Ketonal film-coated tablets 100 mg 20 pcs. in Moscow

Most people have experienced dental problems at least once in their lives. The reason for this is that the protective layer of tooth enamel is eventually unable to withstand one or another external influence and is damaged. As a result, at the site of damage to the enamel, dental tissue becomes accessible to bacteria that can destroy it. This begins the irreversible process of formation of a carious cavity in the tooth, which, if timely measures are not taken, sooner or later will eventually reach the pulp chamber. Microorganisms penetrate into the opened pulp, as a result of whose vital activity an inflammatory process begins, usually causing severe pain.

Of course, it is best when a carious cavity is detected at the very beginning of its formation. Modern dental technology allows you to quickly and almost painlessly repair a tooth damaged by caries. High-quality materials used for filling ensure reliability and long-lasting treatment results.

Ketonal for toothache

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect caries in the early stages of development, especially when molars are affected, and a person learns about his problem only when the tooth begins to hurt. Some people who are afraid of dentists try to endure toothache, deceiving themselves that the pain will go away on its own. Yes, indeed, a toothache can subside on its own for a while. However, this does not mean that the diseased tooth will recover. The destruction and inflammation of dental tissues will progress and, ultimately, can lead to pathologies that require complex and expensive treatment, tooth loss, and even death.

Therefore, even a slight pain in a tooth is a call to go to the dentist’s office. However, due to certain circumstances, a person cannot always do this without barely feeling pain. And a tooth can hurt so badly that a person’s life turns into a real nightmare. The only way out of this situation is the use of painkillers, the most popular of which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Most often, people use analgin to relieve pain, since it is inexpensive and is sold freely. However, this drug, like other medications containing metamizole, may be practically powerless against acute pain. In this case, stronger analgesics such as ketonal will be needed. What is ketonal , and how to use it for toothache ?

Tablets for toothache relief

Review of painkillers

Disadvantages of tablets

Painkillers for pregnant and nursing mothers

What not to do if your tooth suddenly hurts

In most cases, the first thing people do when pain occurs is take pills. This is the most common and accessible way to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Of course, the ideal solution would be to see a doctor, but there are different situations: there is no time, clinics are closed (tooth pain at night), financial situation, etc. We provide a list of the most effective remedies for toothache and we hope that you will use them only as a last resort case.

Ketonal film-coated tablets 100 mg 20 pcs. in Moscow

Ketoprofen should not be combined with other NSAIDs and/or COX2 inhibitors.

With long-term use of NSAIDs, it is necessary to periodically evaluate a clinical blood test, monitor kidney and liver function, especially in elderly patients (over 65 years), and conduct a stool test for occult blood.

It is necessary to be careful and monitor blood pressure more often when using ketoprofen to treat patients suffering from arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases that lead to fluid retention in the body.

If visual disturbances occur, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Like other NSAIDs, ketoprofen can mask the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases. If you notice signs of infection or deterioration in health while using the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If there is a history of contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract (bleeding, perforation, peptic ulcer), long-term therapy and the use of high doses of ketoprofen, the patient should be under close medical supervision.

Because of the important role of prostaglandins in maintaining renal blood flow, particular caution should be exercised when using ketoprofen in patients with cardiac or renal insufficiency, as well as in the treatment of elderly patients taking diuretics and patients who, for any reason, have a decrease in circulating volume. blood.

The drug should be discontinued before major surgery.

The use of ketoprofen can affect female fertility, therefore, patients with infertility (including those undergoing examination) are not recommended to use the drug.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug Ketonal® in recommended doses on the ability to drive a car or operate machinery. At the same time, patients who experience drowsiness, dizziness or other unpleasant sensations from the nervous system, including visual impairment, while using the drug, should refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Review of painkillers

Table 1. Painkillers

Drug name Appearance Characteristics and action
Nimesil Available in the form of tablets, granules, suspensions. Recommended for mild to moderate toothache.
Nise Available in various forms. Suitable for mild to moderate pain.
Ketorol Available in the form of tablets and capsules for injection. Will help relieve moderate to severe pain. Maximum dose per day – 3 tablets
Ibuklin Available in tablet form. Recommended for mild to moderate pain.
Tempalgin Has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Does not irritate the gastric mucosa.
Nurofen Available in the form of tablets, suspension and gel (for external use).
Took Available in tablet form. Helps relieve moderate toothache.
Analgin Available in various forms. The maximum dose per day is 4 tablets.

“Remember that the pill is a temporary way to relieve pain.
The effect of the drug will wear off, and the pain may return because the cause itself has not been eliminated. If after the first “bells” you do not go to the dentist, the disease will continue to progress. Each time the pain will get stronger and stronger" Irina Vinogradova, Dentist-therapist, endodontist, head of the department of therapy and periodontology, member of the medical council of the network of clinics "STOMPRAKTIKA.RF"

How to use ketonal for toothache

The active component of this medicine is the organic substance ketoprofen, a derivative of propionic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and is similar in its pharmacological characteristics to ibuprofen. Like other similar drugs, ketoprofen blocks enzymes that regulate the biochemical formation of prostaglandins during the inflammatory process, and thereby relieves inflammation and alleviates its symptoms, such as fever, swelling and pain.

Although the main area of ​​use of ketoprofen is the treatment of injuries, bruises and arthritis, this medicine can be used in the case of toothache.

Ketoprofen can be administered into the body in the following ways:

  • orally – in the form of tablets, capsules and granules to obtain a drinking solution;
  • rectally - in the form of suppositories inserted into the rectum;
  • parenterally - in the form of a solution for injections;
  • externally - in the form of gels, ointments, aerosols.

The rate of absorption of the drug depends on the method of its use. It takes the longest to be absorbed when used in the form of suppositories - up to four hours, and fastest when injected - up to half an hour. When taken orally, absorption lasts a maximum of two hours. When using anti-inflammatory medication, noticeable improvement is observed approximately seven days after the start of treatment.

Like other drugs, ketoprofen is deactivated by the liver and excreted in the urine and, partly, in bile. This substance is not able to accumulate in the body.

Ketonal for toothache

How does ketonal help with toothache?

This drug relieves pain and other symptoms of the inflammatory process quite well. However, it is not very effective in reducing body temperature. This medicine soothes pain, regardless of where the inflammatory process is localized. Therefore, it can be used to eliminate any pain of inflammatory origin, including dental pain.

When buying ketonal in the form of tablets or capsules, you should always pay attention to how much of the main active ingredient they contain, since several versions are available, differing in the concentration of ketoprofen. Accordingly, forms of the drug with different contents of a given analgesic will require different dosage regimens.

The maximum daily amount of ketoprofen is two hundred milligrams. Therefore, those tablets that contain one hundred milligrams of the main drug can be taken twice a day. The same dosage forms, where there is twice as much ketoprofen, should be taken no more than once a day.

Ketonal is a potent analgesic that can relieve toothache. However, the extent to which it makes sense to take it depends on the intensity of the pain. So, in the case of caries, even before the onset of pulpitis, a slight aching pain may be felt, but strong drugs are not needed to calm it. Here you can, for example, use drops from tincture of valerian and mint and camphor oils. However, in the case of pulpitis and periodontitis, the pain is much more intense and can be unbearable. In this situation, it really makes sense to use analgesics such as ketonal.

How to take Ketonal tablets for toothache

There are several types of ketonal tablets. In order to choose the right option, you should take into account the nature of pain and the specifics of a particular case.

If a visit to the dentist is scheduled for the near future, for example, the next morning, then it is generally undesirable to take analgesics. The use of painkillers can create difficulties in diagnosing a diseased tooth. In addition, the medication taken the day before may affect the pain relief provided in the dentist's office.

If you are unable to go to the dentist in the next couple of days, it is best to use the drug Ketonal Duo in the form of capsules, each of which contains one hundred and fifty milligrams of ketoprofen. The peculiarity of this medication is that it consists of white and yellow granules that differ in the rate of release of ketoprofen, and, accordingly, the speed of onset of the effect and its duration. If you take Ketonal Duo for toothache , the white granules will take effect within fifteen minutes. Yellow ones begin to act later, but their effect is longer. Thus, this form of medication provides both a quick and long-lasting effect. After using Ketonal Duo, the pain goes away almost immediately and does not return for a long time, and you will not have to take the medicine again soon.

Ketonal DUO for toothache

Ketonal is a strong medicine. However, it cannot cure either pulpitis or periodontitis. In case of dental diseases, this drug only makes the pain subside for a while. In case of inflammatory processes in the tooth, only a dentist can solve the problem. Therefore, if you have a toothache, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of tablets

Painkillers also have a downside: almost all pills have side effects.

  • Negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system. Erosion and ulcers can form on the walls of the stomach, so if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to choose a different method.
  • Disturbs liver function.
  • They can cause headache, shortness of breath, swelling, skin rashes, etc.

Most analgesics are prohibited for expectant and nursing mothers, young children and people with systemic diseases that are included in the list of contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adverse effects are classified according to their frequency as follows: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100, <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1000, < 1/100), rare (≥1/10000, <1/1000) and very rare (<1/10000); frequency unknown (the frequency of events cannot be determined from the available data).

Hematopoietic and lymphatic system disorders

rarely: hemorrhagic anemia; frequency unknown: agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, bone marrow dysfunction.

Immune system disorders

frequency unknown: anaphylactic reactions (including anaphylactic shock).

Nervous system disorders

uncommon: headache, dizziness, drowsiness; rarely: paresthesia; frequency unknown: convulsions, disturbance of taste.

Mental disorders

frequency unknown: emotional lability.

Sensory disorders

rarely: blurred vision, tinnitus.

Cardiovascular disorders

frequency unknown: heart failure, increased blood pressure, vasodilation.

Respiratory system disorders

rarely: exacerbation of bronchial asthma; frequency unknown: bronchospasm (especially in patients with hypersensitivity to NSAIDs), rhinitis.

Gastrointestinal disorders

often: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal pain; uncommon: constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gastritis; rarely: peptic ulcer, stomatitis; very rarely: exacerbation of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation.

Disorders of the liver and biliary tract

rarely: hepatitis, increased activity of liver transaminases, increased bilirubin concentration.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

uncommon: skin rash, itching; frequency unknown: photosensitivity, alopecia, urticaria, angioedema, erythema, bullous rash, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Renal and urinary tract disorders

frequency unknown: acute renal failure, interstitial nephritis, nephritic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, abnormal values ​​of renal function tests.


uncommon: swelling; rarely: weight gain; frequency unknown: increased fatigue.

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