Vitamins and microelements that affect the condition of the skeletal system (K, Ca, Mg, Si, S, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, vitamins K, D, B9, B12)

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency What vitamins are needed?
Additives Remineralization of enamel A beautiful smile is one of the main components of an attractive appearance and non-verbal communication. To attract people with an attractive smile, you need to have beautiful and healthy teeth. They can be maintained as such by the presence of a balance of nutrients in the body. What vitamins for teeth and gums should be consumed and where to get them, we will consider in detail in this article.


- these are organic compounds involved in the life of the body. They are indispensable for maintaining health and proper functioning of life-supporting processes in general. Vitamins come from the environment or are synthesized in the body independently.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of vitamins in the body leads to dysfunction of various organs and processes. This greatly affects the quality of life and appearance of a person. As for the condition of the oral cavity, one of the signs of a lack of vitamins is the condition of the teeth, in which they begin to decay and fall out, and another is inflammation of the gums. In addition, dryness and burning in the mouth, changes in taste perception, roughness of the teeth, and increased sensitivity of the enamel may occur. The lack of vitamins is especially severe when teeth fall out; of course, this process is already accompanied by the presence of additional diseases.

Dental disease can be caused by poor nutrition. For example, a lack of components such as: vitamin D, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium. At the initial stage, dark spots, grooves, and depressions appear on the teeth. The enamel becomes very thin, and then the tooth begins to crumble. To stop this process, you need to know what vitamins to take if your teeth are crumbling.

Dentist advice

Doctors emphasize that you need to carefully take care of your oral health and brush your teeth in a timely manner. A high level of hygiene is the basis without which nothing can be achieved at all. If plaque is not removed in a timely manner, thinned enamel, loosening of the molar units, hyperesthesia, and gingivitis will not take long to occur.

At the same time, it is not enough to just brush your teeth in the morning and evening - you need to do it correctly. During the procedure, you should use a high-quality brush and paste (it’s good if your dentist selects them).

To the aid of sensitive and caries-prone units come:

  • rinses with anti-inflammatory activity;
  • strengthening gels;
  • floss;
  • professional hygiene.

Minerals and vitamins to strengthen teeth

To prevent, rather than treat, dental and oral diseases in general, you need to nourish your body with the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals. This requires a balanced diet, if necessary, the use of special vitamin complexes and supplements, careful oral hygiene and visits to the dental office for preventive purposes.

Let's start by finding out what vitamins teeth lack for a healthy smile:

  • Vitamin D
    . It promotes normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Not a single vitamin and mineral complex can do without it. You can get vitamin D from meat, fish oil, eggs, olive oil, butter, and sun exposure.

  • Vitamin
    E. It's an antioxidant. It is needed for tissue restoration and protection from free radicals. Vitamin E is found in greens, nuts, fish, sunflower seeds, avocados, and dairy products.

  • Vitamin A
    . This is the main vitamin that strengthens teeth and prevents gum disease. You can find it in orange and green fruits, especially carrots, cabbage, spinach, eggs and fish.

  • Vitamins B2, B3, B12
    . These are useful vitamins for tooth enamel. They also prevent inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. There are sufficient quantities of B vitamins in fish, dairy products, spinach, almonds, and meat.

  • Vitamin C
    . Essential for maintaining healthy gums. Such a serious illness as scurvy occurs precisely because of a lack of vitamin C. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of plaque. Sources of vitamin C are: strawberries, broccoli, rose hips, black currants and, of course, citrus fruits.

With the exception of vitamins, you need to consume minerals to strengthen your teeth. They are equally important for maintaining dental health and overall smile. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Phosphorus
    . This is a necessary component for maintaining dense enamel. The body takes it from fish, meat, nuts, dried fruits, and buckwheat.
  • Calcium
    . Along with phosphorus, it is the main component of the tooth and is necessary for the bone tissue of the teeth. If there is not enough calcium in the body, it begins to “wash out” from the bones. Therefore, it is very important to maintain its level at a high level. Calcium is found in seafood, leafy greens, seeds, legumes, and nuts.
  • Potassium
    . It is essential for bone formation, including jaw bones, and blood clotting. Potassium is absorbed from bananas, legumes, dairy products, and greens.
  • Magnesium
    . This mineral protects and strengthens tooth enamel. Magnesium is found in leafy vegetables, dried apricots, wheat germ, and apples.
  • Zinc
    . It helps control the level of bacteria in the oral cavity. With an increased concentration of bacteria, carious and inflammatory processes can begin. High zinc content is found in red meat, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds and all types of legumes.
  • Iodine
    . It promotes the absorption of calcium, which means it is necessary for the growth of teeth and maintaining them in strong condition. The main source of iodine is seaweed, seafood, especially shellfish, and garlic.

Is implantation possible without osteoplasty?

In some cases, implantation without osteoplasty is possible, but more often it is a temporary solution or an operation without a guarantee.

Installation of mini implants

Implantation using mini-implants is usually performed with complete edentia. In this case, there are no requirements for the height and density of the jawbone. Implants of reduced size are fixed in the gums in a minimally invasive way without involving bone structures. Serve as additional support for conventional removable dentures. However, this is a temporary solution; such structures are short-lived.

Application of one-stage implantation protocols

Some clinics practice installing implants using immediate loading protocols - All-on-4, All-on-6, basal complex. The first two are used in cases of complete absence of teeth, basal - from 3 teeth in a row.

To install artificial roots, areas of the jaw are selected where at least a minimum volume of bone is still preserved. Since thin implants are used, they are fixed at an angle in the area of ​​the chewing teeth to create a large area of ​​​​contact between the artificial root and the thinned bone. With basal implantation, the deep layers of the jaw are involved, which are not subject to atrophy. The prosthesis is fixed immediately.

We do not recommend such experiments, since they contradict the entire law of biomechanics. Any orthopedic structures must be supported by implants installed in parallel. In this case, there will be no overload in the area of ​​connection between the prosthesis and implants. In addition, basal implants fail in 40% of cases. It is better to grow the bone, wait for engraftment and carry out implantation without risks.

Other methods

In some cases, osteoplasty is avoided due to tricks, which we also do not recommend:

  • When installing shortened implants to restore anterior teeth. This is due to the fact that in the frontal region of the jaw there is a slight decrease in bone height. But this approach does not guarantee success, since artificial roots of small diameter, but always of the required length, must be installed for the front teeth.
  • When installing rods in the area of ​​the posterior wall of the nasal sinus. The location outside the sinus allows the use of traditional implant models due to the greater height of the bone in this section. But when calculating the placement of implants, the law of distribution of chewing load must be taken into account and the correct distance between several roots must be observed.
  • When using the thinnest and shortest rods from a number of classic ones on the bottom row, bypassing the trigeminal nerve. This option will not ensure the fulfillment of the functional responsibilities of the roots. With chewing loads, they can become loose or even break.

Supplements for teeth

Usually, the human body takes all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food. However, in certain circumstances this balance may be upset, namely:

  • if necessary, follow a special diet where a person cannot completely meet the need for vitamins;
  • for certain diseases or surgical interventions. For example, with periodontal disease, after implantation, etc.

In such cases, additional vitamins for teeth are prescribed to adults and also children. Among them may be special vitamin complexes for teeth, nails and hair, as well as individual groups of minerals and vitamins that the body currently needs.

Cost of bone grafting in Moscow

The price of the operation depends on the following factors:

  • what osteoplastic materials are used in dental surgery;
  • how much tissue needs to be inserted;
  • osteoplasty method;
  • selected clinic.

On average, replacement material costs from 17,000 rubles. for one gram. To this amount it is also necessary to add the price of the membrane (about 10,000 rubles), sampling and replanting of the block - from 90,000 rubles. The budget is considerable (taking into account the fact that you still need to pay extra for an artificial root, abutment and crown), but it pays off with reliability and a guarantee of long-term use of the new tooth.

If you have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to make an appointment at our clinic.

Don't self-medicate! Even the smallest problem, if not treated correctly, can significantly complicate your life.

By contacting us, you can be sure that:

  • Get high-quality and free consultation .
  • You will receive the best prices for treatment and the opportunity to receive a special promotional price.
  • Only modern equipment and materials will be used.
  • You will be treated by professional doctors with many years of experience.
  • We offer treatment on credit or in installments. There is also the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.
  • We work seven days a week and without a lunch break, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

+7 (495) 132-02-96

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Strengthening techniques used in dentistry

Experienced dentists use highly concentrated products enriched with minerals when working with “problem” teeth. Additionally, they prescribe fluoride-containing pastes and remineralizing gels to patients, which can be used at home.

This is the name of the most effective dental procedures to strengthen teeth:

  • Remineralization. First, professional hygiene is carried out. Using an ultrasonic scaler, the doctor cleans the crowns of deposits. After this, it covers them with a special remineralizing composition. Prepared enamel absorbs beneficial components like a sponge. Due to this, her condition improves. It becomes dense, very hard and perfectly smooth. In advanced cases, one remineralization session may not be enough. Then it is repeated two to four times at certain intervals.
  • Fluoridation. Often this type of treatment is combined with remineralization. This is due to the fact that fluoride is better absorbed after calcium. Fluoridation means the treatment of hard dental tissues with a fluoride-containing preparation. It quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the tooth and saturates its tissues, making them more resistant to negative external factors. It is especially important to undergo fluoridation twice a year for people who live in regions where the water flowing from the taps is low in fluoride compounds.
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