How caries appears: theories of the disease
From this article you will learn: stages of caries, what signs of caries exist, how to identify caries
Gel "Metrogil Denta": composition, instructions for use
Gel "Metrogil Denta": composition, instructions for use
To treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, it is recommended to use effective means, for example, the inexpensive Metrogyl gel
“Mom, my mouth hurts!” We talk about stomatitis in children
Dentist-therapist Spivak (therapist) Evgenia Ivanovna Experience 28 years Dentist Make an appointment Stomatitis –
Chronic pulpitis
Pulpitis: symptoms and treatment, removal of a nerve in a tooth
From this article you will learn: methods of treating pulpitis in dentistry, how to remove a nerve from
30 simple and effective ways to kill the smell of fumes
After drinking alcoholic beverages, alcohols decompose in the body, some of which are excreted through the lungs.
Photo of herpetic stomatitis
Treatment of aphthous stomatitis: side effects of common medications
Effective treatment of stomatitis in adults Treatment of stomatitis in adults largely depends on the type
Probiotics for restoring oral microflora and treating tissue inflammation
Urine odor from the mouth, causes, hidden diseases, methods of elimination
If a person has bad breath, it becomes a cause of concern for him and a cause of embarrassment
Does Kamistad help?
Kamistad teething gel for children instructions
From this article you will learn: release forms and analysis of the composition of the drug, application regimen, reviews
Ulcerative stomatitis - main symptoms, causes and treatment methods
From this article you will learn: how to treat aphthous stomatitis in children, symptoms and treatment
how to treat stomatitis in infants
Sodium tetraborate – description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
What is the substance sodium tetraborate? Borax is an inorganic compound that has pronounced antiseptic properties.
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