For patients: How to prepare for a colonoscopy at home

What foods can you eat?

You need to switch to a special diet at least 3 days before the examination. It is better if this period is 5-6 days. The following products are allowed to be consumed:

  • Low-fat cheeses, kefir.
  • Eggs.
  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Boiled lean meat.
  • Boiled fish of low-fat varieties.
  • Honey, sugar, jelly.
  • Mashed potatoes (small quantities).

If you are having a colonoscopy, you need to pay maximum attention to preparing for the procedure at home. Diet violations should not be allowed; this can lead to the accumulation of gases and feces in the intestines, which will greatly complicate the examination.

Contraindications to sedation

We talked earlier about the fact that not all patients may be suitable for sedation, let's once again dwell on the factors that are contraindicated for sedation

So these factors are:

  • patient's age,
  • characteristics of the body, including allergic reactions to drugs that will be administered, that is, incompatibility with sedative drugs in a given patient,
  • bad experience that the patient previously had during sedation, and in him it can also cause fear and, accordingly, panic attacks (that “having gone half asleep” the patient may not control himself).

Regarding bad experiences with sedation - yes, such cases are rare, but unfortunately they do occur.
Naturally, these characteristics of the body and circumstances will also affect the effect of the drug itself, accordingly, this is a contraindication. For such patients, more careful preparation for sedation is recommended. Or vice versa - we work with such a patient in terms of organizing his treatment under local anesthesia. First, the psychologist communicates with the patient and prepares him. We also work with the patient: we explain that these procedures are for treatment and they are painless, that the quality of anesthetics is now quite high and some patients will not experience pain. All work during treatment, if we are considering therapeutic treatment, is carried out under a rubber dam,

that is, the patient does not experience any fear that something might get into the oral cavity. And after the first two manipulations in consciousness under local anesthesia, he understands that dentistry has nevertheless made great strides forward, and that it is possible to be treated without sedation without feeling fear.

What to eat immediately before the procedure

One day before the test, you need to follow a more specialized diet. It is advisable to exclude solid foods; after the middle of the day, do not eat at all; you can take water or clear drinks (non-carbonated).

The nutritional order should be as follows:

  • Morning
    . Light breakfast of dishes prepared according to the list of permitted products.
  • Until 13.00
    . You can have lunch, it is advisable to take a minimum portion of food.
  • Dinner
    . Only clear liquids; after starting preparation with the drug, you should not eat.

You should also not eat food on the day of the test. You can consume the clear liquid in any quantity. Drinking liquids 1 hour before the procedure is not advisable, but not prohibited.

How to relieve toothache

The hardest thing is probably to endure toothache. What to do if unpleasant sensations take you by surprise at night and you can only get an appointment with a dentist in a few hours?

Of course, you can alleviate your condition with the help of regular foods and spices:

  • Chew 1 clove . It contains eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic. It relieves toothache, has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiparasitic effects. You can also crush the cloves into powder, add a small amount of vegetable oil and apply to the sore spot;
  • mix equal amounts of honey and cinnamon and apply to the sore tooth;
  • chop hot red pepper and ginger . Combine in equal proportions and make a compress. The products are rich in painkillers and anti-inflammatory substances. You can also take ready-made spices and add a little water to them. When applying the resulting pulp to the tooth, try to ensure that it does not touch the gums and tongue;
  • combine pepper, pressed garlic and a little water . The resulting paste usually relieves discomfort in 5 minutes.

Vanilla extract and apple cider vinegar are good for toothache . Simply saturate a cotton ball with your chosen product and apply it to the source of inflammation.

How to use drugs to cleanse the intestines

It is necessary to take special products to clean the intestinal lumen at home. Before using any such tool, you should study the instructions. This will avoid the development of side effects and clarify the order of taking the drug.

It is not advisable to eat food directly during bowel cleansing, but it is necessary to consume a lot of water. This is necessary to compensate for the liquid losses that inevitably occur during the cleaning process.

You should start taking medications 2-3 hours after a light breakfast. Some medications must be taken strictly on an empty stomach. The most common means of preparing for a colon examination include:

  • Fortrans
    . It begins to act 2 hours after administration. Able to effectively cleanse all parts of the intestines. One sachet of the product is designed for dilution in 1 liter of cold water. 1 sachet per 20 kg of patient weight. For a patient weighing 80 kg, 4 sachets will be required. The resulting solution must be divided into 2 parts. Drink half between 18-20 hours, in portions of 0.25 liters every 15 minutes. The second half should be consumed between 6 and 7 am on the day of the study.
  • Lavacol
    . Osmotic colon cleanser. Available in powder form. You need to take it according to the regimen indicated in the instructions. Standard dosage is 15 sachets per procedure.
  • Endofalk
    . macrogol, sodium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium bicarbonate. The medicine is a mixture of different salts and macrogol to obtain a homogeneous isotonic solution.
  • Picoprep
    . It has a complex effect - it helps soften stool, accelerate its excretion, and retains fluid in the intestines. It begins to act 2-3 hours after administration.
  • Moviprep (recommended)
    . The product begins to act 1-2 hours after the first dose. It is necessary to divide the reception into 2 parts, evening and morning! read more here! It retains fluid well in the intestines and is well tolerated by patients due to the small volume of the drug (only 2 liters).

Important to remember

Please note that before using any laxatives, you should consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to prescribe the correct remedy and show the exact regimen for its administration.

Pain disrupts our daily lives and can be a very serious problem if its episodes become frequent and painful. The most common problems are headaches, muscle and back pain, and joint pain. Such pain can be associated with unusual physical activity, staying in one position for too long, sitting at a computer, stress, or simply aging.

Chronic pain can also be a symptom of many diseases, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Pain relief medications cannot be used on a regular basis; they are quite expensive and have a range of side effects, including nausea, allergic reactions, upset stomach, heartburn and fatigue. When taken in high doses, some medications can cause liver damage and increase the risk of heart attack.

Fortunately, there are remedies that can help manage pain without drugs.

Homemade pain relieving ointment

This recipe is an economical option that will relieve joint and muscle pain and reduce inflammation. The ingredients used in this recipe give the ointment its healing properties:

  • camphor has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and reduce inflammation
  • peppermint oil cools, relieves muscle pain and has a calming effect on the body
  • Arnica oil has been known since ancient times for its anti-inflammatory effects, and its analgesic properties help reduce pain. Arnica-based preparations are often used to treat pain, bruises, and sprains
  • Clove oil also has pain-relieving properties and relaxes tense muscles.

You will need:

  • Coconut oil – ¼ cup (available in health food stores and online stores);
  • Grated beeswax – 2 tablespoons (ask for it from beekeepers at the market who sell honey);
  • Camphor - 1 tablespoon or 10-12 balls (ask for it at the pharmacy);
  • Peppermint essential oil – 9 drops (essential oils are sold in pharmacies, cosmetics stores, online stores);
  • Arnica essential oil - 7 drops;
  • Clove essential oil - 5 drops;
  • Sterile storage container


  1. Place ¼ cup of edible coconut oil in a bowl.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons grated beeswax
  3. Microwave mixture for ½ to 1 minute until ingredients are completely melted.
  4. Add 10 to 12 camphor balls to the mixture and heat for another 20 seconds or until the balls are completely dissolved, or simply add camphor oil to the warm mixture.
  5. Add 9 drops peppermint, 7 drops arnica and 5 drops clove essential oil. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil or cinnamon oil.
  6. Mix the contents thoroughly using a wooden stick. It is better not to use metal utensils.
  7. Place the mixture in a clean glass jar for storage.
  8. Leave for several hours at room temperature to allow the ointment to cool.

How to use

Gently apply a small amount of ointment to the painful area, massaging in a circular motion for 5 minutes. There is no need to cover the treated area. The ointment can be left on and not washed off.

Attention! Make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients in the ointment. Do not apply ointment to open wounds, nose, and avoid contact with eyes. The ointment is for external use only. If your skin becomes irritated, immediately wipe off the ointment and rinse the area with warm water.

Keep the ointment away from direct sunlight. It will be a good helper for muscle, joint and back pain, headaches, colds and coughs. Be healthy!


No person is immune from getting a burn. It's scary when your skin turns red and blisters before your eyes. It’s doubly scary when something like this happens to your child.

The main thing to understand here is that to determine the extent of skin damage, an experienced specialist is needed. He is the one who will prescribe effective treatment. In the meantime, while you are waiting for an ambulance, I will tell you how to numb the affected area:

  • Place the damaged area of ​​skin under running cool water and soak for at least 20 minutes. This will relieve pain and prevent the injury from spreading;
  • grate raw potatoes and apply to the sore spot;
  • cover the burn with a cabbage leaf or apply a compress of cabbage juice.

When you are released from the clinic and allowed to be treated at home, an aloe leaf cut in half and secured with a bandage will help soothe damaged tissues and relieve pain. The bandage needs to be changed 3 times a day. The plant will relieve inflammation and prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Dressings with honey help a lot. The sweet product reduces the severity of pain, prevents the development of infection and soothes irritated skin.


All you have to do is catch a cold...Ear, throat, head - everything hurts. It is difficult not only to get dressed and go to the nearest pharmacy, but also to get out of bed. Nevertheless, try to get to the kitchen and prepare yourself some painkillers:

  • Lemon zest helps with a sore throat. Just chew it or give it to your baby - it is an absolutely safe pain reliever;
  • dissolve 15 milliliters of honey in 250 milliliters of warm milk, add 15 grams of butter. Drink up to 6 times a day;
  • chop the onion, add sugar. Drink 15 milliliters of juice obtained from the vegetable three times a day; Squeeze the juice from 1 beet, add 15 milliliters of wine or apple cider vinegar. Gargle 3 times a day;
  • If you or your child has an earache, place the onion and peel in the oven. As soon as juice begins to come out of it, remove the vegetable, squeeze the juice through gauze and drop a few warm drops into the sore ear;
  • if your ear hurts a lot, but also oozes pus, mix an equal amount of alcohol tincture of propolis with honey and drop 2-3 drops at night. Be sure to go to the doctor in the morning;
  • dissolve honey in vodka, moisten gauze and make a compress around the sore ear;
  • When you have a headache during a cold, add 2 grams of cinnamon to 60 milliliters of hot water. Drink 2 sips every hour. Additionally, make lotions for whiskey;
  • heat the lemon pulp, brush with whiskey.

How often does cancer pain occur?

Pain occurs in 30% of cancer patients who receive treatment and in 60–90% of patients due to disease progression. The main sources of cancer pain:

  • cancer itself (45–90%);
  • concomitant inflammatory reactions leading to spasm of smooth muscles (11–25%);
  • pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound after surgery (5–16%);
  • concomitant pathology, for example, joint damage, arthritis (6–11%), neuralgia (5–15%).

Cancer pain syndromes are grouped:

  • According to the origin of the pain flow: visceral, somatic, neuropathic, psychogenic.
  • According to qualitative subjective assessment: burning, stabbing, cutting, drilling, pulsating.
  • By intensity: assessed using special scales.
  • Duration: acute and chronic.
  • By localization: abdominal, cardialgia, lumbodynia, muscle-articular and others.

Due to significant differences in the mechanisms of pain, there is no universal analgesic to relieve all types of pain syndromes. Treatment should always be individualized.

Get rid of pain

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