1270 In filling, the method using a vertical seal is one of the safest methods
Bad breath as a symptom of disease Since the time of Hippocrates, a doctor upon examination
11/04/2019 When a patient has a painful tooth removed, he feels relief. A few days after surgery
The division of the tongue (snake, forked tongue) is called splitting (from the English split - “to separate”). This is extreme
The one-stage technique mainly includes protocols for one-stage implantation with immediate loading, but in
The search for new high-quality materials for filling damaged teeth has been going on, perhaps, throughout history.
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
Everything you would like to know about correcting your bite and straightening your teeth
X-rays allow you to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe appropriate treatment, and also monitor the results of treatment. Myth
Dentists joke that God gives a person teeth for free twice, but the third time he has to