Vulvitis in girls: causes, symptoms and methods of treating adult disease in children

In children after birth, rashes are often physiological; they should not cause much concern to parents. The skin adapts to its new habitat - without water, which is often accompanied by some problems. As a result, the influence of any negative factors can cause a skin rash.

The first children's medical center offers the services of qualified pediatric dermatologists in Saratov. The Center’s specialists aim not only to rid your child of the external symptoms of the disease, but also to find and eliminate the cause that caused it. This is very important, because if the cause of the disease is not eliminated, it can recur again and again, taking a chronic course.

Reasons for appearance

A callus on a child’s lip manifests itself in the form of a neoplasm and dropsy on the inside, which is covered with skin on the outside. Sometimes it becomes covered with a compacted and dry crust. This formation can occur on the 4th day or after 2 weeks, when the baby is breastfed. After a certain period, the formation will disappear, but it can appear again or be constantly present.

Causes of the defect:

  • if you rub the nipple for a long time and uncontrollably apply the baby to the mother’s breast,
  • the mother changed the method of attaching the baby to the nipple during natural feeding,
  • The mother's breast has anatomical features,
  • milk flows poorly, baby makes efforts to feed himself,
  • When artificial feeding, a rough nipple is used.

The callus may remain until natural feeding is stopped and can be observed in a child from 1.5 to 3 years of age. The main reason for the appearance of a callus is the active sucking of the baby. The skin of his lips is delicate, soft and sensitive. Constant, prolonged intense friction contributes to chafing and minor traumatic effects.

Experts believe that a callus is a sign of a baby’s good appetite, signaling a developed sucking reflex and normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Calloused neoplasms will appear on the lip if the child suffers from:

  • aphthous stomatitis,
  • measles,
  • chicken pox,
  • scarlet fever,
  • herpes,
  • thrush,
  • diphtheria.

Another such defect will arise due to pathogenic microorganisms introduced onto the baby’s skin and mucous tissues due to ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

Clinical researches

La-Cri foam shampoo for children is created specifically to cleanse the baby’s delicate skin and hair. The product is recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. A clinical study conducted jointly with the Union of Pediatricians of Russia proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients.


  1. Kildiyarova Rita Rafgatovna, Pediatrician for every day. Guide for doctors, GEOTAR-Media, 2021.
  2. Anderson, Arici, Azzopardi, Visual neonatology. Guide, GEOTAR-Media, 2021.
  3. Mancini A.J., Krouchuk D.P., Pediatric dermatology. Practical Medicine, Directory, 2021.

Photos of dermatitis

Photo album on the disease

Difference from other pathologies

With stomatitis in children, the oral cavity becomes inflamed, the gums and tongue are affected. The baby is restless, does not want to eat, and has trouble sleeping. 3 days after the onset of the infectious process, the tongue becomes covered with a white coating, which over time spreads to the hard palate, mucous membranes of the cheeks and the entire oral cavity. The lips and corner of the mouth become covered with cracks. The blister contains a watery yellow liquid and has a bright red lining.

If stomatitis is detected, then the hygiene of the child and mother must be observed. Dishes and toys must be sterilized. The infectious process will disappear after 5-7 days. To speed up recovery and make the baby feel better, use an infusion of parsley root, provided that he does not have allergic reactions to this green. The root of the ingredient is crushed, one tablespoon of cool water is poured into it, boiled and left covered for 60 minutes. Then filter, use one teaspoon throughout the day.

The oral cavity after feeding and sleep, as well as during the day, is treated with a solution of sodium bicarbonate. After a night's sleep, aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil are used to treat the mucous membranes. In case of an infectious process, the doctor selects an ointment for the fungus.

Thrush has a white coating with reddish borders and is caused by Candida fungi. Rashes, hyperemia are visible on the body, the lips are covered with yellow blisters. The baby becomes capricious, he does not want to eat, his sleep is disturbed.

It is necessary to disinfect things and objects with which the baby comes into contact. Items are boiled or sterilized for at least 20 minutes. The child’s oral cavity is treated with a soda solution 8 times a day. To prepare the product, dissolve one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm boiled water.

Thrush and damage to the oral mucosa occur due to ignoring hygiene measures, early or incorrectly selected complementary foods, and fungal infections of the mother’s mammary gland. To prevent infections, it is necessary to clean the baby’s mouth after each meal and regurgitation, and remove residual milk from the baby’s lips. All objects that the child comes into contact with (bottles, pacifiers, dishes, toys) must be thoroughly cleaned.

For up to 6 months, cleaning the mouth, tongue, and teeth is carried out with special napkins that are placed on the finger or a sterile gauze bandage is used. After 6 months, use special brushes that attach to your finger; after 1 year, use a baby toothbrush with soft bristles.

A watery blister on the lips also occurs with herpes. This infection can form during intrauterine development of the fetus or at the birth of a baby. If the mother suffers from acute herpes, then the probability of infection of the baby will be 75%. The infection will appear in the second week after birth. Blisters form on the lips and other parts of the body. When they burst, the ulcers take a long time to heal, and the itching will make the baby uncomfortable. A small patient experiences hyperthermia, he is weakened, drowsy, sometimes there is a convulsive syndrome, and muscle tone decreases.


To diagnose pyoderma, the doctor first examines the rash and determines its nature. Then the discharge from the purulent areas is examined under a microscope. If the tissue damage is very severe, a biopsy is often prescribed.

Additionally, the doctor may recommend a blood test to exclude diabetes, control leukocytes and ESR.

When making a diagnosis, cutaneous forms of tuberculosis and syphilis, as well as various fungal, parasitic and other skin lesions that are not related to pyoderma, are excluded.

Signs of a callus on a baby's lip

Calluses on the lips of newborns are a protective reaction of the child’s body that occurs due to prolonged friction or pressure on the skin, allowing to prevent further destruction of the skin. A callus is the keratinized part of the top layer of the skin.

It can be dry when dead epithelial cells have formed into a hard crust. With a wet callous growth, under the affected skin layer there is lymph that forms a bubble, which is a barrier between the external irritant and the affected skin. A callus of blood is characterized by the presence of blood in the bladder.

When examining the callosal growth, it looks like a small bead. It is located in the center of the upper lip and is a white tubercle, the diameter of which is no more than 5 mm.


To treat pyoderma, you must consult a dermatologist. As a rule, it involves an integrated approach:

  • use of medications according to the situation. These are both drugs that support the immune system, or antibiotics, and local medications - solutions, ointments, etc.;
  • correction of personal hygiene. The hair at the site of infection should not be shaved or pulled out - it only needs to be carefully trimmed without additional damage. Water procedures are either prohibited or carried out with caution;
  • review of nutrition, which should be as balanced as possible, without alcohol, excessive amounts of salt, simple carbohydrates;
  • different ways to improve immunity. This includes giving up bad habits, moderate physical activity, if possible changing the environmental situation to a more favorable one, etc.

The medications used to treat pyoderma are very different, and therefore they can only be prescribed by a doctor and only according to the situation. Any amateur activities, as well as traditional methods of treatment, are excluded in this case - they will only aggravate the problem.

What to do and how to treat

If a callus appears on the baby’s lips, then:

  • You should make sure that this is a milky callous formation and not a symptom of any pathology.
  • The upper lip is more often affected than the lower lip.
  • A milk callous growth will not cause any discomfort to the child, who will continue to receive natural or artificial feeding. The baby will be calm, he will not become whiny or capricious.
  • The neoplasm can be white or light-colored and contains clear cerebrospinal fluid inside it.
  • There is no need to carry out therapeutic measures; the callus will disappear on its own, but it may appear again.
  • If the growth has burst, the affected area is treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  • If the baby is uncomfortable during feeding, then there is an infectious process in the body.
  • The presence of a watery bladder with yellow liquor and a bright red rim indicates thrush or stomatitis.
  • Hyperthermia and several blisters with liquid indicate herpes.

If you have herpes, thrush or stomatitis, then these pathologies should be cured. Mom needs to see a doctor urgently.

The bladder should not be opened, otherwise the tissues will be injured and the likelihood of infectious processes will increase.

Are there any complications?

If the immune system is weak and the body is not provided with professional support, the disease will develop and there are risks of complications. In this case, these are inflammation of the lymph nodes, abscesses, scars, sepsis, meningitis, inflammation of internal organs and even thrombosis of cerebral vessels. That is, theoretically, things could lead to complications that would be dangerous not only to health, but also to human life. So the symptoms of pyoderma should never be ignored. This is not just an aesthetic problem. Moreover, against the background of the aesthetic factor, severe psychological conditions can develop, even depression - so this point also cannot be ignored.

Feeding rules and prevention

To avoid calluses on the baby’s lip, it must be applied correctly to the chest. The feeding process can be lengthy and can last several hours. First, the mother needs to choose a comfortable position so as not to become overtired. The baby should be turned towards his mother, his face located near the chest. You should not fix the baby’s head; he chooses a comfortable position himself and will “inform” his mother about the moment of saturation.

The baby's nose should be close to the chest, but there is no need to press hard on it. Mothers with large breasts should be especially careful to prevent improper latching of the nipple when the baby is forced to reach for it.

Let the baby grab the nipple with his mouth. Do not force the breast to the baby's lips, otherwise he will not latch onto the nipple correctly. If the baby does not completely cover the nipple with his mouth, but only the tip, then the mother must carefully release it, delicately pressing on the baby’s chin.

When the breast is correctly grasped with the mouth, the nipple is grasped along with the areola, the lips are slightly turned outward. The nose is pressed closely to the mammary gland, but does not completely sink into the mammary gland. The baby does not make any sounds when feeding, you can only hear him swallow. When breastfeeding, the mother does not feel any discomfort or pain.

If a callous growth has formed on the lips with cloudy contents, the surrounding tissues are hyperemic and swollen, the baby has become restless, has hyperthermia, or there are other lesions in the mouth, then you should urgently consult a doctor. Self-medication will cause adverse effects.

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