For which category of people is the correction of bite defects with braces included in the compulsory medical insurance list?


Being the owner of an even row of beautiful teeth is the desire of most modern people. But nature has not given such a gift to everyone.

In addition, bite alignment is quite a costly endeavor.

There are ways to correct this flaw for free, or by significantly reducing financial losses. This opportunity is provided by a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI).

The reality of free installation

It should be noted right away that the list of compulsory medical insurance services today does not include such a procedure as straightening teeth using braces.

This rule applies to most medical policy holders. For them, the desire to have a beautiful smile must be paid for independently.

However, there are still a few exceptions here. There are certain groups of citizens who can count on benefits or completely free installation of braces.

First of all, they are the category of children in difficult life situations, namely:

  • Children without parental care (orphans).
  • Children with congenital maxillofacial pathologies.
  • Children with disabilities.
  • Families with low material income can count on government assistance in paying for such a service for a child.

For adults , there are also options for free braces installation. These options could be:

  • Work at an enterprise under an employment contract, one of the clauses of which is reimbursement for dental and orthodontic services.
  • If a person’s activities involve constant public contacts, and his appearance directly or indirectly affects the result of his work.
    In this case, the employer can pay for the elimination of such a deficiency. But to receive such a bonus, a person must be sure that he is a valuable employee.
  • When the need to install a brace system arose as a result of incorrect actions or failure to provide assistance to the patient on the part of the clinic staff.

Important! It is recommended to resolve this situation peacefully, through dialogue with the management of the medical institution. If this is not possible, then the main weapon for the injured patient will be only an appropriate court decision. In other words, the fact of medical error must be proven in court.

  • Also, people with disabilities and receiving state disability benefits have a chance to receive a similar procedure for free.
  • Pensioners who have earned the minimum pension can try to get braces installed for free. The condition for this possibility must be medical indications for the need for its installation (for example, gastrointestinal diseases).

To use one of these options, first of all, it is worth studying the legal side of the issue . A qualified lawyer will help you take into account the nuances and avoid making mistakes.

It will also require a lot of effort and attention on the part of the patient. Any document (reflecting his physical condition, financial and marital status, or another) can be decisive.

What brace systems are produced by American Orthodontics[/anchor] and its secret of popularity.

Go here to see photos of buccal tubes and learn about their purpose.

At this address we’ll talk about the essence of using elastic bands for braces.

What to do before your appointment

To make a visit to the dentist effective and comfortable for children, it is necessary to prepare for it.

To do this, it is important to know a few simple rules:

  • prepare the baby (each mother has her own ways of calming her child);
  • for peace of mind, the child can take his favorite toy with him;
  • choose a convenient time to visit a specialist;
  • prepare documents;
  • be sure to feed the child (the body tolerates painkillers more easily, and salivation becomes less);
  • brush your teeth;
  • take the necessary items, for example, wet wipes, a bottle of water, etc.

In addition, visiting a doctor is not recommended for acute respiratory viral infections, runny nose or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The child must be healthy and as calm as possible.

Possibility of minimal costs

People who have set out to have straight teeth should know a few more nuances that relate mainly to private clinics.

They also give you the opportunity to get braces for free. Such cases include:

  • Carrying out promotions . Often clinics (especially newly opened ones) hold various advertised promotions for their services to increase their client base. The conditions for their implementation are different, including completely free installation of braces.
  • Trial batch for a specific clinic. This is the case when a certain type of brace systems has already been tested in use, but is unfamiliar to this institution.
    To determine their characteristics and effectiveness, the clinic (by agreement with the manufacturer) conducts a series of trial procedures free of charge for the client.
  • Bonus systems. Many private clinics, wanting to “attach” regular clients to themselves, are developing various bonus programs.
    As a rule, they have a cumulative principle. Namely: when the payment for the services of this clinic reaches a certain amount, free installation of braces is a bonus for the patient.
  • Testing a new type of brace systems for yourself. This option is quite rare. Typically, all manufacturers supply already tested models to medical institutions.

But rare cases of such deliveries can still be found. Then the patient receives the brace system free of charge, as a fee for the work performed by the tester.

Attention! The patient must be clearly aware of the consequences of such a step. By agreeing to test an unfamiliar design or materials, he is taking a certain risk.

Of course, identifying opportunities to obtain inexpensive braces requires certain costs (time and effort). But the game is worth the candle - in the end the patient will have straight teeth, received for free.

Is it possible to put braces on the upper jaw only and how much will it cost?

The teeth in the row of the upper jaw are clearly visible when smiling and talking, and therefore many people are interested in the question - is it possible to put braces on only one jaw, on the upper jaw? Unfortunately no. Braces are placed on two jaws, because this is the only way to straighten the bite.

Braces can only be placed on the upper jaw in case of unexpressed malocclusions, for example, if only 1-2 teeth in a row are curved or have an irregular shape. But if malocclusion is not pronounced, then you can abandon braces altogether and correct them with aligners.

How much will it cost to install braces on the upper jaw if this treatment option is possible in your case? The answer to this question will depend on what type of braces you choose for correction. Ceramic braces or lingual appliances can be placed on the upper jaw, which are completely invisible on the teeth.

Mandatory expenses

Listed above are the options for getting braces for free. However, unfortunately, nothing is completely free (except for a mousetrap). Therefore, even if the patient falls under any of these cases, he still faces certain expenses.

Before installing braces, he must independently finance the following steps:

  • Preliminary consultation with a dentist and orthodontist.
  • Diagnostics. Here the possibility of setting up this system in principle is determined; existing diseases of teeth and gums are identified; a further treatment plan is determined.
  • Removal of teeth as prescribed by a doctor (if necessary).
  • Treatment of current dental diseases.
  • If necessary, tooth filling.

The patient should also be aware that installation, maintenance and removal of the braces system are subject to payment.

One should not miss such nuances as the period of stay of the system in the oral cavity. It is usually a year or more. During this time, a variety of situations can occur - damage to the braces, tooth injury or another unforeseen event. Each of them requires specialist intervention.

The further life of an even dentition also requires financial costs (but they are not large compared to those already made).

To consolidate and maintain the results obtained, the patient is recommended to use special devices - retainers, mouth guards (also not free). The duration and periods of wearing them are prescribed by the orthodontist, individually in each specific case.

How to use wax for braces and where you can buy it.

In this publication we will tell you whether placing and removing braces is accompanied by pain.

Here you will find a detailed description of non-ligature braces systems.

What services are included in insurance in 2019

According to Federal Law No. 323 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation,” a citizen who has a compulsory health insurance policy can count on receiving free medical services. These include:

  • emergency help;
  • outpatient studies;
  • inpatient care;
  • medical consultation;
  • surgical intervention;
  • diagnosis of the disease.

Patients of dental clinics also have the right to free medical care.

The list of dental services for children under compulsory medical insurance is quite extensive.

However, it does not apply to all types of services; for example, to get braces for a child, you will need paid treatment, but the installation of a plate is provided free of charge.

The list of dental services for children under compulsory medical insurance includes the following:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases (gingivitis, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, abscess);
  • installation of a seal;
  • removal of tartar;
  • surgical intervention (removal of teeth, foreign bodies from dental canals, soft tissue operations);
  • jaw realignment;
  • radiography;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthodontics with removable products;
  • remineralization of teeth;
  • silvering of teeth.

The medical procedure is determined by the dentist. There are times when you need to go through several specialists. To do this, the doctor writes a referral and, based on the conclusion, makes decisions about further treatment.

In addition to free pediatric dentistry services under compulsory medical insurance, some consumables are provided free of charge:

  • filling cement;
  • polishing paste;
  • arsenic;
  • brush for cleaning teeth;
  • consumables (dressing materials, bandages, cotton wool, etc.);
  • anesthesia (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Trimecaine).

The specialist will definitely tell you what material he can offer for treatment, and the patient will decide for himself whether he should agree to the free option.

Nuances of saving

If a person was unable to take advantage of any of the described points for free bite correction, then there are options for making it cheaper . They allow you to significantly save on this procedure when installing braces.

First, you should pay attention to the newly opened dental centers . There is a high probability that in the initial period of their work they pursue a more loyal financial policy.

Installation of braces is a very popular service. It is possible that the price here will be significantly lower than that of competitors.

There are other ways to save money. Let's list them:

  • Inexpensive but reliable systems. These are metal braces (provided that there is no allergy to the material used). In addition to the lower price, their short rehabilitation period compared to other types of structures also speaks in their favor.
  • Self-ligating systems. Their maintenance does not require frequent visits to the dentist to check functionality. Considering that each visit is paid, the use of such systems will be more economical.
  • Elimination of computer modeling. The installation of braces was carried out when computer models were not yet common. Dentists have already gained significant experience in this area. Therefore, in certain situations (in agreement with the doctor), such a service can be neglected.
  • Promotions on certain models of braces. They are periodically carried out in clinics, often at the initiative of the manufacturers of these systems. In these cases, there is no point in counting on a completely free service. However, it is quite possible to get a significant discount.
  • Tax deduction. You should take advantage of this benefit (it applies to all medical procedures associated with the installation of braces) when paying taxes.

Important! If a clinic refuses to provide documents for filing a tax deduction, it is better not to use its services. Most likely, illegal schemes are used here.

  • Bank loan. Sometimes it makes sense to use credit funds for these purposes. Of course, the total costs will be higher, but they will allow you to choose the best option. In addition, they will be spread out over time, and this will not have a painful impact on the monthly budget.

The listed methods of saving also require some effort from the patient. In addition to searching for the necessary information in the press and on the Internet, you should conduct thorough consultations with specialists. They will help eliminate an option that turns out to be completely unsuitable for a given case.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

How to find out a list of clinics accepting children under compulsory medical insurance in your city

Of course, the easiest option is to create a search query on the Internet. The system will provide the necessary information with contact details of clinics. By calling the number, you can find out with certainty whether dental treatment is provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy, and also make an appointment.

The government services website shows the attached medical organization according to the residential address. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and create a request (section “My Health” - “Information about the attached medical organization”). The system will show a list of clinics.

An insurance company support specialist will explain where to go for free pediatric dentistry services under compulsory medical insurance. The telephone number is indicated on the policy.

In addition, neighbors or mothers on the playground will probably tell you where the child can get help with dental treatment. All you have to do is call the clinic and make an appointment with a doctor.

Dental services for children under the compulsory medical insurance policy: the infographic shows what you can count on.


The possibility of free installation of a braces system, or a significant reduction in its cost, can turn the head of any patient. But here it is important to remember the main goal of the upcoming event - beautiful, healthy teeth for the coming years.

The priority should be the safety and reliability of the system, its effectiveness during the treatment process and beyond, and of course, the experience and professionalism of the attending physician. It is not uncommon for failure to follow these fundamental rules to lead to more serious problems.

As popular wisdom says, a stingy person pays twice.

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Are there any benefits of compulsory medical insurance treatment for children?

Free pediatric dentistry under compulsory medical insurance is available to everyone. In this case, you can count on the following:

  • the doctor will accept and perform a dental examination;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • will place a dental filling;
  • removes plaque;
  • will do splinting;
  • cure diseases of the salivary glands;
  • remove the tooth;
  • will place the plate;
  • will do an x-ray.

The advantage of treatment is that it is possible to cure dental diseases for free. However, such services include the most basic treatment options. You will have to pay for using imported materials.

Free dental treatment under compulsory medical insurance can also be of high quality.

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