The best dental colleges in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia after 9th and 11th grade

Almost every person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile. But, unfortunately, only a few can boast of naturally healthy and straight teeth. Therefore, most people who want to have a perfect smile have to turn to dentists and dental technicians for help. Moreover, if the health of teeth depends on the dentist, then the beauty of a smile depends to a greater extent on the dental technician.

Almost every person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile. But, unfortunately, only a few can boast of naturally healthy and straight teeth. dental technicians for help . Moreover, if the health of teeth depends on the dentist, then the beauty of a smile depends to a greater extent on the dental technician.

By the way, many people mistakenly believe that dentist, dentist and dental technician are the names of the same profession. In fact, a dental technician is an independent specialty, which is fundamentally different from the specialty “dentist” not only in professional responsibilities, but also in the requirements for the personal qualities of a specialist. But today we’ll talk about what these differences are.

What is a dental technician?

A dental technician is a qualified specialist, an employee of a dental laboratory who produces dentures, maxillofacial and orthodontic devices, various implants, etc.

The name of the profession comes from the Old Slavonic zѫb (that which grows in the mouth) and the ancient Greek τέχνη (art), which in turn comes from the Proto-Indo-European word tek's (hew, trim). Figuratively speaking, representatives of the dental technician profession can easily be called sculptors in the field of dentistry. The history of the profession goes back to ancient times (already in the 7th century BC in prehistoric Italy, mammalian teeth were used to make dentures), but it was identified as an independent specialty only at the beginning of the 20th century.

An interesting fact, since the work of a dental technician is somewhat similar to the work of a jeweler and watchmaker, in Germany today representatives of this profession are not classified as medical workers, but as precision mechanics specialists, on a par with jewelers and watchmakers.

In the process of development of prosthetics, the profession of dental technician was divided into several narrow specializations. For example, a ceramist makes dentures from metal-ceramics, an orthodontic technician specializes in devices for correcting bites, and a renter produces removable jaws.

But regardless of specialization, the professional activity of a dental technician includes developing a model of teeth (or a tooth) based on an impression made by an orthopedic dentist, selecting materials and structures for prostheses, modeling the product, casting the model from wax, and then from metal, metal ceramics or nylon, equipping the prosthesis with the necessary fastenings, grinding and polishing it. In other words, the responsibilities of a dental technician include the entire process of making dentures, crowns, implants, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. A prestigious, in-demand profession.
  2. High salary level.
  3. Possibility of retraining in related areas of psychology.
  4. The opportunity to see the real result of your work.


  1. The need to work with the dental cavities of different patients and, as a result, the need for the absence of disgust.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the development of new technologies and news from the world of dentistry.
  3. Quite a high level of requirements for specialists.

What personal qualities should a dental technician have?

Our beautiful, luxurious smiles are “born” not in the dentist’s chair, but in an inconspicuous laboratory, where dental technicians pore over many small details, like jewelers. Therefore, these specialists, first of all, must have developed fine motor skills, perseverance and patience. In addition, dental technicians are helped to perform their work efficiently by such personal qualities as:

  • accuracy;

  • composure;
  • responsibility;
  • sense of color;
  • artistic taste;
  • attentiveness;
  • observation;
  • good eye;
  • good RAM;
  • ability to empathize;
  • spatial thinking;
  • perseverance;
  • neatness.

Let us note that a dental technician can successfully perform his job only if he has extensive knowledge in areas such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, anatomy, materials science (that is, knowledge of the variety and properties of materials used today in dental prosthetics) , metalworking, milling and engraving. He will also need the skills of a foundry worker, welder, electroplating chemist and computer scientist (modeling prostheses in 3-D graphics).

Dental College No. 1

The educational institution “Dental College No. 1” specializes in training dental hygienists, dentists, and dental assistants. Modern teaching methods and technologies, the latest equipment and high-quality materials allow students to become highly qualified specialists in their chosen field. In addition to educational programs, the college provides professional retraining for specialists with secondary medical education.

Benefits of being a dental technician

The main advantage of the dental technician profession today is its demand. After all, the services of these specialists are sought both out of necessity and for aesthetic reasons, when the teeth seem to be healthy, but you also want them to have an impeccable appearance. At the same time, a good master can easily get a job both in specialized clinics and in dental departments of hospitals or private dental clinics.

It is quite natural that people are willing to pay quite large sums for a beautiful smile, which helps them achieve success in life. Therefore, it is not surprising that good dental technicians have a high level of income (the average monthly salary of dental technicians in Russia is 50-70 thousand rubles).

Well, the most important advantage of this profession is the moral satisfaction that a specialist not only helps people who have problems with their teeth, but makes them happier and more self-confident.

Dental College in Moscow

Do you want to become a dentist? Not sure if you can get into medical school? Then go to dental college in Moscow. Galaxy College offers to obtain theoretical competencies and master practical skills related to the provision of services in the field of oral health care.

The educational program of the state standard - 02/31/06 “Preventive Dentistry” is an opportunity to obtain a profession after the 11th grade, having a certificate of primary education in hand. Recruitment of applicants for a specialty in our college is carried out without exams.

The specialty of dental hygienist, with the strengthening of private practice and the development of the dental services market due to the emergence of new technologies, drugs and equipment, has received a new birth. The profession has always been relevant, and today the demand for such specialists is growing exponentially. Large and small clinics are opening in the regions of Russia, offering comprehensive services and a large list of services related to smile aesthetics. Today, a beautiful smile is the key to the success of a modern person. Science is developing, and more and more people are taking care of their health. Teeth and oral cavity are a person’s calling card and today aesthetics have become accessible.

Disadvantages of being a dental technician

If we talk about the disadvantages of the dental technician profession , then, first of all, it is necessary to note the harmful working conditions.

  • Firstly, when making dentures, a specialist has to work with chemicals harmful to his health, and in some cases, radioactive ones (in particular, the whiteness of artificial ceramic teeth is achieved by adding inclusions of uranium).
  • Secondly, a dental technician spends almost all of his working time in a sitting position, which negatively affects the musculoskeletal system of the technician. Well, working with small parts causes excessive eye strain, which can cause deterioration in the specialist’s vision.

We cannot remain silent about the fact that in the process of his work, a dental technician needs to be extremely careful. And not only because the functionality and aesthetic appeal of prostheses depends on his work. Quite often, a specialist has to redo a failed prosthesis or implant at his own expense.

Moscow colleges specializing in Orthopedic Dentistry

College of Information Technology IT HUB

Specialties of the future. Internships in large IT companies. Admission without OGE/USE. State diploma. In-person and online training.

MAP under the Moscow Government

Without exams and Unified State Examination based on grades 9 and 11. State diploma, 9 directions, all forms of training. College-university program.

University College

State diploma. Based on 9th and 11th grades. All forms of training. No exams or Unified State Examination.

Where can you become a dental technician?

MUIR invites you to take professional retraining courses to become a dental technician. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

MADPO invites you to take professional retraining courses to become a dental technician. We offer advanced distance education technologies with the issuance of a standard diploma.

MASPC invites you to take professional retraining courses to become a doctor. We offer advanced distance education technologies with the issuance of a standard diploma.

obtain a profession as a dental technician either at one of the specialized universities, or at a technical school or college. Future dental technicians also have the opportunity to master this specialty in special training centers and dental laboratories. However, you need to understand that the huge amount of knowledge that a true professional has behind him will require you to either combine the acquisition of practical skills with self-education, or enroll in training centers already having a diploma in a related specialty in your pocket.

In addition, we should not forget that dentistry is constantly evolving: new technologies, materials and tools are constantly appearing, so a specialist has to constantly study new products and regularly attend exhibitions, seminars, master classes, etc.

It is quite natural that if you want not only to get a diploma, but also to achieve professional success (and therefore material well-being), then you need to choose the best medical educational institutions in Russia , regardless of whether it is a university, a technical school or a college. For example, the best medical colleges that train professionals in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” include:

  • Medical College of Moscow State Transport University;
  • Medical College of Volgograd State University;
  • Saratov Regional Basic Medical College;
  • St. Petersburg Medical College No. 3;
  • Krasnodar Regional Basic Medical College.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time330 000,00 ₽

Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Saint Petersburg

[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time280 000,00 ₽

St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Pavlova

Saint Petersburg

[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time245 000,00 ₽
Bachelor's degreeFull-time245 000,00 ₽

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Nizhny Novgorod

[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time234 000,00 ₽

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova


[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time233 000,00 ₽

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Saint Petersburg

[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time220 000,00 ₽

Vladivostok State Medical University


[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time190 000,00 ₽

Samara branch of the Volga State Academy of Water Transport


[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time185 000,00 ₽

Tyumen State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia


[31.05.03] Dentistry

Bachelor's degreeFull-time180 000,00 ₽

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky


Learning to treat teeth: a dental college in Moscow opens its doors

To become a dentist means to become a specialist who can always find profitable employment. Modern dentistry is making great strides; modern equipment, as well as the results of the latest research, make dental treatment effective, reliable, less painful and easier to tolerate for the patient.

To become a dentist means to become a specialist who can always find profitable employment. Modern dentistry is making great strides; modern equipment, as well as the results of the latest research, make it possible to perform dental treatment:

  • More efficient
  • More reliable
  • Less painful
  • Easier tolerable for the patient

When studying for a medical specialty, a student must fully master the most modern knowledge and skills in order to be able to apply the modern approach in practice, and not act “the old fashioned way.” The Dental College in Moscow ensures that educational programs are regularly updated and updated. Therefore, the level of training is always high.

The college offers training in various areas of dentistry:

  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Dental surgery
  • Dental prosthetics and implantology

Effective training programs have been compiled in all areas that allow you to master the necessary practical and theoretical skills:

  • Knowledge of the anatomy and structure of the human oral cavity
  • Possession of technical devices necessary for carrying out manipulations
  • Knowledge of techniques and subtleties of various dental procedures.

The college issues a state diploma, with which it will be easy to get a job in any clinic in the Russian Federation.


in the same position throughout his work history , but, as his skills improve (and move to different clinics), his income increases. Or he can become the head of the department, then, after some time, receive the position of deputy chief physician of the clinic, and then become the chief physician . A faster option for this career advancement has already been mentioned - this is opening your own medical institution, but it will require financial investments and the solution of many organizational issues. With a focus on research and development, an orthopedic dentist can become a candidate, and then a doctor of science .

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