Coated tongue
Everyone has had to deal with minor tongue burns at least once. But it also happens that
Taking a pill
Tips for pregnant women - how to get rid of increased salivation
But it is precisely this period of pregnancy that is often complicated by early toxicosis. According to statistics, every second future
Causes of sores on the tongue
How to treat wounds on the tongue: causes, symptoms, methods of control
Injuries to the oral cavity Damage to the lining of the tongue can occur in the following cases: Brushing teeth too much
Why does a pimple appear on the tongue and how to correctly interpret the sign
Popularly, a pimple is a pimple on the end of the tongue. This organ contains many nerves
A tooth can be removed for many reasons
Hemostatic sponge in dentistry (after tooth extraction)
The procedure itself should only be performed by an experienced surgeon and only if others
Dryness and lump in the throat: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews
Atrophic pharyngitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pharynx, which leads to atrophic changes in its
Blood ball in the mouth.
Blood formations in the mouth. Their causes and methods of treatment.
A blood bubble, ball, blister appears on the gum, tongue or cheek - this is a sign that
Tooth root cyst in the maxillary sinus
Odontogenic sinusitis - symptoms, causes, treatment
In ENT practice, there are cases when a patient comes to an otolaryngologist with complaints of severe congestion.
Salivary stone disease, as a cause of inflammation of the salivary glands
Salivary stone disease (sialolithiasis) is a disease of the salivary glands. Violations occur, failures in their operation (more often
It is better to rinse the tonsils on an empty stomach in the morning
Removal of tonsils for chronic tonsillitis: features of the operation and postoperative period
Surgery to remove tonsils is performed for chronic tonsillitis, which is accompanied by frequently worsening sore throats. On
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