Saliva as the main tool for maintaining oral homeostasis, Head of the dental clinic, O.V. Masalskaya

Causes of impaired functioning of the salivary glands

Problems with the glandular system are marked by symptoms: in the morning thick, foamy saliva appears, similar to mucus, lips, and the corners of the mouth become covered with cracks or ulcers. With impaired salivation, dry mucous membranes are constantly observed. Among the diseases and pathologies affecting the salivary glands are:

  1. Diseases of the salivary system
    . The production of saliva sharply decreases, the areas under the jaw, closer to the ears, become inflamed. Pathology occurs with mumps, Mikulicz's disease, and sialostasis.
  2. Removed glands
    . Amputation occurs along with the excision of cysts, benign tumors, as a result of clearing salivary stones.
  3. Cystic fibrosis
    . Genetic cause of deterioration of secretory functions.


To avoid problems such as increased viscosity of saliva, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, with preference given to purified water. It is better to limit the intake of carbonated, caffeinated drinks (they dehydrate the body). Quitting alcoholic beverages and smoking also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the salivary glands.

It is useful to rinse your mouth with a warm saline solution from time to time, avoid hypothermia and stress, do not buy sugar-containing chewing gum, and humidify the air in the room. A well-structured, balanced diet with plenty of fiber (vegetables, fruits) and cereals is the best prevention of any problems with the digestive organs, including the salivary glands.

So, foamy, sticky and viscous saliva is a signal notifying about certain problems in the body. The cause of the anomaly may lie in a malfunction of the salivary glands themselves, hormonal or metabolic disorders, bad habits or chronic diseases (“the respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, and oral cavity suffer”). A dentist will help determine the cause of the problem and select the appropriate treatment, who, if necessary, will involve other specialists (immunologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

Features of treatment

It is possible that saliva becomes thick due to temporary hormonal imbalances .
In such cases, medication is not required, and the natural secretion of saliva is restored after some time. To understand the causes of impaired salivation, an in-person consultation with a dentist is necessary. He will interview the patient, give directions for tests, and only then select the appropriate course of treatment. As a rule, an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause allows one to prescribe the correct treatment method, which will lead to a gradual normalization of the functioning of the salivary glands. The first thing that needs to be done is to stabilize the level of moisture in the oral mucosa. The following treatment procedures can help with this

  • Rinsing the mouth with anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions and soda-salt solution. To eliminate the symptoms of laryngitis, it is advisable to use antiseptics, for example, Hexoral.
  • Use of artificial saliva. Used in the form of drops or spray.
  • Spray moisturizers and gel substitutes. Well-known manufacturers produce drugs in the form of gel and spray, which instantly help eliminate dry mouth. In addition, they contain antibacterial components designed to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Mucolytics. A group of medications to increase the production and thinning of saliva. Bromlane and acetylsteine ​​have proven themselves well.
  • Inhalations. They help those who have problems with the lungs and bronchi. Both pharmaceutical preparations and herbal infusions, for example, St. John's wort or sage, are suitable for inhalation.
  • Chewing gum with sugar substitute. Excellent stimulation of the salivary glands.

Other elements

Other elements include equally important compounds that ensure the correct formation of the food bolus. This process is important as the beginning of adequate and complete digestion.


A sticky substance that can hold together a bolus of food. Its action continues until the processed food leaves the intestinal tract. Promotes uniform digestion of chyme, and due to its mucus-like consistency, it significantly facilitates and softens its movement along the tract. The substance also performs a protective function by enveloping the gums, teeth, and mucous membranes, which significantly reduces the traumatic effect of solid unprocessed food on delicate structures. In addition, the sticky consistency promotes the adhesion of pathogenic agents, which are subsequently destroyed by lysozyme.


A natural antidepressant, a neurogenic mediator that can act on pain nerve endings, blocking the transmission of pain impulses. This allows you to make the chewing process painless, although hard particles often injure the mucous membrane, gums, and surface of the tongue. Naturally, microdoses are released in saliva. There is a theory that the pathogenetic mechanism of the disease bulimia is an increase in the release of opiates; due to the addiction that forms in a person, the need for irritation of the oral cavity increases, and an increase in the secretion of saliva - therefore, opiorphin.

Buffer systems

Various salts that provide the necessary acidity for the normal functioning of the enzyme system. They also create the necessary charge on the surface of the chyme, which helps stimulate peristaltic waves and mucus of the internal mucous membrane lining the gastrointestinal tract. These systems also contribute to the mineralization of tooth enamel and its strengthening.

Epidermal growth factor

A protein hormonal compound that promotes the launch of regenerative processes. Cell division of the oral mucosa occurs at lightning speed. This is understandable, since they are damaged much more often than any other as a result of mechanical stress and bacterial attacks.

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