professional teeth cleaning in Krasnoyarsk
Professional teeth cleaning: types, features, contraindications
Professional teeth cleaning is an oral care procedure aimed at preventing diseases.
Photo: toothbrush cup
How to make a glass or stand-holder for storing toothbrushes with your own hands?
In the modern world, almost every person cannot imagine his life without a toothbrush. AND
Why do you dream of black teeth: detailed interpretation and meaning of the dream
December 19, 2018 People Svetlana Filipovich Not all dreams are accompanied by pleasant positive feelings, sometimes
herbs for gum inflammation
Don't be afraid to smile! or Useful herbs for healthy teeth and gums
In communication, an open smile is sometimes the key to success. But some people are haunted
girl with a healthy smile thanks to oil pulling
Oil pulling: why should you do it and how?
Wellness November 14, 2019 text: My Handbook Oil pulling is a
The tooth is loose
Why do you dream of a loose tooth: interpretation of the meaning of sleep for women and men
Quick transition to interpretations General meaning of the dream Who dreamed of a loose tooth? What a loose tooth
Wisdom tooth growth
What to do if a wisdom tooth is cut during pregnancy?
A wisdom tooth is a rudiment, that is, an organ that has lost its significance during the period
Natural honey is the best means of preventing oral diseases
Dentist Do you want your smile to always shine with health? The dental department of the MediArt clinic offers a wide range of
Treatment of cysts with calcium preparations in dentistry
It is no secret that calcium is necessary for the formation of bone and dental tissue. Due to
An electric toothbrush
Is it harmful to brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush?
In this article What are the types of electric brushes Electric toothbrushes: indications for use Electric toothbrushes
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