Do not hope that with pulpitis the pain will disappear on its own, because even if this happens, the pulp will rot right in the tooth.
Three-channel pulpitis: what is special about the treatment of the disease
First of all, we note that the price for treating pulpitis of a three-channel tooth really depends on the quantity
There is a smell coming from under the crown: what can be done in this case?
From this article you will learn: Causes of occurrence Factors of destruction of a molar, incisor or canine When
Cariogenic bacteria
11/27/2019 Many have probably encountered such a problem when, while brushing their teeth, they suddenly began to bleed
Lump on the upper eyelid
Types of bumps on the face and methods of getting rid of them
A convex formation on the eyelid in the form of a lump is not uncommon. The causes of this pathology may
caries between front teeth
Caries between teeth: what to do, what it looks like, how to remove and treat
What to do if caries is found between the teeth, is it treated without depulpation, restoration and
Malignant degeneration of odontogenic cyst within 10 years
From this article you will learn: what is a dental cyst - symptoms, photos, why it happens
Photo of rinse aid CURASEPT ADS 205
Relieving toothache by rinsing
Sore gums, the presence of an active inflammatory process and discomfort are a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
8 incisors and 4 canines
Caries of the front teeth: why it occurs and how to treat it
Caries of the front teeth can lead to chipped enamel, severe pain and even a change in diction.
Caries under the gum
What to do if your gums turn blue after tooth extraction?
Caries under the gum, if not treated promptly, can lead to severe tooth decay.
Tooth filling
Stages of dental caries in children: signs and diagnostic methods
Dental caries is usually classified according to different indicators. One of the most widespread is the Vinogradova classification,
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