Causes of caries
Superficial dental caries: description, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Caries is a progressive pathology that does not go away on its own without treatment. It is gradually developing
girl gargling
About different methods of gargling from the point of view of evidence-based medicine
Gargling with a solution of hydrogen peroxide quickly destroys the pathogenic microflora that causes the disease. This procedure will clear
Soda solution
Treatment of gumboil with soda and salt at home
Antibacterial compounds play an important role in maintaining oral hygiene. They are necessary for destruction
Miramistin - instructions for use in dentistry
How to care for teeth after implantation is a question that is no less important than the
Periodontal disease: main causes, symptoms, first signs of the disease
Periodontal disease is a fairly rare disease of non-inflammatory origin, characterized by systemic damage to the periodontal tissues (periodontal), which
genital warts in the mouth
Why can condylomas form in the throat and why are they dangerous?
Genital warts in the mouth appear as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. They can reach
Taste of cigarettes in the mouth of a non-smoker – All about dentistry
What you can and cannot eat Products that help reduce unpleasant aroma include:
Causes of hygroma
A lump on the gum: what is it and what diseases can it indicate?
Often young women are perplexed: where did the strange lump on their hand come from? Let it be
X-ray of teeth
X-rays and CT scans in dentistry – harmful or safe?
Questioning and examining the patient gives the doctor only part of the information about the real state of the dental system.
Photo of perforation of a tooth root in a patient’s mouth
Tooth perforation – what to do and should you panic?
Despite the rapid development of methods and technologies in dentistry, complications can arise even in
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