Tooth fracture under the crown: causes, symptoms, treatment

Crowns are used to restore the function and appearance of severely damaged teeth. These are non-removable orthopedic structures that are made to individual sizes from metal alloys, ceramics or zirconium dioxide. With their help, you can restore the integrity of your teeth and the beauty of your smile.

Dentures are expensive, so you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations to extend the life of your dentures. It is necessary to avoid large mechanical loads, otherwise the tooth root under the installed onlay may break. Let's consider what else can cause the integrity of hard tissues to be compromised and what to do in such cases.

What causes injury?

Tooth fractures after prosthetics are a common problem in dental practice. The pads are made from high-strength materials that are difficult to damage. However, preserved hard tissues are more susceptible to injury.

The main causes of tooth fracture under the crown include:

  • excessive stress - eating too hard food, intensive chewing of toffees and other viscous foods;
  • mechanical damage - blows to the jaw, biting nuts, injuries received during the removal of another tooth;
  • advanced caries - carious lesions reduce the strength of hard tissues and lead to their destruction;
  • incorrect installation of the crown - violation of the tooth preparation technique, sharpening of the stump;
  • lack of quality treatment before prosthetics - foci of inflammation are not eliminated, the root system is poorly sealed.

A pulpless tooth is easy to damage. Once the pulp is removed, the hard tissue becomes thinner and brittle. Cyclic loads and mechanical damage lead to the formation of cracks, which damage the integrity of enamel and dentin.

Symptoms of a tooth fracture

Injuries often go unnoticed, as a result of which the floor of a tooth that is deprived of sensitivity is broken. Also, the clinic may be absent if there is minor damage to the enamel. Such defects can only be determined visually during an independent examination of the oral cavity.

In other cases, when a tooth is fractured, a person experiences pain. A pain syndrome that limits the movement of the lower jaw occurs when a tooth breaks at the root, and the fragments injure the soft tissue of the gums. A tooth broken under the gum often causes loosening of adjacent units, bleeding and speech impairment.

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First aid for a fracture

When a tooth breaks and hurts, you should immediately seek help from a dentist. Before examination by a specialist, doctors at the Partner-Med clinic recommend providing first aid, namely:

  • rinse your mouth with clean boiled water at room temperature or warm chamomile infusion;
  • apply and firmly clamp the application with cotton wool or a bandage in case of bleeding;
  • take a pain reliever with an anti-inflammatory effect (Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) if there is severe pain;
  • apply a cold compress to the sore spot;
  • immobilize the jaw with a tight bandage if injury is suspected.


If the front upper or lower teeth are broken, this causes, first of all, aesthetic discomfort, as the smile changes, articulation and clarity of diction are impaired. It can often provoke the development of psychological problems and complexes. A broken chewing tooth disrupts the food processing process. Large particles of food entering the stomach lead to disruption of its functions. The development of pathological processes is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area and heartburn. A broken tooth under the crown causes displacement of the prosthesis, deformation of adjacent units, or injury to the gums. There is also a danger of developing infectious and inflammatory processes as a result of the penetration of pathogenic flora into injured tooth and gum tissues.

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After visiting a dental clinic, a specialist relieves pain and conducts a visual examination of the oral cavity, during which it is possible to determine:

  • degree of damage to hard dental tissues;
  • dislocation of adjacent teeth;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • penetration of blood into the tooth cavity.

To obtain a complete clinical picture, assess the condition of the roots of a broken tooth, the degree of displacement and damage to the nerve fibers, an x-ray examination is performed. In case of severe injuries, an orthopantogram or electroodontometry is performed to determine the condition of the dental system and assess the viability of the pulp.

Signs of a tooth fracture under the crown

The crown breaks off along with the stump if the tooth root breaks. Because of this, the chewing process is disrupted and a dental defect is formed. It is impossible not to notice the problem. In the first days after the fracture, you should seek help from a doctor.

You should also visit the dentist if:

  • the orthopedic structure has become mobile,
  • the tooth is very loose,
  • bothered by pain under the crown,
  • discomfort occurs when eating.

The listed symptoms cannot be ignored. They may indicate a violation of tissue integrity, the development of caries under the lining and other infections. If a tooth has a crack, it can break at any time. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Tooth pin

The pin is quite widely used in modern dentistry - it is a permanent prosthesis that is installed on the crown of the tooth. It consists of the pin itself and the crown part.

To strengthen the tooth from the inside, there are several types of pins.

  1. Anchor
  2. Fiberglass

Anchor pins are made from titanium.

They are fixed in the root part of the tooth using chemicals and sekloionomer cement. In case of complications, such a pin is easy to remove, because it appears on an x-ray.

Fiberglass pin.

Fixed with double-curing cement. This pin is more durable, but it is quite difficult to remove in case of complications of tooth disease, because it is absolutely invisible on an x-ray.

Pins can also be divided into active and passive.

Active pins have a thread for screwing it into the tooth bone; passive pins do not have such a thread and are installed using cement.

Is it possible to restore a tooth?

Prosthetics are not cheap, so many people wonder whether it is possible to save the crown. As a rule, dentists give a negative answer. If the root of the tooth is broken, then you need to install a stump tab and make a new onlay under it.

Restoring a broken tooth includes the following steps:

  • accurate filling of root canals,
  • re-treatment and antiseptic treatment,
  • production of stump inlays from fiberglass or precious metals,
  • installation and fixation of the structure with composite material in the canal,
  • creation of a new crown.

Your doctor may also recommend installing an implant.

How to restore a broken tooth?

What to do if a tooth is broken in half vertically?

If the wall of a tooth is broken, the dentist tries to save one of the roots if there is a fracture of a molar that has several processes. To do this, root canal treatment is performed and removal of the appendage, which cannot be saved. Next, a crown is installed in place of the broken tooth wall.

What to do if a tooth is half broken?

If a tooth is broken in half and the chip is horizontal, the doctor evaluates the condition of the tooth and root system. A broken tooth can be repaired using composite resin for minor chips or removed for significant decay. After removing the unit, the dentist prescribes an implantation procedure with the installation of a pin.

What to do if a tooth breaks but the root remains?

If a tooth is broken and the root remains in the gum, based on x-ray data, a decision is made to preserve or remove the root.
When removing the root, the dentist offers two options for restoring the unit:

  • dental implantation with the installation of a titanium pin;
  • installation of adhesive bridges under a broken tooth with micro-locks on the back walls of supporting teeth.

If the size of the preserved stump is at least 3 mm, and the thickness of the remaining tooth walls is at least 1 mm, restoration is carried out using:

  • filling and covering with a crown to restore the anatomical structure;
  • restorations by implanting a fiberglass pin, filling and installing a crown;
  • stump inlay covered with a crown.

What can you do if your front tooth is broken?

If the front tooth is broken in half, in the presence of a base, the doctor performs a build-up that will not only restore the functionality of the unit, but also restore the aesthetic appearance of the smile.
This restoration method is only possible when the broken front tooth is not affected by caries. In other cases, prosthetics are prescribed. Ask us your question DIRECTLY!


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What to do if your front tooth is broken at the root?

If a front tooth is broken at the root, the dentist always uses the most gentle techniques possible and tries to save the tooth if possible.

When is a tooth and root removed?

A broken wisdom tooth and a broken back tooth that is not involved in chewing processes are subject to removal. Doctors recommend removing a broken tooth if part of the hard tissue and root system is damaged, there are pronounced putrefactive processes and there is no possibility of restoring the tooth. The root subject to inflammatory and putrefactive processes, as well as the broken root of the front and chewing tooth, which cannot be restored, must be removed. The procedure is carried out using ultrasound after opening the gums. In difficult cases, the root is divided into several parts and then removed. After removing the broken tooth, a crown is installed.


To prevent tooth fracture, specialists at the Partner-Med dental clinic recommend following the following prevention methods:

  • undergo an annual dental examination;
  • promptly treat caries and other dental diseases;
  • Healthy food;
  • replenish calcium deficiency with a course of vitamin-mineral complex;
  • brush your teeth twice a day;
  • After eating baked goods and sweets, rinse your mouth with clean water.

A broken tooth is a problem that anyone can face. Dentists at the Partner-Med clinic will help you choose the most gentle option for treating and restoring a broken tooth.

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How to prevent implant damage?

To avoid breakdowns, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Choose a clinic and specialist carefully. It is advisable to ask which manufacturers' systems they work with.
  • Strictly follow your doctor's instructions after surgery. The dentist also gives recommendations on the use of the new tooth, which should not be violated.
  • Protect the new tooth on the implant from damage. Avoid putting too much pressure on the implant and damaging it.

If a rod installed in the jaw breaks, you should consult a dentist as quickly as possible, even if there is no pain. This will help prevent the development of other complications.

Possible causes of dental implant failure

A new tooth on a root replacement consists of three elements: a metal or zirconium post, an abutment and a crown. In a classic setup, all three elements are separable from each other. But, if there are no violations of technology and the choice of implant is made correctly, these elements are reliably and firmly connected into a single structure. Problems such as implant or fixation screw failure may be associated with the following:

  • A low-quality implant was used. There are hundreds of artificial root models available on the market from various manufacturers. Not everyone meets the requirements for the quality of dental implants.
  • The dimensions of the root substitute are not suitable for the specific situation. The manufacturer indicates what diameter pins should be used for installation on a certain area of ​​the dentition. An implant that is too thin can break in the neck area under high loads.
  • The patient caused the breakdown through his actions. There are rules for using implants. It is necessary to protect the “roots” from excessive loads and injuries, and carefully observe oral hygiene. Violating these guidelines may cause problems.

If the crown and pin fall out together

The crown mounted on a pin is a reliable design. It can be placed in a tooth that is destroyed down to the gums or in the presence of thin walls. But if the installation technology is violated, the crown with the pin may become loose and fall out. There are several reasons for this:

  • There were contraindications for installation - with thin root walls, cracks may form and fixation may be impaired.
  • The pin or crown is uncemented.
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​the prosthesis.
  • Increased chewing load – hard and hard foods in the diet.
  • The patient should visit the dentist immediately.

What is a tooth crown

An artificial crown is a method of tooth restoration in which a cap is placed over the entire visible part of the tooth. The crown is made individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient. It restores the function of the tooth and its anatomical shape, and also preserves the aesthetics of the dentition.

A crown can be made:

  • ceramic
  • zirconium dioxide
  • metal ceramics
  • metal
  • plastic or composite (temporary crowns)

When choosing a material, the aesthetic requirements that the patient places on the crown, as well as his financial capabilities, are taken into account.

Deciding on your own which crown to install is very difficult, since to do this you need to know the features of each material, its pros and cons. An orthopedist will help you make the right choice. He will make every effort to ensure that the crown does not fall out or break.

Restoration of teeth using cast core inlays

This is one of the most reliable and proven methods of restoring a tooth stump.

A cast stump inlay is essentially an individual pin cast from metal, strengthened in the tooth canal with cement, and restoring the supragingival part of the tooth.
This is a monolithic structure without seams or joints, and therefore very durable and resistant to significant loads. Do you still have questions about restoring a damaged tooth using a therapeutic method? Get a free consultation from specialists. Registration is open online on the clinic website!

How is a pin inserted into a tooth?

Installing a pin into the root of a tooth is a rather labor-intensive process, including diagnosis and preliminary treatment of canals. Further actions depend on the treatment method. The first option is to place a pin and build up the tooth using composite materials. The second option, a tooth prosthesis on a pin, involves installing a crown. Dental prosthetics with a pin is not performed. The role of the prosthesis is performed by the crown, and the pin is only an additional supporting element. Finally, the extended tooth on the pin is polished and brought into proper condition. In the case of a crown, the doctor makes sure that the prosthetics was successful.

If a tooth falls out

Losing a tooth is a reason to think about your health. The examination cannot be delayed; the situation should be corrected as soon as possible:

  • determine the causes of tooth loss;
  • prevent edentia;
  • restore the dentition using a prosthesis or implantation.

Contact any of the Ultra Dent clinics in Simferopol if you notice problems with dentures. If the crown is loose, has fallen off, or you realize that the tooth underneath is rotting, make an appointment with your dentist without delay.

What is a pin and how is it different from an implant?

A pin is a rod that is installed into the root of a tooth. With its help, you can preserve the natural root and strengthen the crown part. Most often, this treatment method is used for severe tooth decay; the main condition for the procedure is strong root canals.

The pins are different:

  • by material of manufacture (fiberglass, ceramics, metal, carbon fiber);
  • by shape (cylindrical, conical, screw, cylindrical-conical);
  • according to the method of fixation (screw, cement).

The doctor decides which pin to place depending on the specific situation.

Pin installation stage

  1. Removal of dental tissues affected by caries.
  2. Pulp removal.
  3. Preparing the dental canal for the installation of a pin.
  4. Trying on the rod.
  5. Procedures for treating the surface, channels, pin.
  6. Filling the channels with adhesive and fixing the pin.

Next, the crown part of the tooth is restored with filling materials or a crown if the tooth is destroyed by more than a third.

When is treatment with a pin not possible?

  • root walls are destroyed;
  • the root walls are not thick enough to install the pin;
  • presence of gum disease;
  • presence of a dental cyst.

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