Charcle toothpaste - a panacea or an advertising gimmick

Last year, the Internet and the entire scientific community were shocked by the news that Japanese scientist Kazue Yamagashi had made a huge step in the field of oral hygiene and invented a toothpaste that itself seals dental holes caused by caries. All this became possible thanks to a special formula that contains hydroxyapatite. As stated in the official statement, the active components that are in Charcle toothpaste are capable of dissolving the top layer of tooth enamel, and after 3 minutes they crystallize. Thanks to these properties, it is possible to effectively seal holes in the enamel, as well as cracks. If you try to look at a newly treated tooth under a microscope, you will hardly be able to notice the difference, nor the places that were treated in this way.

Almost everyone who learned about the existence of this miracle paste was delighted and suggested that now it is not necessary to go to the dentist. However, this is not at all true. To make sure of this, you need to understand in more detail how it works.

Denta sil with filling effect: description

The best way to prevent caries and the safest way to whiten teeth is to use high-quality and medicinal toothpaste. Denta Seal can become your guide through life, giving your smile the snow-white appearance of healthy teeth. This product has become a real breakthrough in the field of dentistry, as it is distinguished by its unique composition: nanoparticles of liquid enamel.

Used as a regular tooth hygiene paste. Provides delicate and high-quality plaque removal, eliminating unpleasant sensations during cleaning. However, it allows you to avoid a number of serious damage to the enamel. The manufacturer describes in the instructions the direction of the filling effect:

  1. Reliable protection against caries while using the paste and then for 2-3 years. The coating is saturated with minerals, which inhibits the development of enamel destruction.
  2. The effect of filling teeth occurs due to microparticles that penetrate microcracks and chips over and over again. Crystallization of any type of damage gradually occurs.
  3. Teeth whitening. DENTA SEAL toothpaste contains nanoparticles that remove tartar, yellowness, plaque and very quickly whitens the enamel to a perfectly white color.
  4. Destroys colored plaque, eliminates (inhibits) the formation of tartar, and eliminates bad breath.
  5. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and pronounced deodorizing effects.

The advantages of DENTA SEAL are in price, because unlike any type of dental procedure, such as teeth whitening, Denta Seal is a painless, cheap and safe oral remedy. When any mechanical bleaching can harm the enamel, which sooner or later will lead to its thinning and the formation of caries.

Processes on the tooth surface

To make it clearer, it is necessary to take a closer look at how exactly the remineralization process occurs.

Hydroxyapatite is the third largest substance in our body. It is second only to water and collagen. There is especially a lot of it in bones and teeth. It can be said that human saliva also contains a large percentage of hydroxyapatite. It is thanks to this that the so-called natural remineralization occurs.

A completely opposite process that occurs on the surface of the tooth is demineralization, which occurs when sugar enters the oral cavity. When carbohydrates are ingested, bacteria begin to actively multiply, forming plaque, and also changing the acidity of the oral cavity. This is how demineralization occurs.

Under ideal conditions, these processes occur alternately, so demineralization always equals remineralization. However, today's lifestyle of the majority, namely stress, food rich in carbohydrates, fast food, high consumption of sugar and salt and, as a result, insufficient salivation, poor ecology - all this leads to an imbalance between the processes of demineralization and remineralization.

It is in this case that toothpaste can be recommended, which is supposedly capable of treating teeth itself. It can stop the development of caries at the initial stage, which is called the “white spot” stage and, in principle, is a good prevention of caries and other problems associated with tooth enamel. However, it is not able to close existing holes in the teeth, if only because they must first be thoroughly cleaned with a drill so that there are no bacteria left in the pulp or dentin, which can lead to even more serious consequences, including tooth loss. If this is not done, the tooth will rot from the inside.

Clinical researches

The formula has been verified to be effective and safe through laboratory and consumer testing. 2,000 volunteers rushed to buy Dent Seal to see how effective it was. Based on the results of testing the product:

  • does not cause side effects (100%);
  • completely eliminates caries (98%);
  • relieves bleeding and inflammation of the gums, increased sensitivity of teeth (97%);
  • restores damaged areas of enamel (95%).

These data are confirmed in the form of quality certificates certified by renowned laboratories and research centers. The cost of Denta Seal paste with a filling effect is justified, because it eliminates 99% of the problems inherent in the oral cavity.

Is it possible to fill a tooth yourself: how to make a filling with your own hands at home?

A limited budget often prevents filling a hole in a tooth in a dental clinic on time. The longer the hole remains open, the higher the risk of complications. The cavity and area of ​​carious lesions increase in size, and dental tissues are completely destroyed over time.

If you don’t have enough money to go to the dentist and there are no concomitant oral diseases, you can solve the problem at home. Ready-made products from the pharmacy help you fill a tooth with your own hands at minimal cost.

How it works

Hydroxyapatite is the main mineral that makes up tooth enamel and the tooth itself, which contains up to 96% of this mineral. It is often used in modern professional preparations that dentists use, especially in fillings, and also cover implants with it so that new bone tissue grows faster.

From the description it follows that Charcle toothpaste does an excellent job of remineralizing teeth, especially at home. It can be used by both children and adults, however, the effect is achieved only with regular use.

Features of the drug

Denta Seal has the following properties:

  • slows down and stops caries;
  • crystallizes existing microdamages;
  • removes yellow plaque and whitens enamel;
  • destroys tartar and prevents it from forming;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and deodorizing effects.

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Black whitening paste White is Black from Curaprox

Most whitening pastes work on the same principle - due to abrasive particles. They, of course, effectively remove plaque and prevent the formation of hard stone, but they greatly damage tooth enamel - they scratch and injure the surface. But there is a much safer alternative - White is Black toothpaste from Curaprox. It looks unusual - the product is completely black. The fact is that the paste contains activated carbon. It absorbs plaque and bacteria, which cause yellow teeth, and thereby effectively whitens the enamel. And sodium fluoride prevents the development of carious formations.

theodent paste for enamel building

Scientist Tetsuo Nakamoto from the world-famous Theodent company has long been involved in research into the formation and restoration of enamel. He discovered that theobromine, a substance found in cocoa beans, promotes the formation of hydroxyapatite, which is one of the main components of tooth enamel.

Next, the researchers came up with the idea of ​​creating a toothpaste containing this substance. This is how Theodent Classic paste appeared, which enriches weakened enamel with hydroxyapatite, stimulates its restoration and strengthening. The product also eliminates the yellow tint of teeth and relieves sensitivity, does not contain fluoride and, of course, prevents caries.


Japan produces a huge variety of toothpastes, but only a few of them are presented on the domestic market. In a regular store you can hardly find a product made in Japan. Such pastes can only be purchased in large supermarkets or in online stores specializing in the sale of cosmetics from the land of the rising sun.

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For smokers and coffee fans, there are products containing special substances that help get rid of pigmented plaque and restore the attractiveness of your smile.

For problems with gums and bleeding, plant extracts that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect are added to toothpastes. Also, in such pastes you can often find compounds of mineral salts, which restore balance and, thanks to their osmotic properties, reduce the fragility of vascular walls.

A large number of pastes are anti-caries. This effect is achieved due to the inclusion of fluoride compounds in the product. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the dosage of fluoride, since exceeding it can lead to negative consequences for both dental and general somatic health. The recommended preventive dose for adults should not exceed 1800-2000 ppm, and for children, depending on age, 400-1000 ppm.

The most famous paste is White & White from Lion. The manufacturer positions the product as a whitening agent, additionally enriched with fluoride for an anti-caries effect and remineralization of enamel.

Thanks to its exotic nature, as well as positive customer reviews, the product is in demand. The packaging indicates that the composition contains fluoride and calcium compounds, which protects the enamel and prevents caries.

Upon careful examination of the composition, it becomes clear that the tube does not contain any unique components. The paste has a standard list of ingredients, thanks to which teeth are cleaned and have a preventive effect.

In addition to this product, Lion produces other types of pastes:

  • Zact Smokers Toothpaste is a paste that helps fight pigmented plaque that occurs from smoking and frequent coffee consumption.
  • Clinika Soft Mint is a comprehensive oral cleanser. In addition to the standard components, the paste contains the enzyme substance dextranase, which destroys the matrix of deposits and helps eliminate them.
  • Dentor Systema is a line of products designed to care for the oral cavity in the presence of gum disease. The composition contains the antibacterial substance isopropyl methylphenol.
  • Herbal Medicine is a product containing extracts of six plants.

Denta seal filling paste

Scientists did not stop there, they went even further and developed a paste that seals damaged enamel, as well as initial caries in the form of roughness and the stain stage, and blocks the progressive process. It also contains hydroxyapatite, but works slightly differently. When brushing your teeth, the substance penetrates into the cracks and depressions that provoke the development of caries and fills them, blocking further destruction of the enamel.

During the examination, the dentist will be able to identify where the enamel is real and where it is artificial. It is noteworthy that this “microfill” does not disappear over time and continues to protect the tooth from the development of carious formations. Of course, the paste cannot fill large cavities, so if there are obvious signs of caries, you need to go to the doctor. But filling microcracks and preventing disease is easy.

Why carry out enamel restoration?

The human mouth contains a huge number of different bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. If their number is balanced, inflammatory processes do not develop. But under the influence of external factors, for example, with a decrease in immunity, the accumulation of a large amount of plaque and stone, exacerbation of chronic diseases, the number of pathogenic bacteria increases sharply. And first of all, they attack tooth enamel. Gradually it is destroyed, as a result of which inflammatory processes penetrate inside - affecting the dentin, and then the nerve. That is why tooth enamel requires protection, strengthening and saturation with minerals.

Scientists were able to calculate and determine in numbers the weight of microorganisms that inhabit our body - they are about 2 kilograms, and this is almost 10 thousand types of microorganisms. At the same time, about 700 types are represented in the oral cavity. In quantitative terms, this is 40 thousand different bacteria1.

In addition, it is very important to have regular professional cleanings - not only to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, from between teeth and from under the gums, but also to polish the enamel. This will rid the shell of the teeth of micropores, which also often become clogged with tiny bacteria, attacking the tooth literally from the inside.


The active remineralizing composition compares favorably with most fluoride toothpastes:

  1. real protection against caries. It is caused by certain types of streptococci, which are destroyed during the cleaning process;
  2. filling effect. Microcracks are filled with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles;
  3. bleaching. It is produced by restoring the integrity of the enamel coating;
  4. saturation of enamel with minerals. She becomes stronger and less sensitive;
  5. price of Denta Seal against dental plaque.

You can use this toothpaste without a doctor's prescription - it has no contraindications and does not provoke adverse reactions.

Does the paste have the same effect as a filling?

To understand how this substance works, and whether it is possible to get rid of caries without the help of a dentist, you need to remember what stages of enamel destruction there are:

  1. Initial caries - dark or whitish spots form on the enamel, there are no depressions.
  2. Superficial caries is a small cavity within the enamel.
  3. Medium caries - the process affects not only enamel, but also dentin.
  4. Deep caries - the cavity is extensive, almost reaching the dental nerve.

Naturally, toothpaste cannot fill defects accompanied by significant tissue loss. But with initial caries, the use of special means will help stop the process and prevent the formation of a cavity in hard tissues.

The widest range of products with hydroxyapatite is represented by Apagard. The range includes both pastes positioned as professional (Royal) and children's hygiene products (Apakids).

These products have been popular with customers for several years, but they cannot fulfill the “magical” properties attributed to them, because none of the pastes developed to date are capable of filling a carious cavity and replacing the dentist. But pastes based on hydroxyapatite can close minor defects, level the enamel surface and make it more durable.

Toothpastes produced in Japan are some of the best oral care products. However, when purchasing, you should be able to distinguish between products that actually have a positive effect on the hard tissues of teeth and gums, from ordinary pastes, which contain nothing remarkable. Still, no matter how “miraculous” the paste is, it does not exclude the need for preventive examinations at the dentist, and in the presence of carious cavities, treatment.

Author: Violeta Kudryavtseva, dentist, especially for

How much does denta seal toothpaste with filling effect cost?

Denta Sial remineralizing toothpaste is currently very popular all over the world. Now you can buy DENTA SEAL on the manufacturer’s website at the best price. You can also purchase the paste in large pharmacies in the city.

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The recommended price of DENTA SEAL (1 package, 75 ml) is:

  • in Russia - 990 rubles;
  • in Ukraine - 459 hryvnia;
  • in Kazakhstan - 5800 tenge;
  • in Belarus - 36 Belarusian rubles.

Salt paste sole-zahncreme from weleda

An indispensable item for travel lovers and those who often have to go on business trips. The fact is that you don’t need water at all to brush your teeth with this toothpaste! There is also no need to rinse your mouth after the procedure. The product contains sea salt, which contains many substances necessary for dental health: calcium, silicon, iodine, manganese, sodium, phosphorus and others. In addition, it effectively neutralizes oral acids that cause the formation of gray plaque and tartar.

Little knowledge, many myths

In addition, today very often many, due to the fact that Japanese toothpaste has not yet entered the Russian market and has not appeared on the shelves, confuse it with Korean toothpaste, which has a similar name - Charcoal. The difference is not only in color (Japanese is white, and Korean is black, since it is based on black charcoal), but also in the principle of action, since the Japanese paste is preventive, and the Korean one whitens teeth.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that to date no product has yet been invented for oral hygiene, be it a paste, gel or rinse, that could completely replace the dentist. No matter how strong the fear of ending up in the dental chair, you should always contact a specialist at the first sign of pain or discomfort, and not believe advertising and trust untested remedies that may not only not help, but also cause harm. Dental health is more important, and miracles do not happen.

Mode of application

Denta Seal instructions for enamel whitening are no different from recommendations for using any other paste:

  1. brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes (the effect of hydroxyapatite crystals begins 60 seconds after the composition foams);
  2. repeat the procedure at least 2 times a day;
  3. If you have caries, it is recommended to brush them after every meal.

A positive result will appear in a few days. To obtain a high-quality and lasting effect, it is necessary to observe regularity.

Remember that you cannot buy the original Denta Seal for teeth whitening at a pharmacy - the product is sold through the manufacturer’s official website.

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On August 30, I had a new Zoom QuickPro lamp-free whitening. This is when a special composition with the same high percentage of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the teeth as during lamp whitening, but the lamp is not illuminated. There is no pain, so this whitening is recommended for everyone with sensitive teeth.

Afterwards I thought, how can I maintain all this beauty now? I dug up about the pastes, bought them and have been using them for almost a month now.


  • The teeth are snow-white.
  • By evening, the enamel remains smooth, as if it had just been cleaned.
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold and sweets subsided after about 14 days. I’ll tell you, it’s a miracle to chew candy and realize that your eyes don’t twitch.

Words cannot describe how economical they are. I think these four pastes will last me a year. Children use it too. The elder directly asks him to clean it. So I recommend it!

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