How can you thicken slime?
How to replace sodium tetraborate in slime? Recipes on how to make slime without borax and useful life hacks
Making slime is a fascinating hobby that is loved not only by children, but also by adults.
Removing a nerve in a tooth as carried out using modern methods
Modern treatment of pulpitis without the use of arsenic
01/04/2020 The operation to remove the nerve of a tooth is familiar to almost everyone who treated teeth in the Soviet
How to quickly get rid of a hangover and fumes
Reasons for the appearance of fumes The fumes from the mouth do not come from alcohol, but from its product
Teething in young children
Features of oral hygiene in pregnant women
How teeth erupt Eruption of baby teeth is normal, but if the child’s condition is too severe,
Photo of a tooth fragment
What complications may arise after tooth extraction?
Tooth root resorption is a physiological or pathological process that results in loss of
Psychosomatic map of fears
Psychological causes of stomatitis in adults and children
Psychosomatics of oral diseases Oral diseases are associated with problems in the sphere of communication, social
Aphthous stomatitis - symptoms and treatment
Causes of stomatitis Stomatitis can occur as an independent disease or as one of the manifestations of general
Cloves for toothache. How to quickly get rid of toothache
Clove oil: benefits, side effects Clove oil is used in many cases, for pain relief
Periodontitis - symptoms and treatment
If your teeth are not treated in time, unpleasant and dangerous consequences arise. At 50%
Treatment of stomatitis in children at home
The use of manganese solution for stomatitis is considered effective, since the product has a strong antimicrobial effect.
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