Caries in the spot stage
Radiation diagnostics of certain dental diseases in children and adolescents
Dentists recommend undergoing preventive examinations at least once a year and if caries is detected
The filling on the tooth fell off, everything under it is black
After visiting the dentist, the front tooth became slightly darker. What could it be and will it remain like this forever?
11.21.2019 A filled tooth may not bother a person for a long time or change its appearance
Computer diagnostics in the treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw
How to treat osteomyelitis of the upper and lower jaw
Odontogenic osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic lesion of the bone and surrounding tissues as a result of infection of the dental canal,
Ammonia smell in the nose: causes and treatment
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yuryevna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Our
The filling on the tooth fell off, everything under it is black
The filling on the tooth has darkened: causes and solutions to the problem
11.21.2019 A filled tooth may not bother a person for a long time or change its appearance
Radmila Labyntseva.
There is nothing unnecessary in the mouth. A Barnaul dentist told how one rotten tooth can ruin the whole body
A day after this, he died from suffocation and extensive purulent inflammation of the throat and
Determination of periodontal indices in dentistry
Oral hygiene index and methods for its determination in children and adults: PMA, KPU, Navi index, etc.
Periodontal disease is widespread, so it is necessary to use advanced methods to make the most accurate diagnoses,
Doctor's recommendations
White spot or white gums after dental implant placement
White plaque on the gums can be a symptom of candidiasis, a disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Under
Tooth structure
Depulpation is the only possible method of saving a tooth with advanced pulpitis
10/31/2019 Many people are familiar with the procedure for removing the dental nerve (depulpation), which is used in case of inflammatory
Is it possible to cure granuloma and cyst or is it better to remove the diseased tooth?
01/13/2020 Almost everyone has experienced toothache at least once in their life. If it's
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