Certificate of oral sanitation - why and when is it required?

  • What is included in the rehabilitation
  • Stages of a full range of events
  • What is a certificate from a dentist about oral hygiene?
  • Certificate of oral hygiene during pregnancy
  • Certificate on oral sanitation for children and adolescents
  • Where can I get a certificate of oral hygiene?

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of measures for the diagnosis and treatment of dental pathologies. It allows you to promptly detect problems with teeth and gums and effectively eliminate them in the early stages. Various institutions may require a certificate of oral sanitation, which can be purchased at the reliable A-Medic clinic. Let's take a closer look at how oral cavity sanitation is carried out and what the certificate is.

What is included in the rehabilitation

It is recommended that every person undergo therapeutic and preventive health measures once every six months. This will allow you to promptly detect and eliminate carious lesions and other problems at an early stage, avoid sudden toothaches and keep your teeth healthy. Upon completion, a certificate of oral sanitation is issued. There are four forms of treatment and preventive measures:

  • one-time For example, to register a child for school or to find a job;
  • individual. A person, on his own initiative, turns to a dentist to assess the condition of the oral cavity and, if necessary, undergo a set of medical procedures;
  • periodic. For some people, sanitation is a mandatory procedure (in accordance with the medical examination plan);
  • planned (therapeutic and prophylactic). It is prescribed to check the condition of teeth and gums to maintain optimal levels of oral health. Routine inspections are carried out in schools and preschool institutions, and at many hazardous industrial enterprises.

There are no contraindications to sanitation. In the presence of some chronic diseases, it is carried out more often than once every six months. This applies to people suffering from diabetes, tonsillitis, asthma and cardiovascular pathologies. Therapeutic and preventive measures may include the following manipulations:

  • treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity (in particular, elimination of carious lesions);
  • removal of molars and premolars;
  • restoring the integrity of the dentition using fillings (and in some cases, prosthetics);
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • removal of tartar and plaque (via ultrasonic cleaning);
  • correction of malocclusion.

Stages of a full range of events

A full range of treatment and preventive measures consists of the following stages:

  • examination by a dentist;
  • identifying a problem and making diagnostic assumptions about the need to solve it;
  • taking an x-ray of the problem area;
  • ultrasonic cleaning, removal of plaque and tartar;
  • drawing up a plan for further therapy (if necessary);
  • referral for consultations to highly specialized specialists, for example, surgeons or orthodontists (if occlusion disorders and other specific problems are detected);
  • carrying out health procedures;
  • coating of teeth with a special gel polish, which contains calcium and fluoride;
  • providing an opinion from a specialist;
  • drawing up an individual additional schedule of visits (if necessary).

What is a certificate from a dentist about oral hygiene?

A certificate issued by a dentist is an official document that confirms the dental health of its bearer. The document is prepared in any form. It must contain information about the patient (full name, age), the date of the complex of measures. The validity of the document is confirmed by the dentist’s signature and seal. It may be needed by people of different age groups and for different purposes. Often, a certificate of oral sanitation is required for hospitalization (in particular, to prepare for surgery), when entering a job, when registering with a gynecologist, when registering a child for kindergarten or school.

How to get a certificate

To do this, you should make an appointment at the dental clinic. After the examination, the dentist will tell you about the current state of the oral cavity and issue an appropriate medical document certified by a personal signature and seal of the institution. Sanitation of the oral cavity is an important measure that is required in many situations. A certificate from a dentist will be required during pregnancy and before childbirth, when entering kindergarten, school, universities, and also before surgery. The main task of sanitation is to identify dental problems. If they are detected, the doctor must prescribe the necessary treatment.

Certificate of oral hygiene during pregnancy

Treatment of dental diseases in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that anesthetic substances are contraindicated in the first trimester. To ensure that the expectant mother does not have problems with her teeth and gums during pregnancy, attention should be paid to dental health even during the planning period for conception. If you consult a dentist in a timely manner, it is possible to eliminate all existing problems and reduce the emergence of new problems to a minimum. The most common ailments that pregnant girls have include:

  • carious lesions (as a result of acid-base imbalance);
  • gingivitis (due to hormonal changes);
  • a significant weakening of the protective properties of tooth enamel and deterioration of its condition in general (due to changes in the mineral composition of saliva and loss of calcium).

At the Moscow clinic "A-Medic", a complex of treatment and preventive measures for pregnant girls is carried out with extreme caution in order to minimize possible risks. When contacting a dentist, a girl should know the exact date of pregnancy. This information is necessary for the correct and safe selection of treatment procedures. If there is an urgent need to remove a molar, it is recommended to carry out this activity in the second trimester, since at this time the negative effect of medications on the fetus is minimized.

At the appointment, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination and give recommendations on the selection of individual hygiene products. A conclusion on the sanitation of the oral cavity is often required by a gynecologist during registration in order to eliminate possible risks of infection.

Hormonal changes in the body, acid-base balance disorders, calcium deficiency - all these factors lead to teeth becoming more fragile, and therefore susceptible to rapid destruction. Infections in the oral cavity pose a danger to both the health of the pregnant woman and the child, so the sanitation procedure is necessary.

Get it yourself or buy it?

A certificate from a dentist is a document confirming that the teeth and gums in the patient’s mouth are in healthy condition and cannot cause any infection. Such a document may be required in a variety of life situations. For example, if it is necessary to go to hospital for any operation or when registering during pregnancy.

Why is it better for pregnant women to buy a certificate from a dentist than to go to an appointment?

The main difficulty in officially obtaining this document is that the doctor will only issue it if the gums and teeth are truly healthy. Otherwise, you will need to undergo treatment first. Some teeth may need to be removed and others need fillings. Naturally, with such a development of events, it will not be possible to obtain a certificate in one day. However, there are situations when it is needed very urgently.

If you recently visited the dentist and are sure that your oral cavity is in perfect order, you can refuse to visit the dentist’s office again. It is enough to buy a certificate from the dentist. This will allow:

  • save a lot of effort (despite the abundance of all kinds of dental clinics, there are still long queues, especially in government institutions);
  • save yourself from additional unpleasant experiences (there is no doubt that visiting the dentist gives at least a little pleasure to someone);
  • in the shortest possible time and without any bureaucratic delays, receive the necessary document for submission to one or another authority.

Certificate on oral sanitation for children and adolescents

Sanitation by a dentist is a mandatory event for children, both preschool and school age. A certificate of rehabilitation is required when registering a child for kindergarten or school. During sanitation, the dentist identifies existing problems and gives recommendations on proper hygiene care.

Often, a specialist detects the development of carious lesions at the initial stage. In this case, he can immediately treat them. If during the examination occlusion disorders are noticed, the specialist may refer the child for consultation to an orthodontist. To prevent the development of pathologies, it is possible to carry out fluoridation of teeth.

It is necessary to make an appointment with a dentist for children due to weakened and thin enamel. It is more susceptible to destruction, so it is necessary to detect the presence of problems in time and eliminate them in order to avoid a number of problems in the future. At the A-Medic clinic you can get a certificate for sanitation of a child’s oral cavity, the price is significantly lower than in other private clinics in Moscow.

Sanitation of the oral cavity: why is it needed and how can oral pathologies affect human health?

Regular visits to the dental office are the key to the health of the entire human body. You need to undergo a medical examination with a dentist and resort to a sanitation procedure regularly, and not just before surgery or starting a new job. Unfortunately, such a concept as “natural” sanitation of the oral cavity is not familiar to everyone: few modern people have absolutely healthy teeth and gums that do not need treatment or strengthening.

Scientific research confirms that dental diseases always negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and systems. The same caries is a trigger for the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the tonsils and pharynx. The carious cavity contains decaying food debris and many bacteria, which easily enter the body along with swallowed saliva. Microorganisms from dental plaque are also capable of the same “movements”.

Hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach does not completely deactivate pathogenic bacteria coming from the oral cavity into the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, they provoke the occurrence of gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and irritation of the intestinal wall.

Toxins and antigens secreted by pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity cause allergization in the human body.

If you do not get rid of odontogenic diseases such as pulpitis or periodontitis in time, or neglect the recommendations of a doctor who strongly advises you to complete the root canal treatment, over time you may develop various types of cardiovascular pathologies. Bacteria living in dental canals have a wide range of aggressive enzymes. Once in the general bloodstream, they settle on the valves of the heart and blood vessels, damaging them, which leads to the development of acquired heart defects and the development of thrombosis.

Pain in the dental system provokes malfunctions of many endocrine glands, as well as disturbances in the neuro-humoral regulation of the body.

Painful sensations can force a person to change the normal mechanism of chewing food. Jaw movements become jerky and short; a person can begin to chew only on a certain area of ​​the jaw. As a result, food is not fully processed in the oral cavity, and this leads to overload of the digestive system and accompanying diseases.

And finally, the experiences that a person experiences when suffering from debilitating toothache often lead to nervous exhaustion.

Where can I get a certificate of oral hygiene?

Many people are interested in how to obtain a certificate of oral hygiene. To obtain it, you can contact the public clinic at your place of residence (or a dental clinic). After making an appointment, the specialist will conduct a full examination. If during inspection it does not reveal any problems, then, as a rule, the document is issued on the day of application. If problems are found during the examination and treatment is required, the document will be issued after its completion.

Currently, it is possible to obtain a certificate as quickly as possible, avoiding long queues and waiting for an appointment. To do this, you need to contact a private clinic - submit an application at a convenient time, come for an examination and receive a document. On average, the procedure for obtaining a document lasts about 1-2 hours. In the reliable A-Medic clinic you can get a certificate of oral sanitation, the cost of which is affordable (lower than in other dental clinics).

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