With Gluflutored, deep fluoridation is available to everyone

Deep fluoridation is indicated for people with increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, as well as those who have a predisposition to caries.

The entire procedure is safe and painless, and consists of saturating tooth enamel with fluoride ions.

To carry out the procedure, special solutions are used that protect teeth from the negative effects of an acidic environment.

One such remedy is Gluflutored.

General characteristics of the drug

Gluflutored is a domestically produced medical product that is used for dental purposes.
With its help, patients undergo deep fluoridation of tooth enamel and dentin. The main dental enemy is caries, which is probably known to every person. In childhood, it is especially dangerous, because baby teeth are still so weak that they quickly succumb to the destructive process. This is where Gluflutored comes to the rescue, with which you can quickly and easily prevent the development of the pathological process.

Questions that patients most often ask during a consultation with a phlebologist

The doctor at the clinic said that surgical removal of veins is more reliable than laser. Is it so?

Modern medical research has proven that endovenous laser obliteration is as effective in removing varicose veins as surgery. Moreover, the laser allows you to more accurately and even accurately eliminate pathologically altered veins. The minimal trauma of endovascular interventions allows one to avoid both complications and relapses of varicose veins, which cannot be said about classical vein surgery.

Laser treatment of varicose veins is very expensive. Wouldn't it be better to have a regular operation in a hospital?

Prices for endovascular laser interventions today are not exorbitant. An ordinary person with average income can easily afford modern laser treatment for varicose veins. The costs of concomitant treatment for classical vein surgery often exceed the cost of innovative laser intervention.

I was told that my veins were not suitable for laser treatment and offered conventional surgery. What do you think about it?

This is usually said in those medical institutions where they do not know endovasal technologies or have insufficient experience in laser interventions. For an experienced endovascular surgeon, the diameter of the vein and other anatomical nuances have long been no longer a significant problem.

Today laser is fashionable, but is it effective?

Yes, today laser endovascular interventions, in their modern version, are the latest fashion in the treatment of varicose veins. And this situation is not just a trend, but a statement of the fact that today there is simply nothing better and more effective than a laser for the treatment of varicose veins.

What is included in the complex?

The set, consisting of two plastic bottles of 10 ml each, includes:

  • special solution with a characteristic blue color;
  • suspension dissolved in distilled water.

The substance formed as a result of mixing the components, when applied to the teeth, acts as a dense protection for the prevention of diseases of enamel, dentin and pulp. Thanks to this, the acidic effects of monomers and bacteria no longer pose a danger to teeth.

Scope of application

The use of Gluflutored is especially effective in the following cases:

  • caries of any degree, prevention of its occurrence;
  • caries at the spot stage;
  • after using orthodontic structures;
  • getting rid of hypersensitivity and, conversely, with a sharp decrease in sensitivity;
  • fissure sealing;
  • protection of pulp from acidic chemical attack;
  • periodontitis.

Description of the procedure

Deep fluoridation using the drug Gluflutored differs significantly from the usual procedure using fluoridating pastes and varnishes.

In microcracks of damaged enamel, calcium fluoride is formed in the form of microscopic crystals, which act as a constant source of fluoride ions. The hard layers of dental tissue are sealed. And copper compounds act as a barrier to the penetration of microorganisms.

Consistent and correct application of liquid and suspension provides reliable protection of dentin, which occurs by sealing microcracks. The presence of copper and fluoride ions in the hard layers of dental tissue perfectly restores the tooth socket in case of alveolitis and dentin.

Deep fluoridation has repeatedly proven its high efficiency. After the procedure, tooth enamel acquires strength that is 10 times higher than the original one.

Special instructions and application features

The drug has been used in dentistry for quite a long time and has managed to establish itself as a reliable, high-quality product.

The application of the drug to the tooth surface occurs sequentially, in two stages. To begin with, take a liquid that is used to carefully process the enamel. Then the suspension from the kit is applied to the teeth.

The procedure itself, at first glance, may seem quite simple and does not require a visit to the dentist.

But in order to achieve the desired effect and forget about painful sensations for a long time, it is advisable to use the drug only in a clinical setting.

Fluoridation requires a whole range of therapeutic measures:

  • it is necessary to prepare the teeth by cleaning their surface from plaque and stones, for which rotating brushes and fluoride-free pastes are used;
  • fissures are cleaned.
  • application of the drug Gluflutored.

Fluoridation occurs according to the following scheme:

  • The entire tooth surface is thoroughly washed with water, after which it is dried with an air stream;
  • the enamel is treated with a generous layer of liquid from the first bottle;
  • wait a minute after treating with the liquid, then remove its remnants with a dry cotton swab;
  • treat the enamel with a suspension;
  • wait a minute and rinse your teeth with running water.

To consolidate the result, the procedure must be repeated after two weeks. For preventive purposes, deep fluoridation is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a year.

Glufluored for enamel fluoridation: is the procedure effective?

Caries is the main enemy of dental health. Caries is especially dangerous in childhood, since due to the structural features of baby teeth, their destruction occurs very quickly. It is possible to prevent the development of caries and stop the pathological process that has already begun using the procedure of deep fluoridation of the enamel. To carry it out, the drug Gluflutored can be used. Let's figure out what Gluflutored is and how deep fluoridation of enamel is carried out with this drug.

2 style=”text-align: center;”>What is deep fluoridation and is it effective?

One of the methods of exogenous (local) caries prevention is deep fluoridation. Its essence is to increase the resistance of enamel to the effects of carious bacteria and its remineralization by applying fluoride preparations to the tooth surface. Today, fluoride-containing preparations are considered the main means of caries prevention.

Note: deep fluoridation is a highly effective procedure, after which the enamel becomes 10 times stronger.

The deep fluoridation procedure can be considered an innovation in dentistry, as it appeared relatively recently. However, the anti-caries effect of fluorides has been known for more than a hundred years.

For many years, dentists have successfully carried out the simple fluoridation procedure. During this process, Fluoride varnish, a preparation containing sodium fluoride, or its analogues, is applied to the enamel. After application, Fluoride varnish hardens on the teeth in the form of a transparent film, from which fluoride is gradually released. By saturating the enamel, fluoride makes it stronger; moreover, it reduces the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates in the oral cavity and the intensity of the formation of lactic acid, which destroys dental tissue.

But in terms of effectiveness, deep and simple fluoridation are incomparable. To achieve a pronounced effect, the simple fluoridation procedure must be carried out several times in a row with an interval of 3-4 days. Fluoride varnish can remain on the teeth for six months, but in practice this period is reduced, since the film is often damaged due to the consumption of hard foods and exposure to a toothbrush.

Deep fluoridation is many times more effective than applying fluoride varnish to teeth.

With deep fluoridation, a preparation containing a combination of fluoride and calcium is applied to the tooth. Substances penetrate deep into dental tissues and fill microcracks and enamel pores. Compared to Fluoride Lacquer, deep fluoridation products contain several times more fluoride ions. To protect teeth from caries, it is enough to carry out deep fluoridation once every 6-12 months.

3 style=»text-align: center;»>Deep fluoridation with Gluflutored

To carry out deep fluoridation of enamel, the drug Gluflutored can be used. The description of the product on the manufacturer’s website confirms that its main purpose is to saturate enamel and dentin with fluoride. Prevention of caries with Gluflutored can be carried out both in patients with primary and permanent dentition.

However, fluoridation can be carried out not only to prevent, but also to treat caries at the spot stage (both primary and secondary). The drug can also be used to treat teeth before installing orthodontic structures. In addition, deep fluoridation of enamel reduces tooth sensitivity, so the procedure can be recommended in the treatment of periodontitis to reduce the hypersensitivity of dental necks.

Preparations of the Gluflutored complex.

If the patient's enamel is thin, this makes the tooth susceptible to the effects of hot, cold, sweet and sour. Fluorine, which is part of Gluflutored, upon contact with enamel, combines with hydroxyapatite in it, replaces OH groups and turns into fluorapatite - a very strong compound. Thanks to this, the enamel becomes stronger and its resistance to the effects of acids produced by carious bacteria increases.

The deep mineralization of the tooth, which occurs as a result of the use of Gluflutored, produces the effect of sealing fissures, since calcium fluoride formed in enamel and dentin seals the pores of damaged tissues.

We recommend finding out whether it is normal for a child to cough when teething, and how to help your baby.

Read: what causes galvanism in the oral cavity and how this disease is treated.

2 style=”text-align: center;”>What is Gluftored?
Gluflutored is produced by the Russian company VladMiVa, specializing in the development and production of dental materials, instruments and equipment. Gluflutored is a complex consisting of 2 drugs bottled in 10 ml plastic bottles. The first bottle contains a bluish liquid - this is a solution containing copper and fluorine ions. The second bottle contains a suspension of calcium hydroxide in distilled water.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications.
3 style=”text-align: center;”>How is the fluoridation procedure carried out?
Gluflutored, as indicated in the instructions for use, is applied to the tooth surface in stages: first, the enamel is treated with liquid from the first bottle, and then with a suspension from the second. Despite the simple method of using Gluflutored, the drug should be used in a dental clinic. To achieve the desired effect, the deep fluoridation procedure should include the following steps:

  • removal of dental deposits (tartar, plaque) from the tooth surface using special fluoride-free pastes and rotating brushes;
  • cleaning fissures from dental deposits;
  • application of Gluflutored.

Teeth treatment with Gluflutored is carried out as follows:

  • the tooth surface is washed with water and then dried with a stream of air;
  • Liquid from the first bottle is generously applied to the enamel;
  • using a dry swab, excess liquid is removed 1 minute after application;
  • after this, a suspension from the second bottle is applied to the enamel;
  • after 1 minute it is washed off with water.

Important: the bottle of suspension must be shaken well before use.

A repeat procedure can be performed after 2 weeks. To protect teeth from caries in the future, you can carry out the procedure of applying Gluflutored regularly 1-2 times a year.

Find out what healing properties oak bark has and how to use it.

Read: how to smear bumps in the corners of your lips for quick healing.

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3 style=”text-align: center;”>How and where to buy Gluflutored?
Deep fluoridation of enamel using Gluflutored is an in-office dental procedure. Unlike preparations for simple fluoridation, the complex for deep fluoridation is not sold through the pharmacy chain. However, Gluflutored can be purchased from online stores that specialize in selling dental materials for professionals. The online price for Gluftored ranges from 600-800 rubles.

Advice: if you decide to buy the drug for home use, it is safer to order it from the manufacturer’s website - the VladMiV campaign. Before purchasing, you can also read the declaration of conformity of the product to GOST on the website.

2 style=»text-align: center;»>Reviews about the drug
The procedure for deep fluoridation with Gluflutored has positive reviews in 90% of cases. As a procedure for the prevention of caries, treatment of enamel with Gluflutored is more often carried out in children with baby teeth.

As you know, caries has become much “younger” in recent decades. Many babies' teeth begin to decay before they have fully erupted. There are many reasons for this, from poor oral care to poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.

Deep fluoridation allows you to protect your child’s teeth from the destructive effects of carious bacteria, as well as stop the pathological process that has already begun at the stain stage. Reviews from parents who performed the procedure for their children confirm its high effectiveness: after fluoridation, carious lesions do not increase, and individual spots even become less noticeable. The advantage of the procedure is its absolute painlessness and speed.

The use of Gluflutored should be carried out in a clinical setting by a dentist.

If we compare deep fluoridation with Gluflutored with the popular method of caries prevention - silvering of teeth, then it is worth saying that saturating the enamel with fluoride not only gives a much more pronounced effect, but also does not spoil the aesthetics of the child’s smile. After contact with silver nitrate, the baby’s teeth turn black; this process is irreversible. In addition, due to the staining of dental tissues, it becomes impossible to control the degree of tooth destruction by caries.

Simple fluoridation is carried out in many municipal clinics, while deep fluoridation is not even available in all private dentistry. Therefore, some parents purchase Gluflutored to mineralize enamel at home. Reviews say that there are no difficulties during the procedure and confirm the effectiveness of the method.

Note: enamel matures over 2-3 years after tooth eruption, so during this period the risk of developing caries is higher. You can protect your teeth and prevent their destruction by treating the enamel with Gluflutored.

Adults undergo fluoridation with Gluflutored, in most cases, to treat hyperesthesia. By saturating the enamel with minerals and increasing its density, tooth sensitivity decreases. After applying Gluflutored, patients note a decrease in pain when consuming drinks and food of contrasting temperatures, sweet and sour.

Fluoridation of teeth with Gluflutored is an effective method of strengthening enamel and restoring its mineral balance. Dentists recommend it for both adults and children, especially if they are prone to developing caries.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Deep fluoridation is best done in the office of an experienced dentist. It is quite possible to purchase medications for simple fluoridation on your own according to the doctor’s recommendations. But the Gluftored complex is not sold through the pharmacy chain, but it can be purchased through online pharmacies on special websites.

This procedure is carried out in private clinics, and not in every one. Because of this, the cost of a treatment session is not small. Therefore, some people buy the drug themselves and use it at home.

It must be said that there are no difficulties in using the drug, and the effectiveness is still maintained.

Dentists advise carrying out this procedure without fail for both adult and young patients. Especially in cases where the patient has a predisposition to caries.

How does laser surgery work in our phlebology center?

  • Currently, the modern development of technology and the experience of our clinic allows us to perform laser treatment of varicose veins in patients of ANY degree of complexity.
  • Laser surgery does NOT require anesthesia - all manipulations are performed under local anesthesia, just like, for example, during dental treatment.
  • During laser surgery, there is no need to make incisions (our operating room doesn’t even have a scalpel) - all manipulations are carried out using separate punctures of the skin with an 18G needle.
  • After the operation, there are no stitches (since there are no incisions) and, accordingly, they do not need to be removed.
  • The time of a standard operation on 2 legs in most cases does not exceed 2 hours.
  • You can go home IMMEDIATELY after surgery - no additional monitoring is required (*there are some restrictions on driving on this day)
  • No special rehabilitation is required - the doctor will ask you to come back the next day for a dressing change. In the future, you visit your attending phlebologist after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months (* in the event of ANY unusual situations related to the operation, you can come to the center for an unscheduled examination, ask any question you are interested in and get a full consultation)

Female patient reading a magazine during laser procedure

You can ask any question you are interested in on the website www.phlebolog.org write to e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. or call by phone

Practical application experience

The point of view of specialists and ordinary people.

The drug, as for me, is simply ideal. My patients are delighted with it. I can admit that I have already helped a large number of my patients, relieving them of enamel hypersensitivity.

Karim Stanislavovich, hygienist

I can only share positive experiences about working with this product. Previously, our clinic used other methods, after using which there was a feeling of roughness in the teeth. Gluflutored does not leave anything like this behind, which makes patients happy.

Nina, dentist

Not long ago I went to a familiar clinic for dental fluoridation, and instead of the usual expensive drugs they offered me Gluflutored, which is much cheaper. At first I was confused by this, but after the procedure I was very grateful to the doctor. Teeth are clean and beautiful!

Alya, 28

My dentist recommended this coating to me. It’s been a month and a half since the procedure and I can safely eat and drink without experiencing the slightest pain.

Nina, 41

The second misconception is that laser surgery is expensive, but traditional intervention is free:

For some reason, it is believed that laser surgery is prohibitively expensive, while simple surgery is done free of charge and on a quota basis.


remember how much time, effort and nerves you need to spend to get a quota from the state for a free operation, in quotes, how many doctors you need to visit and tests. It is unknown which doctor you will see after. It is absolutely unlikely that you will end up with a renowned surgeon who will do everything well; most likely, you will be operated on by a novice specialist, or at best by an “average” doctor.

Currently, taking into account summer discounts, surgery on one leg in our center costs 47,600 rubles. Doctors with extensive experience in thousands of similar interventions will operate on you using the most modern equipment. After the operation, you will have access to free annual follow-up, which includes all types of consultations and studies available at the clinic.

About effectiveness for doubters

This complex helps to carry out fluoridation of teeth completely safely and painlessly. The procedure is also widespread among young patients whose teeth were previously silvered, which spoiled their aesthetic appearance. Now you can forget about it, because applying such a coating does not change the child’s smile in any way.

After the procedure, effective protection from harmful bacteria is formed on the teeth, and the risk of developing caries will be significantly reduced.

Adult patients also turn to fluoridation to treat hyperesthesia. Gluflutored saturates tooth enamel with minerals, which leads to an increase in its density, and accordingly, sensitivity decreases.

Patients note a positive effect 15-30 minutes after applying the drug. The pain noticeably decreases and soon disappears altogether.

You can buy the Gluftored complex in online pharmacies that specialize in selling materials for dental clinics; on different sites the price can range from 600 to 900 rubles.

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