University. He managed to assemble a powerful team of scientists and clinicians with extensive experience in developing products for dental implantation.
  2. MegaGen's research activities are supported by the South Korean government and major organizations.
  3. In 2021, the company opened an implant production plant, which became one of the largest in the region and allowed it to increase its turnover many times over.

In Russia, MegaGen implants are also used, although they are still inferior in popularity to their “compatriots” Osstem and Dentium. However, doctors’ reviews of the MegaGen Anyone and Anyridge implants are mostly positive, so there is every reason to believe that they will be offered more and more often in domestic clinics.

Cost of AnyRidge implantation at NovaDent

The price for AnyRidge implantation is formed as follows:

  • Stage 1:
    Surgical + temporary prosthetics with a plastic crown.
  • radiography;
  • cost of the implant including installation surgery;
  • installation of a gum former;
  • taking impressions and installing a temporary crown.
  • Stage 2:
    Orthopedic - implant prosthetics with metal ceramics or zirconium.
    • Orthopantomogram;
    • Taking impressions;
    • Manufacturing of an individual abutment and permanent crown (metal-ceramics or zirconium dioxide).

    The cost of the first and second stages of treatment is indicated in the table.

    Implantation AnyRidge (Korea) Price
    Doctor's examination and treatment plan for free
    Orthopantomogram for free
    AnyRidge implant (Stage 1: installation of implant and temporary crown) 62 600 49 600 ₽ !!!
    AnyRidge implant (stage 2: permanent prosthetics with metal-ceramics) 36 000 ₽
    Implantation AnyRidge (Korea) Price
    Doctor's examination and treatment plan for free
    Orthopantomogram for free
    AnyRidge implant (Stage 1: installation of implant and temporary crown) 62 600 49 600 ₽ !!!
    AnyRidge implant (stage 2: permanent prosthetics with metal-ceramics) 36 000 ₽

    In addition to implantation, the patient expects expenses for prosthetics. Preparation for implantation, examination and treatment of the oral cavity are also not included in the price. You can see the cost of implantation-related services in the section: Prices.

    But even with all the expenses, the cost of AnyRidge is significantly lower than the price of similar implant systems Nobel, Straumann, Astra Tech.

    Reviews of Korean implants

    In general, Korean implants have received positive reviews, which is due to the affordable pricing policy implemented in our country. At the same time, their quality is significantly superior to their Russian and Belarusian counterparts, which are not popular among local residents.

    If we talk about specific brands, the Korean Osstem dental implants are recognized as the most popular; they inspire high trust among patients and have a large number of reviews. This is due, first of all, to excellent aesthetic parameters, ease of fixation and excellent performance properties. You can also find good reviews about Dentium implants (South Korea), which is facilitated by their unsurpassed quality, identical to systems from premium brands.


    Surface of AnyOne implants

    MegaGen produces two lines of implants - Anyridge and AnyOne. If the former belong to premium products, AnyOne is positioned as an economical system, which, nevertheless, is ready to win competition from more expensive Western implants. Moreover, some of the technological solutions that the company has implemented in the higher-status Anyridge are also used in the production of AnyOne implants, so we can only talk about economy class conditionally.

    Special mention should be made of the XPEED coating. This technology can be called the pride of the company, since XPEED was appreciated by the professional community and received a number of prestigious awards specifically for the quality and cleanliness of the surface.

    ➢ The main technological solution used in the production of XPEED is sandblasting and acid etching (similar to the well-known SLA coating).

    ➢ A distinctive feature of the XPEED coating is the special nanostructure of CaTiO3, which is obtained by treating the surface with calcium ions. In this way, the activity of osteoblasts is stimulated, which significantly accelerates the formation of bone tissue around the implant and, therefore, reduces the healing time.

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