Short frenulum of the penis and the method of its correction - frenuloplasty
Short frenulum of the penis is currently one of the most common reasons for treatment
The influence of dentures on the microflora of the oral cavity: changes, diseases, methods for eliminating problems and inflammation
10 steps to successful oral restoration
Fighting caries The first and one of the most important steps is detection and treatment
Blue dot on lip
At the end of the last century, malignant tumors of the oral cavity were considered a concomitant disease of wastrels, due to
Chronic tonsillitis is a disease of any age
08/25/2021 180 321 9 minutes Author, editor and medical expert – Klimovich Elina
Diamond-shaped glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue with a characteristic shape.
Language, which arose in the process of phylogenesis as an organ of mechanical action and an organ of touch, in the process
Cause of orange tongue
Orange coating on the tongue: causes of appearance, meaning, possible diseases, consultation with doctors, diagnosis and treatment
Main types of plaque Before you figure out why your tongue is orange, you need to know exactly
Lip frenuloplasty: indications, technique, rehabilitation
The frenulum of the lip looks like the sweet lining of the oral cavity. It passes in the middle between the incisors.
Peritonsillitis: causes, symptoms, medical care
Reasons for the development of the inflammatory process Inflammation of the palate near the tooth can occur: due to mechanical damage during
Rash on the labia
A rash on the labia is a symptom that signals diseases of a different nature. To
Tumor of the salivary gland - symptoms, causes of development and treatment
Tumor of the salivary gland - symptoms, causes of development and treatment
Salivary gland cancer is a rare oncological disease characterized by the development of malignant tumors in large
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