how to remove yellow plaque from cigarettes on teeth
We get rid of dental plaque and smoker's plaque quickly and for a long time
12/01/2019 In order to figure out how to remove plaque on teeth after smoking, you need to understand
Sealing teeth in children
Fissure sealing – long-term and effective protection against caries
Sealing is the filling of the grooves in the teeth with a special composition that allows you to block reproduction in them.
Subtotal darkening of the maxillary sinuses. What is it, how to treat with and without liquid, horizontal, vertical level
Signs of total and subtotal darkening of the maxillary sinuses
Interpretation of results Interpretation of the results of an x-ray examination may be as follows: normal (taking into account the patient’s age);
How to make your own mouthwash
Mouthwash can be found in almost any store, but what would this mouthwash
Why do you dream about blood coming from your mouth?
Why do you dream of blood from the mouth: interpretations of popular dream books
Blood is a special substance, since ancient times endowed with great importance by representatives of all religions and peoples.
Removal of a tooth
Implantation of the 7th tooth - features of installation of seven implants
The seventh teeth (second molars according to the dental classification) are located in hard-to-reach places. They are often lost
lavender oil
Types and methods of using essential oils for teeth
Some impressionable women compare this condition with labor pains in terms of the intensity of sensations and thoughts,
TOP 15 best children's electric toothbrushes -
Small children are afraid or simply don’t want to brush their teeth, so they buy unusual ones for them.
Features of whitening with soda
Prevention of dental and gum diseases for smokers
What happens to teeth due to smoking? So, what happens to the teeth of a heavy smoker?
Forest balm mouth rinse reviews
Mouthwash FOREST BALM with extra. oak and fir bark 400ml (Unilever Rus'/Russia)
Release form and composition The product is available in the form of a rinse: with oak bark for bleeding
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