Papilloma in a child's mouth
Papilloma on the frenulum of the tongue: causes, symptoms and treatment
Oral papillomas are benign neoplasms in the oral cavity that grow from epithelial cells.
Dental abscess or abscess - what kind of beast?
Blister on the gum: causes and methods of treatment
What is a dental abscess and how to prevent this disease? In this article we tell
Palate cancer treatment in Israel gives the best results
The palate is the upper wall of the oral cavity, divided into the hard palate, which forms the anterior two-thirds,
Stomatitis – inflammation of the oral mucosa
05/04/2018 The oral cavity connects the body with the environment and therefore can be subject to a variety of negative
Bit my tongue
I bit my tongue badly - how to provide first aid and how to treat it?
Basically, many diseases in the oral cavity occur due to the influence of harmful bacteria, however
Crimson and bright red tongue in adults and children: causes and treatment
Language is a kind of indicator of health status. Some changes in color, shape, structure of the taste organ
Candidiasis on the tongue - Dentistry "Line of Smile"
Treatment of glossitis - drugs and folk remedies
The tongue is often injured. Sometimes these damages are so minor that we don’t notice them.
Mucocele (mucous cyst): types, symptoms, treatment
Causes of formation The causes of this disease include previous injuries and inflammatory diseases
What are white lumps in the throat? Causes. Treatment methods
What are white lumps in the throat? Causes. Treatment methods
White lumps in the throat with an unpleasant odor: what is it? Small lumps that sometimes get into
Dislocation of the jaw: how to set the lower one correctly yourself
What is it? The lower jaw is considered the only movable part of the skull; this functional feature has
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