Diastema and trema - a type of gap between teeth

Anna Paquin, Vanessa Paradis and Victoria Secret star Jess Hart. Those with three teeth between the front central teeth have diastemas. Trema are the spaces between teeth; they can be pathological or physiological.

When three teeth are normal

Physiological problems refer to the characteristics of the primary occlusion in its 2nd period - at the age of 6-7 years.


arises as a consequence of jaw growth and due to three, physiological displacement of teeth occurs in the process of their replacement and the necessary position of the dentition of permanent occlusion is established. That is, gaps between teeth are part of the life cycle of human teeth.

Prevention of diastemas

To ensure that thoughts about how to remove gaps between teeth at home or in any other way in your children never occur to you, you should adhere to two basic rules.

  1. It is necessary to rid the child of habits harmful to teeth and teach him proper oral care, which will eliminate various diseases that may affect the further development of the gap between the front teeth.
  2. Follow a schedule for visiting the dentist so that he can identify deviations in time and prescribe the necessary treatment. And although the appearance of a gap between the front teeth in a child under one year of age is nonsense, its appearance in adolescence is quite likely if prevention of this problem in childhood is ignored.

When is three teeth abnormal?

In what cases can we talk about the negative, pathological influence of dental spaces?

Pathological tremors appear more often after the change of primary teeth to permanent teeth in mesial and distal occlusions with protrusion of the lower or upper frontal teeth.


– this is not only an unsatisfactory appearance, it is also a violation of the dentition. Trema is actually the presence of large and small spaces between the teeth. A large gap between the central teeth has a separate name - diastema. We see a classic example of diastema in many movie and sports stars, in particular Mike Tyson and Samuel L Jackson.

Tremas can form when there is a discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the size of the teeth. The absence of individual teeth or their incorrect position in the dentition, for example rotations, protrusion, etc., also plays a role.

It’s good when, for example, you are a movie star and your cosmetic dental defect is one of your calling cards. But when you are a simple person, tormented by this problem and the subject of ridicule since childhood? And although childhood is long over and ridicule is a thing of the past, the fact of the presence of large gaps between the teeth itches and torments a person every time he, smiling broadly, catches someone’s gaze on himself. Yes, it’s a complex and it’s hard to force yourself to overcome it. Then maybe it’s better to solve it radically and eliminate the already hated visible and visible gaps between the teeth to strangers?

Let's first name three causes.

Definition of pathology

Trema is a gap between teeth located one behind the other. The definition includes spaces between regular teeth, with no defects included.

The size of the gap will determine whether the pathology is an aesthetic defect or a dysfunctional deviation.

External manifestations

Tremas can be identified by characteristic symptoms unique to this disease: the distance between adjacent teeth.

They do not touch the side surfaces, and the gap between them is clearly determined visually. As a rule, a small space is acceptable .

The norm is considered to be a distance between teeth not exceeding 0.7 mm. But if the length of the gap is greater than this indicator, then this can be considered a pathological deformation.

In addition, a sign of this pathology can be the small size of the teeth, both in width and height.

Where do they appear most often?

The malposition leading to the formation of trema is most often observed on the upper fixed jaw .

The lower jaw is more labile, and therefore the occurrence of three on it is observed in extremely rare cases.

Let's figure out what the correct bite of a person's teeth is and why its formation is so important.

In the next publication we will talk about the features of Pilot braces.

Here https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/lechebno-profilakticheskie-apparatyi/plastinyi-dlya-osnovnyie-vidyi-i-tsenyi.html we list prices for plates for straightening children's teeth.

How are they different from diastemas?

Most people mistake gaps between teeth for diastemas. But there is a difference between these pathologies.

Diastemas are localized only in the area of ​​the first (front) incisors , both on the lower and upper jaws. As a rule, they are considered as an aesthetic defect.

Tremas are located throughout the entire row, right up to the molars, and often cause disruption to the proper functioning of the dental system.

The reasons for the appearance of pathological three

  • edentulism;
  • anomaly in the size and shape of teeth (small subulate teeth) and anomaly in their location;
  • biting the tongue, lips;
  • thumb sucking, pencil sucking and other bad habits. This also leads to an open bite in adulthood.
  • wide, low-attached frenulum of the upper lips;
  • excessive use of pacifiers in infancy. Also, in addition to the formation of a trema, it is also a candidate for an open bite
  • the absence of some teeth due to caries or periodontitis.

Negative effects of tooth decay on health

Trems are not only a cosmetic defect. Because of them, the edge of the gum is often injured by food in the area between the teeth, which leads to the appearance of pathological gum pockets. And food stuck between teeth and gums causes tooth decay and bad breath. Tremes also make it difficult to pronounce sounds. It must be said that they usually increase with age. So, in addition to the aesthetic side of the problem, eliminating three is necessary for oral health and preventing more serious consequences.

What problems can it provoke?

Despite their apparent harmlessness, tremors very often have a negative impact on both the functioning of the jaw apparatus and the condition of the entire body.

Among the most common problems caused by this pathology are:

  • violation of diction , observed at a large distance, which can reach 5 mm;
  • damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity , as severe pathology often leads to the formation of a deep bite, on the basis of which, in addition, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are formed;
  • periodontal tissue diseases. The close contact of adjacent teeth provides periodontal protection in the area of ​​the gingival papillae.
    If there is a gap, the gum remains open and is constantly exposed to mechanical stress. As a result of this, an inflamed deep gingival pocket forms around the base, in which infection develops.

    Often this leads to its loosening and complete loss;

  • the development of caries, which often quickly covers the enamel, penetrates the tooth cavity and provokes pulpitis, leading to purulent complications.
    A purulent infection often causes diseases of the ENT organs and a decrease in general immunity.

Correction of three between teeth

Although we talk about all these dental problems as the calling cards of many stars, even more of them still decide to correct dental pathology and eliminate dental problems. Cristiano Ronaldo, for example, benefited from treatment for trema. Is not it?

Treatment of such a cosmetic defect usually requires the complex work of a group of specialists and takes quite a long time (we are talking here about many months, up to a year and a half). But the result, as in the case of Ben Affleck, is superb; he underwent treatment even before he became a mega star:

Zac Efron didn’t think long about his diastema and eliminated it in his youth:

In the case of open bite, progenia, prognathia, treatment of the main anomalies by correcting the dentition causes their elimination.

Doctors do not recommend cosmetically eliminating trema without treating the underlying pathology. Otherwise, a relapse will not be long in coming; an incorrect bite leads to excessive stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which poses an additional danger in adulthood. That is, only after leveling the malocclusion will it be possible to engage in cosmetic restoration.

What to do with diastema

Diastema removal can be done either surgically or orthodontically. At the same time, the need for one or another method of treating this anomaly directly depends on its complexity, as well as the age of the patient. So, for example, with diastema of milk teeth, the defect corrects itself immediately after changing teeth, which eliminates the need to search for an answer to how to close the gap between a child’s teeth when changing milk teeth to molars. If the child’s gap remains even after their renewal, then treatment is inevitable.

The most common method of correcting a diastema is the use of weak force, provided, for example, by removable plates with arm-shaped springs. This approach is due to the fact that the use of great force can lead to bone resorption and deformation, and these, in turn, can lead to complications from the perapical tissues.

When looking for options on how to get rid of diastema and close the gap between teeth in adults, as in the case of children, you should count on orthodontic or surgical correction. And if, for example, the presence of an overdeveloped short frenulum of the lip is confirmed, getting rid of the diastema by surgery by excision and plastic movement of the interincisal connective tissue becomes justified. This method of diastema restoration, even in adults, facilitates further treatment and also allows you to consolidate previously obtained results.

However, the choice of surgical intervention alone cannot be final, since it is always associated with an integrated approach, and therefore, with diastema, orthodontic treatment is no less important. It should also be noted that the use of specialized devices can be carried out both before and after surgery. This means that in case of diastema, braces can be used both as an intermediate remedy and as the main device for correcting the gap.

How is triple aligner treatment performed?

Orthodontic treatment is carried out depending on the situation, using transparent aligners to correct the bite.

During this treatment, both the visible parts of the teeth and their roots are brought closer together, with the surrounding bone tissue being rebuilt.

Treatment with three aligners gives a guaranteed, stable result

The most interesting thing is that the therapeutic effect when treating trema using Star Smile aligners can be simulated and seen even before the start of treatment using 3D visualization on a computer. See how bite problems are eliminated on the computer - in real life the treatment is exactly the same, one-on-one:

Aligners have the exceptional ability to predict all future treatment on a computer and see the final result BEFORE treatment begins.

Cost of treatment for trema with aligners

Now you have the opportunity to get a beautiful smile, without three, at the cost of:

  • for the simplest case of correcting trema on aligners from 4,000 rubles
    per month
  • in the most difficult case of eliminating gaps between teeth using aligners - less than 10,000 rubles
    per month

In fact, Star Smile today has the lowest
in Russia for aligners compared to all aligner manufacturers! (Invisalign, Orthosnap, 3D Smile)

Find out all prices for aligners

PS For the cost of treatment with aligners:

Star Smile also has the best prices for the treatment of trema and diastema with aligners in Russia, which covers more than 70 cities of the Russian Federation, since the company’s main goal is to make prices for aligners affordable for the vast majority of patients. You can see this for yourself - look at the prices for aligners.

Well, if for some reason bringing the teeth together with the help of transparent aligners is impossible - the size of the teeth, shape, color need correction, then

Tremors between teeth can be eliminated using the following methods:

  • Therapeutic
    , through artistic restoration with composite veneers.
  • Orthopedic
    , when the defect is closed with ceramic veneers or crowns. It looks better than with composite material.


Photo: how to remove cracks between teeth
In order to prevent complications or tooth loss, it is recommended to stop this problem in a timely manner. To do this, you need to visit a dentist who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Only pathological trema requires treatment. To eliminate this defect, clinics use two types of techniques: orthodontic and orthopedic.

For one of the three ways to eliminate it, watch the video:


Orthodontic includes methods aimed at changing the position of teeth and adjusting the length of the jaw arch. For treatment, special removable and non-removable devices are used.

For children under 12 years of age, removable structures are used , which are gentle and highly effective:

  • orthodontic plates;
  • elastopositioners;
  • aligners, correcting arches.

The choice of device is made only by the dentist, based on individual anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Fixed devices are used in children over 12 years of age and adults . Braces serve as a permanent structure.

Now, any clinic can offer various types of braces, differing in the type of fastening, material of manufacture, principle of corrective action and cost.

Regardless of the orthodontic method, it will take quite a long time to eliminate this defect.

If small gaps form, the result can be obtained in 6–8 months. In the presence of more severe pathology, treatment may take up to 1.5 years.


Orthopedic treatment is aimed at visually eliminating the problem using corrective agents.

To eliminate the defect, they most often use:

  • Ceramic onlays (veneers, lumineers).
    They are thin plates that are used to cover the front surface of the enamel. Used with small interdental distances of up to 3 mm. Installing veneers has a small drawback - preliminary preparation of the tooth.
  • Restoration with a composite is the most budget option.
    The technology is similar to installing veneers, but instead of ceramic plates, composite onlays are used. It has a number of disadvantages: it also requires minimal preparation, low aesthetic properties and a short service life due to the softness of the material.
  • Crowns .
    In case of pronounced gaps, the defect is eliminated with the help of crowns, for which a material is used that accurately conveys the transparency and shade of a natural tooth. Using this method, you can hide scars located throughout the entire dentition. Its disadvantages: deep grinding of the enamel and killing of the nerve, even with a healthy tooth.
  • Implantation .
    It is used if the cause of the defect is partial absence of teeth. The procedure has a lot of contraindications and should be carried out only after a thorough examination.

How does diastema of the upper teeth differ from similar pathologies?

In a separate article we will find out what an orthodontist treats.

Follow the link https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/lechebno-profilakticheskie-apparatyi/treyneryi-dlya-tsena-na-razlichnyie-vidyi.html we will look at how much dental trainers cost and what affects this index.

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And it's not a joke.
The Star Smile company is represented by certified orthodontists in more than 70 cities of Russia and we can offer you a unique opportunity - to simulate your future treatment result in three BEFORE it begins. If you like it, you can decide for yourself which way you want to correct the tremors - with aligners or another alternative method. And do you need to correct the three? Since Star Smile is a leading Russian manufacturer of mouth guards for teeth straightening, our prices for treatment of three teeth are truly the most comfortable for you. And the consultation is free. Would you like us to sign you up for a free consultation on correcting three in your city?

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