Thrush, its treatment. How to treat thrush in women and men
Thrush is one of the most common and not yet conquered infections that affects anyone
Photo of ceramic braces on teeth from Ormco
Ceramic braces - all about the features of the system
Ceramic braces are the most aesthetic multibonding systems, which in their aesthetics are second only to lingual structures.
The child's teeth grow in the second row
What to do if your child’s teeth grow second row
If the child’s jaw develops correctly, then the change of teeth occurs as follows: first, the roots of the milk teeth dissolve
Stages of dental prosthetics
Placement of artificial teeth in partial removable laminar dentures
The restoration of damaged or removed teeth is carried out by an orthopedic dentist. This specialist can only offer
Articulation gymnastics
Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw, muscles of the pharynx and soft palate, consultation on speech therapy (senior group) on the topic
We correctly pronounce various sounds thanks to good mobility of the organs of articulation. These include the lower
Is it possible to put braces only on the lower teeth?
Installation of braces on the lower jaw in dentistry
12/01/2019 A charming snow-white smile is impossible without healthy and straight teeth. Modern orthodontic dentistry offers
Night guard for teeth
Types of mouth guards for bruxism and features of their use
Doctors have learned how to combat bruxism using a nighttime dental guard. Previously it was believed
CT quality
Get a dental CT scan: what is computed tomography, how and why it is performed, prices for dental CT scans in St. Petersburg
Article navigation: What CT shows Capabilities and advantages of CT Application of computed tomography in
Tooth extraction before installing braces, what is this for?
Straight teeth are one of the essential components of a beautiful smile. However, ideally aligned teeth
Removable braces - designs for correcting malocclusion in children
One of the key and still relevant problems in orthodontics today is alignment
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