Characteristics of temporary, replacement and permanent dentition. Part 1

The dental system performs the functions of breathing, swallowing, chewing and speech. It is a part of the body that changes dynamically throughout a person’s life. Its structure and functions reflect the development of the human psyche, the characteristics of his character, and behavior in society.

As the cultural level rises, people attach increasing importance to the shape of the face and the harmony of its structure.

Disorders in the maxillofacial area can be prevented by applying preventive measures and using the patterns of growth and development of the dental system.

II PERIOD - from birth to 6-9 months (before the eruption of the first milk teeth)

Prevention of dental anomalies:

  • identification of congenital anomalies (cleft palate, lip) and development of a treatment plan
  • rational regimen and balanced nutrition of mother and child
  • breastfeeding baby
  • correct artificial feeding of the child: correct positioning during feeding, preventing pressure from the neck of the bottle on the alveolar process, regulating the child’s efforts when sucking by squeezing the mother’s breast with the fingers, correct selection of the hole in the nipple, the length of the nipple and the degree of its insertion into the oral cavity, monitoring regularity swallowing
  • identifying prematurely erupted teeth and deciding on their removal

Milk bite – Prices

Services Price
Restoration of wedge-shaped defect, enamel erosion 3900 rub.
Restoration of the anterior group of teeth 8700 rub.
Ceramic-composite inlay 6700 rub.
Ceramic-composite veneer 7700 rub.

III PERIOD - from 9 months to 3 years (formation of temporary bite)

Prevention of dental anomalies:

  • massage of the alveolar processes of the jaws for difficult eruption of baby teeth
  • monitoring the sequence of eruption of primary teeth and their establishment in the dentition
  • the use of medicated nipples that apply pressure to an overdeveloped area of ​​the jaw
  • preventing the development of bad habits: thumb sucking, constant sucking on pacifiers, placing a fist under the cheek while sleeping, etc.
  • identification of habitual incorrect posture (standing, sitting, lying), postural disorders and flat feet
  • therapeutic exercises, massage, orthopedic consultation
  • normalization of lip closure, nasal breathing, correct positioning of the lower jaw with the help of therapeutic exercises and vestibular plates
  • detection of dental anomalies. Orthodontist consultation. Dispensary observation

Defect correction

Correction is carried out using conservative and surgical methods.

Conservative therapy

For hardware correction, removable and non-removable correction devices are used.

These include the following devices:

For correction use:

  • vestibular shields - used to wean the baby from sucking fingers and other objects;
  • Trainers are used to correct minor anomalies and align the positions of individual units in the dental arch;
  • correction plates are plates made of plastic and metal, used to correct anomalies during tooth replacement, they are self-regulating devices;
  • aligners are silicone molds made of silicone that give a physiological bend to the dental arch.
  • braces are a non-removable orthodontic structure for correcting the most complex dental defects and anomalies;
  • extraoral devices – used to correct severe anomalies when braces cannot be installed.

Devices for correcting malocclusion and the position of individual teeth are selected based on the severity of the defect and age. Is it possible to correct the bite using only conservative methods? In most cases, the use of these devices is sufficient.

Surgical treatment

I use surgical techniques only in the most difficult situations, when the use of conservative methods has not eliminated the defect. They are used only in adolescence and in adults only in cases of serious deformities of the facial skeleton.

Indications for this are:

  • gross facial asymmetry;
  • gross anomalies of occlusion;
  • underdevelopment of the chin.

After the operation, long-term rehabilitation is carried out for at least five months.

IV PERIOD - from 3 to 6 years (the period of formed temporary occlusion)

Prevention of dental anomalies:

  • plastic surgery of a shortened or improperly attached frenulum of the tongue
  • complexes of therapeutic exercises to normalize lip closure, position of the lower jaw and tongue at rest and during functions
  • combating sluggish chewing, avoiding eating hard foods, learning to swallow correctly
  • learning the correct pronunciation of individual sounds (“r”, “l”, hissing)
  • planned sanitation and hygiene of the oral cavity using special-purpose products
  • monitoring the depth of the incisal overlap and the shape of the dental arches
  • identification of postural disorders, flat feet, teaching correct body position while standing, sitting, lying, walking
  • introduction to outdoor games

V PERIOD - from 6 to 9 years (initial period of mixed dentition)

Prevention and treatment of dental anomalies:

  • detection of malocclusions and their orthodontic treatment
  • planned sanitation of the oral cavity and regular hygiene using special-purpose products
  • observation of the sequence of eruption of the first permanent molars, incisors and massage of the alveolar process
  • selective grinding of unworn cusps of temporary teeth (usually canines)
  • plastic surgery of a shortened or improperly attached frenulum of the tongue
  • plastic surgery of a shortened or improperly attached frenulum of the upper or lower lip (if there is a diastema, three)
  • removal of retained primary incisors and erupted supernumerary teeth
  • identification of postural disorders, flat feet, therapeutic exercises and orthopedic consultation
  • fighting bad habits of sucking and biting fingers, lips, cheeks, tongue, various objects, with habitual incorrect posture
  • detection of nasal breathing disorders. Consultation with an ENT doctor. Sanitation of ENT organs. Removal of adenoids and velopharyngeal tonsils for orthodontic indications in cases of severe malocclusion
  • the use of therapeutic exercises to normalize nasal breathing, swallowing, and posture
  • training from a speech therapist in the correct pronunciation of individual sound phonemes
  • early removal of the buds of 3 molars (wisdom teeth) at the age of 7 years

How to recognize that your child has an incorrect bite?

An abnormal bite can be corrected in adulthood, but the sooner it is noticed, the faster and easier the correction procedure will be.

Firstly, it can be visible to the naked eye. Secondly, an orthodontist can report its presence if the child comes to him for consultations regularly.

In addition, children at risk are those who:

  • one of the parents has an incorrect bite;
  • incorrect posture;
  • if they suck on anatomically incorrect nipples.

The presence of diseases of the ENT organs is also a reason for closer attention to the baby’s bite. Another cause may be injuries to the head and, in particular, the face.

Malocclusion in a child can be recognized by:

  • displacement of teeth to the sides;
  • the presence of cracks, gaps between teeth;
  • uneven placement of teeth in a row;
  • displacement of teeth forward or backward;
  • violation of the joining of the jaws when the teeth close together.

VI PERIOD - from 9 to 12 years (the final period of the mixed dentition)

Prevention and treatment of dental anomalies:

  • planned sanitation and training in oral hygiene using special-purpose products
  • identification of dental anomalies and their orthodontic treatment
  • selective grinding of unworn cusps of temporary canines and molars
  • plastic surgery of the shortened frenulum of the tongue, lips (according to indications)
  • removal of erupted or impacted supernumerary teeth
  • identification of impaired posture, flat feet, torticollis. Therapeutic exercises and consultation with an orthopedist
  • combating bad habits and incorrect postures, including during sleep
  • therapeutic orthodontic gymnastics to normalize lip closure, nasal breathing, posture
  • teaching proper chewing, swallowing, speech
  • monitoring the sequence of eruption of premolars, canines, second molars, finger massage in this area
  • rehabilitation of ENT organs

VII PERIOD - from 12 to 15 years (period of formation of permanent dentition)

Prevention and treatment of dental anomalies:

  • identification of dental anomalies and their orthodontic treatment
  • planned sanitation of the oral cavity, mandatory consultation with a periodontist to identify periodontal diseases and their treatment
  • oral hygiene training, individual selection of hygiene and prevention products
  • identification of postural disorders, flat feet, torticollis, therapeutic exercises and consultation with an orthopedist. Swimming, fitness classes
  • identification of gastrointestinal dysfunctions, introduction to food hygiene, consultation with a therapist
  • identification and elimination of calcium deficiency
  • determination of skeletal ossification disorders and consultation with an endocrinologist
  • introduction to risk factors

VIII PERIOD - from 15 to 21 years (completion of the formation of permanent dentition)

Prevention and treatment of dental anomalies:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity, hygiene, use of individual care and prevention products
  • mandatory professional hygiene
  • observation by a periodontist, consultation and treatment of periodontal diseases
  • identification of dental anomalies and their orthodontic treatment
  • introduction to food hygiene
  • elimination of calcium deficiency
  • restoration of crowns of damaged teeth
  • restoration of bite height, alignment of occlusion, selective grinding of teeth
  • timely prosthetics
  • monitoring the eruption of 3 molars (wisdom teeth) and their timely removal
  • identification of incorrect habitual postures, posture disorders,
  • prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis
  • sports, fitness, swimming
  • eliminating risk factors
  • formation of useful habits and skills
  • surgical treatment of severe deformities of the maxillofacial area

PERIOD IX - from 21 to 40 years (active functions of the dental system)

Prevention and treatment of dental anomalies:

  • regular sanitation of the oral cavity, compliance with hygiene rules using special-purpose products
  • observation by a periodontist, treatment of periodontal diseases
  • professional oral hygiene
  • restoration of crowns of damaged teeth
  • replacement of missing teeth using implantation and prosthetics
  • removal of 3 molars
  • selective grinding of teeth and elimination of traumatic occlusion
  • achieving multiple contacts between teeth with various types of articulation and occlusion of the dentition
  • prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joints
  • food hygiene
  • elimination of calcium deficiency
  • sports, fitness, swimming
  • identification and elimination of risk factors
  • fighting bad habits
  • prevention of secondary dentofacial deformations

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Prerequisites for the rapid formation of plaque on children's teeth

  1. A small amount of solid food in the child's menu - modern children gravitate towards soft food that does not require active chewing. Even fruits and vegetables are served to children in the form of purees or finely chopped.
  2. A large amount of sweets in a preschooler’s diet – carbohydrate foods accelerate the growth of bacteria.
  3. The thin enamel of baby teeth is quickly destroyed, which contributes to the strong fixation of plaque on the teeth and the spread of the film.
  4. Poor daily care. Preschool children themselves do not brush their teeth well, and parents do not always remember the need to control the quality of daily hygiene.
  5. Frequent colds and taking antibiotics worsen the bactericidal effect of saliva, which is important for the natural removal of dental plaque.
  6. Lack of microelements - fluorine, calcium.
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