Guide to growing teeth (“Popular Mechanics” No. 3, 2018)
Your new teeth can grow for the third time - find out how
Margarita Morozova “Popular Mechanics” No. 3, 2018 Shock and awe before visiting the dentist are familiar to us
Causes of fractures and repair
When is reinforcement of a removable denture justified?
The popularity of dentures with a fine structure among patients is determined by their aesthetic and functional characteristics.
Restoration of the tooth stump after root canal treatment
Contents Indications for stump restoration Formation of a tooth stump Dental prosthetics Care after crown installation
Photo of a composite onlay for teeth
A student bought dental caps online for a Hollywood smile. How could anything go wrong?
Some dental diseases make it impossible to save the tooth, and it has to be removed. The older
How much does a tooth crown cost: prices, before and after photos, reviews
A dental crown is a separate type of orthopedic structure used in dentistry to restore shape and aesthetics.
Care after dentures on implants
Fixed dentures on implants – single, bridge-like, all on four
Fixed dentures on implants are a convenient and beautiful choice for restoring extracted teeth. Replace
Metal-ceramic crowns - disadvantages and advantages
Installing a crown on a tooth is one of the prosthetic options used when one or more
Materials for the manufacture of fixed dentures
Timing and stages of manufacturing a removable denture
The number of patients in dental clinics in need of prosthetics is growing year after year. Due to
implant survival rate
Can there be an allergy to dental implants, what to do if it occurs?
WITH 99% ACCURACY! "Bionic Dentis" is the only dental clinic in Moscow where you
Photo of ceramic inlays
Dental prosthetics: zirconium - an alternative to metal-ceramics?
Which method is better? Restoring chewing function by installing a prosthesis on titanium roots ensures comfort.
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