Yellow mushrooms in a flower pot and mold on the ground: what is it and where does it come from?

Reasons for the appearance of yellow plaque on the ground

A yellowish-white, dry coating on the soil in a flower pot usually resembles in appearance the scale that appears in a teapot. Some gardeners mistakenly assume that the reasons for such plaque are:

  • insufficient air humidity in the room;
  • poor watering;
  • too acidic soil;
  • excessive use of fertilizers.

In fact, these are all myths. The only real reason for the appearance of such plaque is the composition of the water used for irrigation.

Too hard water, which contains a large amount of salts and alkaline earth metals, leads to the formation of a similar crust on the soil surface.

At first glance, it may seem that the problem will be solved by simply replacing the top layer of soil. In reality, things are much more serious.

Yellow mold in flowers.

Yellow lumps from the throat with an unpleasant odor

Small lumps that sometimes enter the mouth under certain circumstances are nothing more than tonsillar plugs or stones that form in special recesses of the tonsils - lacunae. They can have different shapes, sizes, colors and textures, depending on their composition.

As a rule, people note white, slightly less often yellowish or even grayish bad-smelling balls. Sometimes they have a soft consistency, in other cases they are quite dense, which is due to the presence of calcium compounds in their composition.

White lumps formed in the lacunae of the tonsils are formed from aged and exfoliated cells of the mucous membrane, a small amount of food residues and various types of bacteria.

As a rule, these are staphylococci, streptococci, somewhat less frequently chlamydia and other microorganisms, that is, mainly representatives of opportunistic flora, which are constantly present in the oral cavity of every person.

Sometimes they contain pus. In such situations, they acquire a yellow tint and a characteristic odor.

When they appear, a person may feel significant discomfort, manifested by:

  • sore throat;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign body behind the tonsils;
  • bad breath.

Although often the formation of formations does not manifest itself in any way. A person becomes aware of their presence only when he coughs up part of the cork.

When yellow lumps come out of the mouth, the first thing to suspect is the presence of a purulent process. This is due to the fact that it is pus that gives the infiltrate a yellowish tint.

But sometimes crumbs are coughed up that smell strongly of rotten, even in the absence of such pronounced inflammation. In such situations, their shade is a consequence of the long stay of tonsillitis in the lacunae.

According to authoritative medical sources, almost always an expectorated white lump in an adult is the result of a current or past sore throat that has not been completely cured. Its appearance requires consultation with an ENT specialist.

The doctor will help you accurately determine the reasons for the formation of traffic jams, the degree of neglect of the pathology, and prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation, which will give maximum results.

At the same time, patients should be prepared for the fact that therapy can stretch over a fairly long period of time and may include not only medication, but also physiotherapeutic and medical procedures.

Also, in order to achieve stable remission, eliminate tonsillitis and the bad breath provoked by their formation, the therapeutic course must be repeated every six months and regularly be comprehensively examined for the possibility of damage to other organs and the development of complications.

Patients should be aware that in severe situations, surgery may be necessary.

How to get rid of yellow plaque in flower pots

If the plaque has tightly covered the top layer of soil, then it is best to remove it and replace it with a new substrate. To avoid this problem again in the future, you should water the plant exclusively with soft water. To do this, you can use soft purchased bottled water or soften it yourself using one of the proven methods:

  • let tap water stand for at least 24 hours;

    Mold on the surface of the soil.

  • add citric acid to the water in the amount of 1 teaspoon per liter of water;
  • boil water;
  • purify water from salts using special filters;
  • Place fabric bags filled with peat into water.

How to treat white formations in the throat?

Since the main reason why white lumps appear on the tonsils is considered to be tonsillitis, in order to radically get rid of the problem it is necessary to fight this particular disease.

To eliminate it, and at the same time purulent lumps from the throat with an unpleasant odor, a set of measures is needed, including:

  • washing the lacunae of the tonsils;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • gargling;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.


The main direction of drug therapy is antibiotic therapy. To eliminate pathogens of the inflammatory process, the following can be used:

  • Polydex;
  • Isofra;
  • Augmentin (Amoxiclav);
  • Cefazolin;
  • Rovamycin;
  • Erythromycin.

To relieve pain, I advise patients to dissolve special lozenges, for example, Strepsils, Septolete, Lizak, Lisobakt, Faringosept and others.

In order to normalize body temperature, paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan-Upsa) and ibuprofen (Nurofen, Imet) are recommended.

Immunostimulants are also required. They need to be taken in courses, both during the treatment period and after its completion, to ensure the persistence of remission and strengthen the immune system. These include:

  • Lycopid;
  • Imunofan;
  • IRS-19;
  • tincture of echinacea or ginseng;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • vitamin complexes.

To remove the pellets from the lacunae (recesses) of the tonsils, it is necessary to carry out specific rinses, carried out in the otolaryngologist’s office. The procedure can be performed either using a syringe or a Tonsilor device.

Syringe rinsing is an old, but still frequently used technique, the essence of which is to pre-treat the tonsil mucosa with lidocaine and insert the tip of a special brass cannula into the mouth, which is placed on the syringe.

As soon as the anesthesia takes effect, an antiseptic solution is supplied through the cannula, the pressure of which mechanically helps to wash out the plugs and remove all pathogenic flora.

To perform the procedure the following are used:

  • copper-silver solution;
  • Ectericide;
  • streptocide solution;
  • Furacilin;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin.

This manipulation takes on average about 10 minutes, but despite preliminary premedication,

quite unpleasant for the patient, especially if he has a strongly developed gag reflex.

During it, it is important for the patient to remain motionless, not paying attention to the discomfort, since a sudden, careless movement can lead to damage to the tonsils by the tip of the cannula and aggravation of the inflammatory process.

As a rule, at least 7–10 sessions are required to achieve good results. Without the proper skills, it is almost impossible to wash out all the accumulations from the winding gaps.


It is strictly not recommended to carry out such a procedure at home, as it can lead to injury or lack of effect.

A more modern and gentle procedure for washing the tonsils is the hardware method, which involves the use of the Tonsilor device. Its essence is to suck out all the plugs with a vacuum.

In addition, during manipulation, the mucous membrane is exposed to ultrasound, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The course of treatment consists of 5 sessions held every other day.

However, any washing technique cannot be used if:

  • acute period of acute respiratory infections, accompanied by fever;
  • cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

Almost always, completing the full course of treatment leads to stable remission, which lasts from 6 months to several years.

If you follow the otolaryngologist's recommendations aimed at strengthening the immune system, you can increase the duration of remission indefinitely.[ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1]


One of the most common and accessible ways to eliminate the problem of coughing up white lumps with an unpleasant odor is to rinse with antiseptic solutions:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilina;
  • regular baking soda or pure sea salt without flavorings or other additives;
  • Miramistina;
  • infusions of chamomile flowers, calendula;
  • saline solution or water with a few drops of essential oil, for example, cloves, juniper, tea tree and others.

Rinse thoroughly and for at least 30 seconds, tilting your head back. In the presence of an acute inflammatory process, the manipulation is repeated up to 6 times a day, and if only lumps fly out when coughing and sneezing, 2 sessions are enough: in the morning and in the evening.


To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UHF, which helps eliminate edema;
  • ultrasound therapy necessary to eliminate inflammation;
  • UV irradiation, which quickly kills pathogenic microflora;
  • laser therapy, the purpose of which is to relieve swelling and inflammation.

DETAILS: Features of throat treatment with Chlorophyllipt vialine spray: indications, instructions, analogues

All of them help restore normal functioning of the tonsils, their blood supply and eliminate swelling of the palatine arches. To achieve a pronounced result, 10–12 procedures are required.

In some cases, you may notice a hard, purulent discharge from the throat. These formations are white, gray or yellow in color, with a very unpleasant smell of rot. These are tonsillar plugs or stones. Formed in the recess of the tonsils. Depending on the composition, they are found in different sizes, shapes and consistency.

White lumps in the gaps consist of exfoliated cells and food debris that have colonized bacteria. Pathogenic microflora can consist of various microorganisms and rod-shaped bacteria. If the lumps have a yellow tint, then this is a consequence of the formation of pus. If this symptom is present, the person feels significant discomfort. There is a feeling of tickling. The patient may complain of a foreign body sensation in the throat and bad breath.

Slime mold mushrooms

Slime mold mushroom.

This is a separate group of organisms that are close to mushrooms, but are not them. The yellow color is the representative of Fuligo putrefactive. This species is inedible and does not pose any harm or danger to beneficial plants. It grows and develops on rotten parts of plants.

This species is rarely found indoors. Only in the case when indoor flowers or seedlings were planted in soil collected in the garden or on the plot, the slime mold can get into the soil indoors.


Help before diagnosis

Coughing up yellow sputum indicates serious damage to the respiratory system, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor. To relieve symptoms, the pus should drain unimpeded. To do this, it is recommended to take special drainage positions and massage the chest. It is forbidden to use antitussive drugs that contribute to the stagnation of pathological secretions in the bronchial tree.

Conservative therapy

In most cases, yellow sputum is purulent in nature, so patients need etiotropic antibacterial therapy. Medicines are selected empirically immediately after diagnosis of the disease, and after receiving the results of the antibiogram, the treatment plan is adjusted. Against the background of the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, purulent sputum ceases to be released. For pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment use:

  • Expectorants
    . They enhance the discharge of thick sputum and thin it, accelerating the sanitation of the bronchial tree. Thanks to the use of mucolytics and secretomotor drugs, recovery occurs faster.
  • Corticosteroids
    . Hormone therapy is justified for eosinophilic lung disease. The drugs quickly stop the inflammatory reaction and reduce allergy symptoms. Glucocorticosteroids are used in the form of aerosols or parenterally.
  • Bronchodilators
    . The production of yellow sputum in bronchiectasis or COPD requires the administration of beta-adrenergic agonists and anticholinergics. They are administered using nebulizers or spacers to ensure targeted delivery of the drug to the bronchi.


In case of bronchiectasis and other chronic pathologies, when conservative measures are ineffective, they resort to therapeutic bronchoscopy and sanitation of the bronchial tree. After washing and removing the pus, the patients' condition improves. When lung diseases are complicated by pleurisy, a puncture is performed to remove exudate and targeted administration of medications.

Large abscesses, localized bronchiectasis, and areas of suppuration in the complicated course of Kartagener's syndrome are subject to surgical removal. If lung cancer is diagnosed early, radical surgery is performed in combination with radiation or chemotherapy. To alleviate the condition of cancer patients at stages 3-4, palliative interventions are indicated.

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