- Published by: Laima Jansons
White plaque on the lips is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon, causing discomfort and certain aesthetic inconveniences. In some people it may appear only at certain times, in others it occurs all the time. In most cases, the temporary manifestation of the disease does not indicate the presence of serious pathologies and, when the cause is eliminated, goes away on its own.
Photo 1: In case of recurrence of white plaque on the lips, the patient needs to seriously think about visiting a doctor - this may be a signal of the onset of the development of serious diseases. Source: flickr (dr kryger).
Non-pathological causes
These are the most harmless factors for the appearance of white plaque on the lips in adults. These include:
- improper oral care;
- an incorrectly composed menu with a predominance of foods low in vitamins and nutrients;
- dentures;
- use of certain medications;
- depression;
- bad habits, especially smoking.
But the most important thing is that this condition is quite simple to correct - simply remove the provoking factor.
Localization Features
Depending on where the white plaque appears on the lips in adults, we can assume the cause of its occurrence.
In the corners of the mouth. This localization of plaque is typical for smokers and for people who do not carefully monitor oral hygiene. In some cases, this may be a symptom of the development of candidiasis or vitamin deficiency.
The problem is on the outside of the lips. In most cases, such plaque is accompanied by the formation of a dry crust. And this suggests that, most likely, cheilitis or herpes is present, and perhaps these are negative consequences from tattooing.
The problem is on the inside of the lips. Such manifestations most often indicate the presence of a fungal infection. Especially if curd masses appear, plaque not only on the lips, but also on the tongue, cheeks, even tonsils.
If there is a sticky coating on the lips in the morning, then most likely the person has problems with the stomach or esophagus.
How to determine that plaque is a sign of a real disease?
You can determine that plaque is a signal that a serious illness has settled in the body by the following signs:
- The plaque is not washed off when washing your face in the morning, it appears regularly, and over time the film becomes thicker.
- When examining the oral cavity, plaque is found on the tongue, inner surface of the cheeks, palate and larynx.
If you discover the above symptoms, you must urgently visit a specialist in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.
This disease develops against the background of the “awakening” of fungi from the genus Candida. For most people, these bacteria are present in the body throughout their lives, but as soon as the immune forces weaken, the fungus immediately begins to make itself felt.
The disease can even occur from contact with dirty or spoiled food. Alcohol and some medications can cause plaque to appear. Hormonal and antibacterial medications are especially dangerous.
The cause of white plaque on the lips in adult women can be pregnancy. Quite often, thrush appears in the first trimester, but disappears on its own over time. But if the fetus is large, then treatment may be required, since the mother’s body may not be able to cope with candidiasis on its own.
Thrush can appear during menopause or during puberty due to hormonal imbalances in the body.
Symptoms and treatment of candidiasis
As soon as the disease begins to develop, the symptoms immediately make themselves felt. Plaque appears on the lips and inside the mouth, irritation may begin, cracks on the lips and redness in the corners of the mouth may appear. Almost every day the symptoms intensify and, in the absence of treatment, very quickly develop into a chronic form. In this case, the sick person already has severe discomfort, wounds appear in areas of white plaque that bleed and fester.
The fungus quickly spreads across the mucous membranes and can appear on the cheeks and palate. It becomes difficult for a sick person to chew food. Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help in time so that the fungus does not begin to affect other organs.
When treating white plaque on the lips in adults, which occurs due to candidiasis, creams, tablet and capsule medications for oral administration, and sprays are used. If plaque is present only on the lips, then you can only use ointment or cream. Sprays help cope with the disease that manifests itself in the oral cavity. If the fungus has already penetrated the digestive tract, then drug treatment is used. The most commonly used drugs are Pimafucin, Fucis, Itracon and Medoflucon. In pediatrics, intravenous solutions are used, but it is better to have them administered by a medical professional.
More about the main pathological prerequisites
As for the pathological problems that lead to the appearance of the symptom in question, most often light discharge occurs due to viral infections, lack of vitamins and microelements, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Let's take a closer look at the most common reasons for the formation of white plaque on the lips.
Localization of plaque during candidiasis
This type of disease begins to develop against the background of excessive proliferation of opportunistic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which live in every organism. People call this disease “thrush”. Patients with candidiasis often complain of the following symptoms:
- redness of the mucous membrane inside the mouth,
- a cheesy, white coating on the tongue and lips, as well as on the roof of the mouth,
- the appearance of blisters, painful ulcers that cause discomfort during eating and talking,
- sensation of itching and burning at the location of the wounds,
- fatigue, lack of appetite,
- In a newborn baby, plaque often causes an increase in body temperature.
The photo shows candidiasis
. Important! If left untreated, the film acquires a brownish or greenish tint. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist immediately after discovering a suspicious symptom.
The disease occurs against the background of such negative factors as chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, diabetes, stress, depression, antibiotic therapy, pathologies of the endocrine system and a sharp decline in immune defense. It is also transmitted to healthy people through kisses, personal hygiene and household items.
Thrush often occurs in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. This symptom disappears on its own, but it is still better for the patient “in pregnancy” to consult a doctor. Candidiasis is also diagnosed during hormonal imbalances, menopause, and during puberty. In a child, sometimes spots are the result of trauma to the mucous membranes and the subsequent formation of pathogenic microflora (if he hits himself or bites his lips).
If left untreated, the film acquires a brownish or greenish tint.
For candidiasis, specialists prescribe treatment, which includes a comprehensive intake of antifungal agents, application of creams and ointments. During the entire course, patients are advised to rinse their mouths with appropriate solutions.
Changes in the oral mucosa due to dysbacteriosis
An imbalance of bacteria (or dysbiosis) in the human body, provoked by taking medications and poor-quality food, often causes the accumulation of deposits on the tongue, similar to cheesy lumps. Plaque is not always easy to clean off from the outer part of the mucous membranes and in some cases has a foamy consistency, which indicates the presence of fungal flora. Characteristics of plaque in dysbacteriosis:
- the thickness of the film does not allow you to see the color of the tongue,
- wet and greasy consistency
- white color (a yellowish tint indicates a more severe form of dysbiosis),
- It can be removed easily, but quickly appears again.
In case of dysbacteriosis, plaque is easily removed, but also quickly reappears.
After carrying out the necessary diagnostic examinations confirming the disease, it is necessary to clean the tongue with special oils and solutions, and also restore the intestinal microflora.
Plaque due to vitamin deficiency
This disease occurs as a result of prolonged malnutrition with a lack of any types of vitamins. The lack of these organic compounds causes a malfunction of the entire body and significantly affects the condition of the epithelium. Dry skin from dehydration cracks, a rash appears on it, and then a plaque forms. Additional symptoms of vitamin deficiency are dulling and falling hair, thin and peeling nail plates, involuntary and painful muscle contractions, bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, joint pain, decreased visual acuity, weight and slow development of bone mass in the baby.
With autotaminosis, lips become dehydrated, dry and dull.
Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes the patient a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, intramuscular injections or oral medication. If all recommendations are followed, clots on the lips of the mouth will disappear very quickly.
Symptoms of stomatitis
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, called stomatitis, is characterized by unpleasant, painful sensations when eating or drinking, the appearance of small vesicular blastulas, a light white film and elevated body temperature. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient may develop round purulent ulcers with smooth outlines, the process of salivation will also increase, and the lymph nodes located near the jaw will increase. For the same reason, clots often form inside the lip.
The photo shows stomatitis on the oral mucosa
The infection spreads through contact, therefore, as soon as plaque appears in adults or children, you need to use separate utensils, and place the patient’s toothbrush away from the personal hygiene items of healthy people. This pathological condition is treated under the supervision of a doctor, since the treatment regimen consists of antiviral, painkillers and antibacterial agents.
Problems with lips in diabetes
The disease called diabetes is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin. Without this hormone, sugar that is not converted into glucose accumulates in the blood, disrupts water metabolism, and fluid is excreted without remaining in the tissues. Therefore, people with diabetes complain of thirst, their skin dries out and peels, and the wounds on it take a long time to heal. Sometimes there is itching and films in the folds surrounding the mouth.
With diabetes, lips crack and do not heal for a long time.
On a note! It is worth noting that against the background of an imbalance in blood sugar, candidiasis, stomatitis and various dental diseases often develop. In this regard, diabetics need to periodically visit the dentist, maintain oral hygiene and monitor their diet.
Symptoms of cheilitis
Problem areas that appear in the corners of the lips often signal the onset of an inflammatory process in the mouth. It develops independently or is a symptom of another disease. Basically, cheilitis can be triggered by dermatosis that accompanies skin pathologies, allergies, or intensive growth of fungal bacteria provoked by taking antibiotics. Also, unbalanced nutrition (with a predominance of foods rich in carbohydrates) and lack of oral hygiene sometimes act as predisposing factors.
With cheilitis, problem areas appear in the corners of the lips
Cheilitis is characterized by dry cracks in the corners of the mouth, followed by the appearance of films on the upper and lower lips. Treatment consists of taking anti-inflammatory, antifungal ointments, antihistamines in combination with hormonal ones.
White film with herpes
One of the very first manifestations of the disease is burning, tingling on the lips and the formation of papules. Over time, the liquid in the transparent blisters becomes cloudy, they burst, turning into a weeping wound, and the damaged epithelium becomes covered with a film. Herpes causes discomfort in people, provokes the growth of lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature. The disease occurs due to a virus that can remain in the body for a long time and manifest itself with the onset of unfavorable conditions such as stress, hypothermia, colds, hormonal imbalance or lack of vitamins.
The photo shows herpes on the lips
Treatment should begin immediately - as soon as bubbles appear. Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents are prescribed as therapy.
In fact, in medicine there is no such term as “stomatitis”. This is a collective image that includes diseases of the oral cavity accompanied by an inflammatory process. Such diseases are characterized by painful and uncomfortable sensations in the mouth. The causative agents of diseases can be bacteria and fungi. A white coating inside the lip of an adult can also indicate that stomatitis has appeared.
However, there are a number of characteristic signs of the presence of the disease:
- red, small vesicular blastulas that appear throughout the oral mucosa;
- a light white coating that appears against the background of an increase in the level of leukocytes;
- increased body temperature;
- increased level of leukocytes in the blood.
Stomatitis is transmitted through household contact, so you should carefully monitor oral hygiene and be sure to wash food well.
Only a physician can make a correct diagnosis, as well as prescribe adequate treatment. The simplest treatment method involves sanitation of the oral cavity; in these cases, a soda solution, antifungal medications or herbal decoctions are used. If a fungal cause of stomatitis is nevertheless diagnosed, then antifungal drugs, ointments and lipsticks are prescribed.
In addition to therapeutic measures, you will need to adjust your diet and maintain optimal water balance in the body, and monitor the humidity in the room.
Measures to be taken
Pathology is treated only after an accurate diagnosis of the disease, so you must visit a therapist who will give a referral to the appropriate specialist.
At the appointment, the doctor will examine the patient, analyze his complaints, and take a smear from the oral mucosa or skin of the lips. If necessary, additional research will be prescribed (blood sampling, x-ray, gastrofibroscopy, etc.). The disease we are talking about today can be quickly neutralized exclusively with the help of complex therapy (special diets, antibiotic treatment, the use of traditional medicine, homeopathy).
Treatment with medications has 2 directions:
- mechanical removal of the film in the mouth and lips, prescribing medications that suppress the activity of the pathogen (Candida fungus);
- measures aimed at improving the functioning of the patient’s immune system.
If the problem occurs in the morning
If a white coating appears on the lower lip of adults after sleep, then most likely it is simply dried saliva that involuntarily flows out of the mouth during sleep. When the problem occurs only occasionally and the plaque does not have a strong odor, then it should not cause any concern. This film can be quickly removed after the morning hygiene procedure.
Most often, this problem occurs if a person has a stuffy nose or has dental problems (caries or periodontal disease). However, morning plaque can also indicate more severe pathologies, especially if it appears on a regular basis.
In particular, a white coating on the upper lip and/or lower lip of an adult, which appears in the morning after sleep, may indicate that there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or increased acidity, or the presence of worms. If, along with the plaque, a transparent crust appears and these symptoms are accompanied by dry mouth, then, most likely, the body lacks vitamins B and A, butuulism or mumps, dysfunction of the salivary glands or Sjögren's syndrome may have already begun.
If, after the morning hygiene procedure, plaque appears again, then this is definitely a sign of the development of some kind of pathology, and such a condition requires immediate consultation with a doctor.
White plaque on the lips of adult men is often the result of an addiction - smoking.
What symptoms should cause alarm?
A small amount of whitish clots is often a consequence of the vital activity of organisms living in the mouth. If the formation of a film is not accompanied by discomfort or pain, and the film itself is easily cleaned off, then you don’t need to panic. But plaque should cause alarm if the following accompanying symptoms occur:
- unpleasant, putrid odor from the mouth,
- decreased functionality and mobility of the tongue,
- change in consistency and shade of plaque,
- restless sleep,
- loss of appetite,
- painful sensations in the throat, abdominal part.
An unpleasant accompanying symptom of the problem may be bad breath.
The listed signs can signal serious pathologies and require an immediate visit to the doctor. Based on the test results, he will identify the causes and determine treatment tactics.
How to get rid of the problem?
To eliminate plaque on the lips, you should simultaneously act in two directions:
- eliminate the identified cause of this condition;
- carry out regular local treatment of the oral cavity.
Standard oral care measures include brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. After eating food, you should rinse your mouth and clean the space between your teeth with dental floss, but not with a toothpick. Be sure to visit your dentist regularly, even if nothing hurts; prevention will help you avoid caries and other problems with your teeth and oral mucosa. Try to give up bad habits and eat food only when it is warm.
To get rid of white plaque in the corners of the lips in adults, you can make lotions from essential oils: lemon, lavender, bergamot. Until the plaque stops, treat problem areas 2-3 times throughout the day with a cotton swab soaked in oil.
It would be useful to carry out an antiseptic rinse. You can prepare herbal decoctions yourself at home. The simplest recipe is to dilute propolis in warm water and rinse your mouth with it; cranberry juice or rowan decoction will also work. You can make a decoction of several herbs: celandine, calendula, sage and birch buds. Or you can purchase a ready-made medication at any pharmacy chain.
Photo of white plaque on lips
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