The dental system performs the functions of breathing, swallowing, chewing and speech. It is a part of the body
Release form and composition The main active ingredients of cough tablets are leaf extract and
Sometimes it can be difficult with children, especially when you need to instill in them certain hygiene skills. Not easy
Families who have experienced the whims of their baby due to swelling of the gums and pain during teething,
Caries is a common dental pathology affecting hard tissues. During the pathological process from the enamel
General information Composition Advantages of the drug Disadvantages Method of administration Review of manufacturers Price Almost all patients
Types of removal Causes of complications How long does the pain last What is the pain associated with? My jaw hurts. It hurts.
About the prevention and treatment of common childhood dental diseases, the causes of candidiasis (thrush) and
Causes of formation The causes of this disease include previous injuries and inflammatory diseases
Dental prosthetics is the restoration of the functions of the human chewing apparatus. The best removable dentures –