How to cure herpes on the lips in 1 day at home

Why do scars appear after herpes?

The virus does not always pass without a trace for humans. Unpleasant scars and spots on the skin form for several reasons:

  • when herpes appears in one place over and over again;
  • if a person has diabetes;
  • when bubbles were squeezed out or punctured;
  • if the immune system is severely weakened;
  • after a long stay in the sun;
  • after improper treatment.

But even in these cases, you can make the scar less noticeable or get rid of it completely.

Preparing for eyebrow tattooing

Before micropigmentation of eyebrows, you do not need to adjust their shape yourself. Ideally, it is better to come to the specialist with naturally grown hair. This will make it easier for the technician to determine the desired shape and thickness of the eyebrow, focusing on the direction of hair growth and their thickness. It is permissible to carry out the last independent adjustment a week before the scheduled procedure.

There are other recommendations for preparing for permanent makeup. Their implementation will allow you to get flawless eyebrows. On the eve of the procedure it is prohibited:

  • Perform peelings, injections (with Dysport, Botox). Facial cleansing, contouring, and eyebrow tinting are prohibited;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Stay in the sun for a long time;
  • Take painkillers.

Additional recommendations can be obtained from the master who will do permanent makeup.

How to prevent scar formation?

Before the appearance of herpes, we feel itching and burning at the site of manifestation. If at this moment you use antiviral drugs that stop the spread of herpes, you can avoid the formation of a scar. Start using medications as soon as the first signs of the disease appear. You will help your body and significantly speed up the regeneration of the skin.

How and with what to treat scars from herpes?

If a scar has already appeared, then you can get rid of it in several ways:

  • medications;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • folk remedies;
  • masks and applications;
  • innovative Fermenkol gel.

Benefits of ointments and gels

To eliminate scars and crusts from herpes, special products are used. They stimulate skin regeneration and have a number of advantages:

  • the highest concentration of active substances is achieved at the site of the lesion;
  • the virus does not spread to adjacent areas of the skin;
  • you can combine several gels and ointments for scars after herpes, which differ in the principle of action;
  • most products do not cause allergic reactions and are easily tolerated by the body;
  • you can use healing gels even on old scars;
  • there is no need to monitor the dosage.

For example, the innovative product Fermenkol gel has a complex effect on the scar area. Quickly destroys scar marks and gives the skin a natural healthy color. The active components of the gel destroy the basis of the scar - deformed collagen fibers - and restore a healthy skin frame. Fermenkol does not contain hormones and consists of enzymes of natural origin, so it can be safely used on the body and face, including on the scar on the lip after herpes.

After the wounds have healed, use soft cleansing scrubs for the face and body. Cosmetics quickly restore the epidermis. But it is better to use exfoliating creams no more than once a week, so as not to injure the skin.

Is it possible to cure the virus completely?

Many people with chronic herpes are interested in how to cure herpes quickly at home? They know that it is impossible to completely suppress the infection in their body. The herpes virus lives on gene cells and, when dividing, passes on to its “neighbors”, so it cannot be completely suppressed, however, it is not so difficult to fight foci of infection, preventing its further reproduction.

A person who feels the primary symptoms of a cold on the lips (tingling, itching) should immediately see a specialist. The doctor will determine the degree of infection and prescribe medications suitable for the treatment of herpes. Treatment at an early stage of the disease can prevent further rashes, and the problem will resolve itself. However, in order to cure herpes on the lips, you need to know what medications can be used.

How to get rid of a herpes scar with the help of a cosmetologist?

If you want to eliminate a scar or trace of herpes in visible places, you can use the services of a cosmetologist. You will not get the desired effect in one procedure, but if you complete a full course of manipulations, you can achieve very good results. The following procedures will help eliminate scars after herpes:

  • ozone therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • deep peeling;
  • dermabrasion;
  • mesotherapy.

The procedures described above perfectly eliminate fine wrinkles and marks from herpes and acne. Combining several of them at the same time is not recommended. All cosmetic procedures must be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist. Each manipulation has its own contraindications and is allowed only after consulting a doctor. Remember that the procedures are quite painful and require a recovery period.

Is it possible not to prepare for a tattoo?

In this case, no one guarantees a perfect result: it is unknown how the pigment will behave. Failure to follow the instructions may cause the dye to bleed, distribute incorrectly, or become completely discolored. During the recovery period, increased formation of crusts is observed; after they disappear, the tattoo may become deformed or “not take root.”

In addition, for unprepared clients, the rehabilitation period is prolonged and pain increases. As a result, your money will be wasted and your health and appearance may be seriously harmed. Therefore, take your preparation seriously and responsibly, and then the result of micropigmentation will please you.

How to get rid of a herpes scar on the lip at home?

To eliminate scars, products that we use in everyday life are suitable. They are rich in vitamins and affect not only the scar, but also the skin in general. It is important to use them as additional agents and not as monotherapy. For example, after cosmetic procedures you can additionally use:

  • Lemon juice. Brightens the skin and works as a mild acid peel.
  • Parsley decoction. A good lightening agent. After preparation, the infusion is poured into an ice tray and placed in the freezer. In the future, cubes are used as pigmentation appears.
  • Cucumber juice. Apply a slice to the damaged area to help prevent the skin from drying out.

Herbal infusions

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes that will help get rid of scars. The disappearance of wounds and spots from herpes is accelerated by herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile and celandine - heal;
  • St. John's wort - starts the regeneration process;
  • calendula - helps relieve itching and soothe the skin.

Herbs help lighten the skin and partially eliminate pigmentation formed after herpes.

Important points when preparing for tattooing

During the manipulation, the master injects a coloring pigment into the skin of the lips, eyebrows or eyelids with a very thin sterile needle. This substance will last in the skin from 1.5 to 3 years without losing its color. To reduce pain during the procedure, the master uses painkillers.

And the client, through his preparation, contributes to obtaining an excellent result. More on this below.

Complete abstinence from alcohol

Give up alcohol-containing drinks for a week. Alcohol provokes the occurrence of unstable blood pressure, and such jumps significantly complicate the execution process and the quality of the result. Alcohol does not have the best effect on the immune system, which during the recovery period can lead to prolonged inflammation of injured tissues.

Fighting herpes

Herpes infection is a serious obstacle to permanent makeup. If you often experience exacerbations of herpes, be sure to take measures to combat this disease. The attending physician will tell you what antiherpes drugs will be needed for treatment. They are usually prescribed 1-1.5 months before the procedure. If herpes appears before the procedure, it is better to postpone it until complete recovery.

Eliminate energy drinks

It is better to avoid any energy drinks when preparing for permanent makeup. This list includes: coffee, Coca-Cola, any drinks containing caffeine. Consumption promotes vasodilation, and this can increase bleeding during the traumatic micropigmentation procedure.

Exclusion of medications

Approximately 5-7 days before the procedure, you should not take blood thinning medications, in particular aspirin or aspirin-containing medications. Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-containing medications, antibiotics and medications containing an antibiotic are also prohibited. Taking corticosteroids, anticoagulants and retinoids is prohibited. The listed drugs can worsen the quality of the result obtained, lead to swelling, pigmentation, and discolor the dye.

Tips for allergy sufferers

If you suffer from allergies, be sure to take an antihistamine on the day of the procedure to minimize a possible allergic reaction. If you are planning to have your lips tattooed, purchase Acyclovir or Gerpevir ointment in advance. The drugs can be used for preventive purposes and during the recovery period. To strengthen the body's defenses, start taking vitamin C a week before the planned procedure.

What products are prohibited

Consuming coffee, seafood and alcohol helps reduce the speed of blood and lymph flow. As a result, the effectiveness of the anesthetic is reduced and the dye may be unevenly distributed under the skin. Fatty, heavy, spicy foods and fried foods are also prohibited.

Planning time

Since the permanent makeup procedure violates the integrity of the skin, this causes a natural and natural reaction - inflammation, redness and swelling. It takes 2 to 7 days for the skin to return to normal. Therefore, think in advance when it will be convenient for you to have the procedure done - closer to the weekend or during vacation.

If you are planning a vacation trip, postpone the procedure or do permanent makeup 3-4 weeks before the planned trip.

Treatment with innovative gel

Traditional recipes are good, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee results. If you want to achieve a wow effect, we recommend paying attention to Fermencol anti-scar gel. It is effective for all types of scars, including scars from boils and cosmetic procedures. They can even treat old scars. Unlike other anti-scar agents, Fermenkol does not contain hormones, is safe for children and pregnant women, and can be used during lactation.

To eliminate old scars, it is most effective to use Fermenkol with physiotherapy: electrophoresis or phonophoresis. The active components of the gel and the physical impact of the procedures give a double effect, and the scars resolve much faster. The gel is also used during the rehabilitation period after surgery, surgical procedures and cosmetology.

After just 2 weeks of regular use, you will notice the result: the scars will turn pale, decrease in size, and become less dense. Upon completion of the course, the skin will be restored by 90%.

You can purchase the drug on our website or in pharmacies in your city. Sign up for an online consultation with our specialist. A qualified doctor will answer you within a few days. And it will help you choose a method for getting rid of the scar, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Preparation for lip tattooing

To get excellent results, follow the following recommendations from cosmetologists:

  • A week before the intended procedure, clean the skin in the treatment area. Use soft scrubs for this;
  • To eliminate dry sponges, lubricate them with nourishing creams. Cosmetic oils work well - olive, peach, almond, etc.;
  • Use protective lipstick;
  • For prevention, take antiherpes drugs for 3-5 days before the procedure;
  • Take care to strengthen your immune system, especially during cold season. Take immunomodulators as recommended by your physician.

You can always discuss the desired result with a specialist. It would be a good idea to bring your own decorative cosmetics – glosses, pencils, lipstick. This way it will be clearer to the master what color palette you like.

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