Timely prevention of problems using the vestibular plate


Everyone knows the popular wisdom that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. This statement is more than true when it comes to bite pathologies, the elimination of which is a lengthy process and not always budgetary.

Long-term correction requires patience, food restrictions, and regular medical support. And such devices require more careful care.

Modern designs for aligning the bite make it possible to do this already at the stage of infancy, the main task of which is to diagnose the anomaly in time.

General overview

The vestibular plate is an orthodontic product with a preventive spectrum of action.

The technique is recommended for use in early childhood if the child has bad habits that can play the role of a provoking factor in the development of malocclusion pathologies.

To wean a child, say, from thumb sucking, and to switch his attention to another object, specially designed plates are used as an alternative. Thanks to periodic exposure to the device, the defect is treated naturally.

Procedure for making and installing plates for teeth straightening

The selection and production of plates for correcting the bite is carried out only after examination by an orthodontist. The technique is as follows:

  • A volumetric image of the jaw bone tissue (OPTG) is taken;
  • Impressions of the jaws are taken;
  • They are sent to a dental laboratory to produce the selected plate;

After the orthodontic equipment has been manufactured, the doctor installs it and explains to the parents and child how to wear it. The fixed structure takes a little longer to install than the removable one. The procedure for adjusting and installing the plate is simple and painless. At first, the child feels discomfort from the presence of the equipment in the mouth, but then he gets used to it.


General indications for the use of vestibular plates are:

  • constant thumb sucking;
  • dental trema;
  • open form of improper closing of the jaws;
  • incomplete labial closure;
  • lower jaw too small;
  • to stimulate the circular muscle tissues of the oral cavity;
  • breathing through the mouth due to the abnormal structure of the nasal septum;
  • limited language function;
  • painful syndrome during eruption of lower jaw organs;
  • diction problems, unclear pronunciation of consonants;
  • low-set tongue;
  • stuttering.

Summing up

Children's teeth are not only a cheerful smile. It is also an important link in the digestive tract. Depending on the quality of chewing food, the further process of digestion also depends. Disease of the teeth and gums often leads to inflammation of other organs. It is necessary to monitor the condition of a child’s teeth from a very early age. Replacing baby teeth with permanent ones should be natural. Often, an extracted baby tooth causes the molar to erupt in the wrong place, and as a result, the need for orthodontic treatment with plates or braces. Doctors say: “It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it.”

The appearance of malocclusion or crooked teeth must be corrected as early as possible. To identify abnormalities in a timely manner, it is recommended to bring your child for examination to the dentist at least twice a year, starting from the age of one.

Parents should ensure that their child learns to brush his teeth well as early as possible and help him do it correctly.

Periodically examine his oral cavity and if you notice a brown or white spot on his teeth, immediately contact a dentist. Currently, doctors have completely painless ways to treat caries.

Stoppi device

Stoppi preventive orthodontic plates are produced in Germany.

This is an innovative device that can be offered to your baby as an alternative solution to thumb sucking in order to wean him off this habit as quickly as possible.

The device is made of medical silicone, which does not cause allergies and is highly elastic.

The plate is reinforced with side partitions for more intense pressure. At the same time, it is conveniently placed in the oral cavity, does not swallow or tip over, and also completely eliminates compression of the upper dentition.

In case of malocclusion, the device will have not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect, and after a short time, the jaws will close in the desired position.


  • minimizes the risk of developing an open bite defect;
  • excludes anomaly of underdevelopment of the lower jaw row;
  • prevents the development of the habit of mouth breathing.

It is advisable to use the device for 5–6 weeks. This time will be enough for the child to forget about the old habit.

The only disadvantages include the high price, which ranges around 2,000 rubles.

A detailed description of the manufacturing technique of the Ainsworth Apparatus and indications for its use.

Let us consider here the features and purpose of the Luri Apparatus.

At this address https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/lechebno-profilakticheskie-apparatyi/mershona.html we will talk about the indications and contraindications for the use of the Mershon Apparatus.

What is better - braces or braces?

The plates are only effective for people under 15 years of age and may not help in some situations. And even at the age of 10-12 years, in some cases it is necessary to install braces. If the pathologies are minor and are in the initial stage, then it is enough to use plates.


  • Possibility to remove if necessary;
  • Easy to care for your oral cavity;
  • Cheaper than braces.


  • Often not effective enough;
  • Long-term addiction.

Advantages of braces:

  • Continuous action on teeth;
  • Quick addiction;
  • A larger number of defects can be eliminated simultaneously.


  • Difficulties in caring for the oral cavity;
  • High cost for the entire range of services.

Mappi models

Muppy vestibular plates from German manufacturers provide high-quality prevention of jaw pathologies and quickly correct speech dysfunction.

All models of this brand are made from safe materials, and their innovative technologies are patented by the manufacturer and are considered unique.

A bright color scheme, a multiplicity of options, each of which corrects certain deviations - this is only a small part of the advantages, and it is advisable to consider them in more detail.

Standard for primary occlusion soft OS SI

After just a couple of days, a standard model can successfully replace a baby’s favorite pacifier, and according to the developers, it takes no more than 7-10 days for a child to get rid of a bad habit.

The product is made of soft, elastic silicone, the additional function of which is local training of the muscle tissues of the mouth, if they are excessively weakened.

In addition, an alternative is provided - a more rigid design with an inclined plane and a vestibular arch, recommended for use in children with mixed dentition.

Main advantages:

  • correction of language dysfunction;
  • eliminating the habit of breathing through the mouth;
  • self-regulation of other minor anomalies in the structure of the facial apparatus;
  • myofunctional warm-up;
  • when used in combination with orthodontic therapy, the course of treatment is significantly reduced.

The correction takes place in a playful way, when parents try to pull out the pacifier by pulling the ring, and the baby tries to hold it.

The disadvantage is the age restriction - this model is not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age.

The cost of the product is about 900 rubles.

Detailed description of Myobrace trainers, indications for use.

In this publication we will look at the varieties of the Basharova Apparatus.

Follow the link https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/lechebno-profilakticheskie-apparatyi/englya.html if you are interested in the design of the Engle Apparatus.

With visor for primary occlusion rigid OS/CI

The design feature of the model allows it to be more firmly fixed in the baby’s oral cavity. The visor clings to the lower teeth, as a result of which the desired jaw moves slightly forward, which accelerates its growth processes.

The product is recommended for correcting class 2 defects in the presence of interdental sagittal spaces. If you wear the model with the visor up, the effect will be achieved even with third-class pathologies.

The use of such plates has the following advantages:

  • faster development of language function;
  • more accurate lip closure;
  • the habit of breathing through the nose is developed.

They are also made in two versions - soft devices and harder ones, made of silicone with a more rigid structure. The soft version is designed for milk bites, and the dense design is ideal for replacement ones.


  • abnormal size of the lower fragment of the jaw;
  • difficulties with teething - using a plate speeds up the process and eliminates itching;


  • some limited indications for use due to the presence of chronic diagnoses.

Price - about 1,800 rubles for a soft structure and within 2,100 rubles for a rigid structure.

With tongue guard for mixed bite OS GUII

It is produced in two versions - with a red ring (ideal for milk bites), and with a blue ring (its size is slightly larger and is suitable for mixed bites).

A feature that sets it apart from analog models is the presence of a wire flap.


  • correction of language function;
  • mouth breathing;
  • weak orbicularis muscle;
  • diction defects;
  • stimulation of myofunctional training.


  • teaches the baby to pronounce sounds correctly faster;
  • corrects the internal position of the tongue;
  • causes an unconscious desire to breathe through the nose.


  • age restrictions (from 3 years);
  • high price.

Made from transparent high-quality silicone component. Cost from 2,400 rubles.

With bead for children with speech problems OS/PI NEW

The bead, which is attached to the wire, is designed to control the position of the tongue in the natural palatal position.

At the same time, it is able to activate the work of its root, since during a conversation the baby spontaneously rolls the bead in the area of ​​the palate, stimulating the muscles of the organ.

Has a wide range of indications:

  • dysarthria;
  • hypertonicity of the muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • incorrect pronunciation of consonants;
  • defective rise of the soft palate;
  • congenital rhinolalia;
  • stuttering;
  • macroglossia.

Made of hypoallergenic plastic material.

The main advantage of the model is its pronounced therapeutic effect, which is often achieved without complex combination with other types of therapy to eliminate dental pathologies of hard tissues of the oral cavity.

The disadvantages of the device include a longer period of adaptation, since the presence of a small bead may initially cause some discomfort in the child, which, however, quickly passes.

Cost from 1,500 rubles.

The video describes in more detail the vestibular plates, their structure and action.

Plates for teeth straightening

Orthodontic plates are often called “braces” or “plates on the teeth.” This device is used to treat children under 15 years of age. Made individually for each child. It is attached to the outer surface, the inner part and can partially cover the sky. Made from soft or medium hard plastic and metal. The child takes food without any discomfort. There is no need for any special care for the plates.


  • abnormal development of the bones of the jaw arches (narrowness of the jaw bone or disruption of its shape);
  • the need to adjust the position of one or more teeth;
  • movement of individual teeth;
  • the presence of gaps between teeth (three and diastemas);
  • the need to correct the narrowing of the palate;
  • activation or slowdown of the jaw growth process;
  • consolidation of results after using other orthodontic systems;
  • preventing crowding;
  • prevention of relapses of malocclusion, etc.

There is no need for any special care of the plates

Kraus vestibulo-oral plate

The product includes two elements:

  • vestibular;
  • oral.

Both fragments are fastened with pieces of wire, which is located in the spaces of the incisors, canines and molars of the upper dentition.

The system is indicated for those with the habit of thumb sucking, inserting the tongue between bone organs during conversation, and with the infantile form of swallowing.

The advantage of the model is that the design corrects speech pathologies that other vestibular plates may not be able to do due to their neglect.

How to teach a child

So that the baby does not resist wearing the structure, you need to offer it to him unobtrusively. It is best to offer to play his favorite game or watch cartoons with him during this time.

If the child is older, you can try to talk to him, explaining in an accessible form the need for such a procedure. It would be wise to use the services of a psychologist, which is available at many children's orthodontic clinics.

They recruit groups of children with similar problems, where appropriate classes will be conducted with the children in a collective form. At such trainings, children willingly spend time - playing, drawing, and at the same time correction takes place.

Having developed the habit of wearing the device there, the child is unlikely to resist using it at home.

For general information about the purpose and indications for the use of orthopedic vestibular plates, see the video.

Reviews of plates for teeth straightening

Looking through the reviews from parents, it can be noted that they are all positive. Children quickly get used to wearing the equipment. All dental defects are corrected quickly. It cannot be said that for all children the operation with the installation of plates is completely painless, but if everything is chosen correctly, the inconvenience quickly passes.

Dentists also respond well to the plates. Some believe that in adults, correcting defects with plates is even more convenient. For them, this is done even longer, once, but in children, as the jaw grows, the correction plates need to be changed.

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