What remedies exist for caries: tablets, gels, pastes

Caries is treated using various methods depending on the stage of its development and the degree of damage to the tooth. At the initial stage, doctors use solutions to remineralize the enamel. The procedures are carried out in the clinic. For home use, special anti-caries remedies are prescribed: pastes, gels and rinses. Let's find out what makes them special.

In this article

  • What is caries and why does it occur?
  • Risk factors for dental caries
  • Stages of caries
  • Why should a dentist prescribe anti-caries medications?
  • What remedies are there for caries?
  • Tooth pastes against caries
  • The best toothpastes for caries
  • Gels for caries
  • Anti-caries rinses
  • Anti-caries preparations for internal use
  • Other caries prevention measures

Treatment methods for caries are determined by the stage of the disease. You should also understand the nature of the pathology in order to choose the right remedy. However, it is immediately worth noting that it is impossible to cure carious lesions with tablets and toothpastes. Treatment is carried out by a dentist. If necessary, he will prescribe appropriate medications that can be used at home.

What is caries and why does it occur?

Caries is a pathological process that destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. The main reason for its development is the proliferation of cariogenic microorganisms from the Streptococcus mutans group in the oral cavity. Their waste products - acids - corrode tooth enamel, as a result of which there are fewer minerals in it that ensure its strength. It softens and exposes the hard tissues of the tooth. Further spread of bacteria leads to the destruction of dentin and damage to nerve endings.

Caries is a progressive pathology that does not go away on its own. If left untreated, you can lose a tooth or develop inflammatory diseases of the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity - pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.

It is not always necessary to fill teeth. In the initial stages, it is possible to restore enamel using therapeutic methods. We will talk about the factors in the development of caries, after which we will describe the means used to treat it.

General benefits of dental treatment without drilling

  • There is no sound of an unpleasantly buzzing drill.
  • There is no direct contact of the cutting instrument with tooth tissue, which makes infection with HIV and hepatitis B and C impossible.
  • The procedure is painless when treating shallow caries, which allows you to treat teeth without anesthesia.
  • Finding the patient in a comfortable psychological atmosphere, no expectation of pain.
  • No drill vibration and no likelihood of microcracks and enamel chips.

Let's consider several modern methods of treating caries without drilling :

Risk factors for dental caries

Cariogenic microbes are present in the oral cavity of almost every person. But they become dangerous only if conditions are favorable for them. They are also called caries development factors and can be local or general. Among the first:

  • Tartar. Poor oral hygiene leads to the formation of plaque on teeth. Over time, it hardens and turns into tartar. In it and under it there are many bacteria that easily destroy the enamel and penetrate the hard tissues of the tooth.
  • Insufficient saliva production. Together with saliva, food debris and germs are washed out of the mouth. In addition, it contains substances that neutralize acids produced by bacteria. If the salivary glands are not working well, microorganisms multiply faster, which increases the risk of developing caries.
  • Anatomical features of the jaw. Incorrect bite or tooth growth causes food debris to accumulate in the interdental spaces. Because of this, the number of microbes in the mouth increases.
  • Poor nutrition. People who eat a lot of sweets are more likely to suffer from tooth decay. This is due to the fact that cariogenic microbes feed on carbohydrates.

Also, the likelihood of carious lesions increases with cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and weak immunity.

During treatment, it is important to eliminate as many factors as possible that cause bacteria to multiply. Various anti-caries remedies help cope with this. Let us describe the stages of development of the pathology, on the basis of which the method of its elimination is determined.

Treatment of a wedge-shaped tooth defect with the SANDMAN system is considered the ideal method of choice

After removing the carious process, the tooth cavity is disinfected with a laser. The dentist begins to restore the lost tissue with light material. With this technique, it is almost impossible to distinguish a filling on a tooth from its own tissues. What makes this technique the most aesthetic of its analogues.

The service life of light fillings with this method of processing hard tissues is more than 10 years.

Our clinic has been working using the SANDMAN air-abrasive teeth preparation method for more than 10 years. We are one of 3 Moscow clinics that have installed this equipment.

Over the years, a large clinical practice has been acquired, and more than 2,000 patients have been successfully treated using this method of dental treatment without drilling.

The technique is ideal for patients who want minimal intervention in the tooth tissue.

By contacting the Bionic Dentis clinic for dental treatment without drilling with the SANDMAN system, you are guaranteed high quality services and an individual approach to dental treatment.

Stages of caries

There are 4 stages of caries, each of which has its own specific characteristics. During diagnosis, it is important to determine the extent of tooth damage in order to correctly prescribe treatment. Caries begins with the stage of a white (chalky) spot, which is an area of ​​demineralization of tooth enamel. It loses its shine and looks slightly different from the rest of the tooth. However, only a doctor can reveal this during an examination.

The danger of the first stage is that the person does not feel any changes: his tooth does not hurt, his gums do not bleed, and there is no discomfort when chewing food. In fact, it is usually possible to detect caries at this stage only during a preventive examination, for which every person should come to the dentist once every six months. Otherwise, the carious process continues to progress.

At the second stage, the white spot darkens, acquires a brown or yellow tint and becomes noticeable if it is not localized on the inside of the teeth or between them. The first subjective signs of the disease also appear: discomfort is felt after eating sweet foods. The tooth becomes more sensitive, but this symptom disappears as soon as you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. The carious cavity has not yet formed; the pathological process spreads along the enamel, but does not affect hard tissues.

In the first two stages, the disease can still be cured with therapeutic methods using anti-caries agents: solutions, pastes and gels. If a person ignores the symptoms, a carious cavity forms, indicating the beginning of the third stage. The tooth becomes more sensitive to sweet and sour foods, low and high temperatures, toothpaste and water. The pain subsides after the irritant is removed.

At the third stage, a hole is formed in which bacteria actively multiply. They penetrate the dentin, as a result of which the hard tissues of the tooth begin to deteriorate. At this stage, you cannot do without preparation and installation of a filling. Lack of treatment leads to the development of the fourth stage of caries, which is considered an advanced form of pathology.

Deep carious lesions cover at least ⅓ of the tooth. A brown cone-shaped cavity is formed. It is separated from the pulp by a thin partition of hard tissue. There is a risk of developing pulpitis - inflammation of soft tissues. In such cases, it is often necessary to remove the nerve. There is a high risk of tooth loss. At any moment it can split into several parts or break in the neck area if the carious process is localized near the gums.

Infiltration method

Icon infiltration technology was invented at the Celtic University of Germany. This method of microinvasive treatment of caries refers to chemical-mechanical treatment, which completely eliminates tooth preparation - drilling, and is used only in the treatment of initial caries, initial carious lesions after using braces, as well as caries in the spot stage. The principle of operation of the method is to apply a special gel to the surface of the affected area of ​​the tooth, which splits the enamel, after which the carious lesion is dried with 99% ethyl alcohol in combination with an air stream and impregnated with a polymer resin. The procedure protocol is clearly depicted in the figure below.

The positive aspects of this technology can be considered painless and quick (the procedure takes 15–20 minutes) removal of exclusively the affected part of the tooth. However, the method is applicable only on the smooth surface of the teeth or between them. Also, the shape of the “hole” should be ideal - with smooth edges and a wide entrance. International studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the infiltration method, which has made it possible to stop the development of caries for many years in both adult patients and children.

Why should a dentist prescribe anti-caries medications?

Medicines for caries are prescribed by a doctor. Treatment begins with procedures in the clinic. The dentist applies a special composition to the patient’s tooth affected by caries, which contains various minerals: fluoride, calcium, magnesium, etc. Several procedures may be required. Before they are carried out, ultrasonic cleaning is performed. It is necessary to clean the carious lesion from bacteria so that they do not interfere with the restoration of the enamel.

Only after this the doctor prescribes anti-caries medications that enhance the effect of the composition applied to the tooth. It should be understood that they do not cure, but prevent the further spread of pathology. In other words, they are means of prevention.

Cost of caries treatment in Moscow

The cost of caries treatment in each specific case is calculated individually and consists of several components:

  • what type of filling will be installed;
  • what type of anesthesia will be used;
  • how much work the doctor has to do.

Thus, installing a filling on a chewing tooth affected by caries in state dentistry can cost 900 rubles, since it involves the cheapest composite material. The cost of a light filling in a private dental clinic in Moscow varies between 1500 – 2500 rubles. Treatment of caries of anterior teeth exceeds 3,000 rubles, since there are increased demands on aesthetics. As for anesthesia, local anesthesia starts at 300 rubles per tooth, general anesthesia starts at 2,000 rubles, and treatment with sedation, depending on its degree, ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Tooth pastes against caries

There is no separate class called “anti-caries toothpastes.” However, some of them contain fluorides, which help restore enamel. When buying pasta, pay attention to the composition. It must contain at least 1000 ppm fluoride. If it is contained in a volume of 1450 ppm, the paste can be considered therapeutic and prophylactic. In the dentist's office, a tooth affected by caries is treated with a mixture with a fluoride concentration of 5000 ppm.

The following elements may also be present in the anti-caries paste:

  • Calcium: Helps normalize mineral balance.
  • Chlorhexidine and other antiseptics: indicated for patients with irregular oral hygiene.
  • Abrasives: remove plaque from enamel. Instead, the paste may contain hydrogen peroxide. However, such compositions are contraindicated for deep caries. Moreover, they cannot be used continuously. The duration of use is determined by the doctor.
  • Natural ingredients: suitable for sensitive gums and teeth.

Let's list specific toothpastes that help prevent the spread of caries.

Dental treatment without drilling.


Without drilling or enamel trauma, we treat:

  • superficial and medium dental caries
  • wedge-shaped tooth defect
  • cervical dental caries

We have been using various non-drilling dental treatment techniques since 2006;

In this article, we will help you figure out which one is the best.

Some patients' fear of having their teeth drilled is forcing dentists and medical research centers to look for new treatment options.

An American study involving more than 10,000 patients suffering from dental phobia showed that patients are more afraid of the procedure of drilling teeth with a drill.

Often patients cannot explain what exactly about drilling scares them.

There are 4 methods in the arsenal of modern methods of dental treatment without drilling. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will look at each and choose the best.

The best toothpastes for caries

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes are produced by various manufacturers. Let's present a rating of products that are approved by dentists and are in demand among customers of our online store.

ROCS "Active calcium"

Contains calcium, phosphorus, silicon and magnesium, which help saturate the enamel with minerals. They are integrated into its structure and protect against cariogenic microbes. It also contains xylitol, a naturally occurring antimicrobial component.

Weleda “With calendula”

A paste based on calcium carbonate, which effectively removes plaque from teeth and protects them from the spread of caries. Calendula included in the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect and a calming effect. The paste contains no synthetic components. It is prescribed to adults and children.

SPLAT Professional "Whitening Plus"

The composition includes polishing particles that brighten the enamel without damaging it or the gums. It also contains the substance Polydon, which ensures the breakdown of plaque in hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity. The paste has an antibacterial effect. It is ideal for smokers and coffee lovers. The concentration of fluorides in the composition is 1000 ppm.

Biorepair Plus Total Protection

This paste is prescribed for enamel hypersensitivity. The components included in it form a protective layer that protects teeth from external factors, reducing their sensitivity. The structure of some substances in the paste is identical to hydroxyapatite, the basis of the natural enamel surface and dentin. They penetrate the tooth, fill microcracks and restore the balance of minerals, preventing the development of caries.

CURAPROX Perio Plus Support

A paste used before and after dental surgery, for the prevention of gum disease, during the treatment of periodontitis and after installing braces. You can brush your teeth with it for 6 months. After this, you need to replace it with another paste.

Apadent Perio

It is prescribed for the first stage of caries. The composition includes ocean salt, which has a calming effect. The paste can be used by people with sensitive gums. It also contains antibacterial substances that destroy cariogenic bacteria.

PERIOE Pumping Original

One of the best pastes for caries prevention, containing fluoride at a concentration of 1400 ppm. It effectively removes plaque, neutralizes acids from microbes and destroys bacteria in hard-to-reach places. Pumping Original is available in a bottle with a dispenser, which ensures lower consumption.

Marvis Orange Blossom Bloom

Anti-caries paste with calcium and fluoride. It whitens well and helps restore the balance of minerals in the enamel structure. The composition includes a citrus flavor that freshens breath. Marvis is produced in unique retro style packaging.

Dentissimo Complete care

A paste based on herbal extracts with a calming effect, as well as calcium and hydroxyapatite in the composition. The last component follows the structure of the enamel and strengthens it.

Mirafluor C Toothpaste with Amine Fluoride

Paste to strengthen enamel and prevent caries. The main component of the composition is amino fluoride, a substance that effectively cleanses teeth of plaque.

These and other pastes for dental caries can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered in an online store. You should consult your dentist before purchasing.

Fluoride and calcium preparations in the fight against caries

Your choice among medications that help fight caries should be made in favor of those that contain calcium or fluoride, and their combined use can give a more noticeable and pronounced effect. These medications include:

  • fluoride varnish, which was already discussed above;
  • salt, which contains increased fluorine;
  • sodium fluoride, which is used as an aqueous solution;
  • calcium gluconate, lactate, glycerophosphate, which can be used in tablets;
  • fluoridated water;
  • dental floss that contains fluoride;
  • phytin, which contains both calcium and fluorine;
  • tablets used to prevent caries, containing fluoride and taken as prescribed by a doctor.

It is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation, for example, you should not abuse fluoride-containing products; an excess of this substance in the body is harmful to it.

The dentist can also prescribe professional medications, the purpose of which is to prevent caries, for example:

  • solutions containing calcium and fluorine compounds many times higher than normal, used for remineralization;
  • paraffin and paper discs containing fluorine compounds, which are placed on the tip of the machine instead of the usual bur and are used to treat teeth at low speeds.

A serious disadvantage of all these drugs is their short duration of action, since fluoride quickly disappears from the tooth surface, therefore, they have to be used quite often.

Gels for caries

Anti-caries gel is another remedy that helps restore enamel and protect teeth from caries. Such products contain minerals, like toothpastes, and other components that help strengthen teeth and destroy bacteria. Gels are similar in composition to special varnishes that dentists use to remineralize the enamel of patients with carious lesions. The doctor applies the varnish to the tooth, and then shines a lamp on it so that the liquid hardens. The advantage of gels over varnishes is that they can be used independently at home.

The gel should be applied after brushing your teeth with toothpaste. For application, you can use a swab or cotton swab. To enhance the effect of the product, it is recommended to wear a mouth guard. The choice of gels is as varied as the toothpastes. The most popular products are:

  • Stomysens® Desensitizing Repairing Treatment 4.
  • DRC ROCS (ROCS) Medical Minerals.
  • Dental Resources Inc Sorbet Revive.
  • Curaden AG for gums CURAPROX Perio Plus Focus CHX 10.
  • Cumdente Gmbh ApaCare Repair “Liquid enamel”.

There are no contraindications to gels, but they can only be used after examination by a dentist.

Gallery of dental treatment without drilling


Ozerov Petr Vladimirovich

Chief physician. Dentist, implantologist, orthopedist, surgeon. Laser dentistry specialist

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Werner Elena Vladimirovna

Dentist periodontist

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Eremina Anna Arturovna

Dentist therapist

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The SANDMAN system is recognized as the best method for treating wedge-shaped tooth defects. The advantages are obvious:

  • no need to drill the tooth
  • European-made equipment of PREMIUM class
  • no need to treat the tooth with acid
  • no tooth trauma from drilling (vibration and overheating)
  • With this method of treatment, the restoration stays on the tooth 2-3 times longer!
  • without stress and the smell of a burnt tooth.

The Bionic Dentis clinic was the first in the Russian Federation to use this innovative European method of dental treatment without drilling! Over the years of using this technique, we have treated more than 5,560 wedge-shaped defects.

We have accumulated vast clinical experience and guarantee you long-term results and the absence of complications.

Anti-caries rinses

Mouth rinses and balms can be used continuously. Their main purpose is disinfection of gums and mucous membranes. Similar remedies are used after every meal. They can also be used in conjunction with irrigators to clean the oral cavity.

When choosing a mouthwash, check the ingredients. Make sure that you are not allergic to any of the liquid components. Some products contain calcium, soothing and anti-inflammatory substances. As an example, we indicate the following balms and rinses:

  • Vivax "Remineralization".
  • CURAPROX Perio Plus Forte chx 0.20%.
  • Biorepair Delicate Gums Mouthwash.
  • ROCS "Active calcium".

The enamel of children's teeth is just being formed, so it is more vulnerable not only to cariogenic bacteria, but also to various cleaners. For this reason, it is better for children to choose children's products: Levrana “Blueberry” or “Albadent for children”. They do not contain abrasive substances or components that can cause allergies and irritation of the gums or damage the enamel structure.

Folk remedies that definitely won’t help

In addition to medical medicines, there are also a lot of folk medicines that are actively used by healers and healers. It is worth immediately upsetting all patients who are afraid of the drill - these anti-caries remedies will not help them, namely:

  1. Soda. There is nothing wrong with its use, but it will not have any special effect. Yes, soda neutralizes acids and slightly increases the pH level in the mouth, but for a very short period of time, the effectiveness of fighting caries is practically zero.
  2. Propolis and brus. These substances will not be able to help in the fight against caries, but they can do harm, since they will become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, therefore, if they are used regularly, the risk of caries will increase.
  3. Honey. Fructose and glucose included in its composition also increase the activity of bacteria in the oral cavity, so the persistent myth that caries is allegedly afraid of honey is dangerous for dental health.

The only truly useful folk remedy for fighting caries can only be called natural milk, rich in calcium; in addition, it generally has a beneficial effect on the human body, and not just on the condition of his teeth.

Anti-caries preparations for internal use

Today you can buy anti-caries tablets that contain calcium gluconate and other minerals. Vitamins and microelements must enter the body with food. If they are not enough, you need to take appropriate medications. They are prescribed by a doctor. During the development of the carious process, the following vitamins are necessary:

  • A: increases the resistance of enamel to external factors.
  • B1: binds calcium, which strengthens teeth.
  • B6: accelerates metabolic processes and tissue regeneration.
  • C: increases the strength of crowns.
  • D: strengthens bone tissue.
  • E: neutralizes harmful acids after sweet foods.

It is worth understanding that it is not possible to cure caries with the help of tablets. They are used only as an additional means. Let us remember that pathology can occur due to weak immunity. If it is not strengthened, caries and other diseases will recur. For this reason, it is recommended to approach the treatment of carious lesions in a comprehensive manner.

Calcium gluconate for teeth

It is a very effective medicine that not only helps strengthen bones and teeth, but also has a whitening effect. This drug comes in tablets that must be crushed and dissolved in a liquid, preferably milk, and taken after each meal. The main benefits of calcium gluconate will be:

  • the effectiveness of the fight against caries, and at all its stages;
  • protection of tooth enamel from destruction;
  • strengthening teeth with all necessary minerals and elements, including calcium and fluorine;
  • long-lasting and effective whitening;
  • high-quality oral hygiene.

There are other forms of release of this drug, for example, in the form of a gel rubbed in with cotton swabs. This option for using the medicine is characterized by the duration of its effect, the absence of allergic reactions and a positive effect on the condition of the teeth, in particular, thanks to the gel, the following occurs:

  • decreased level of tooth sensitivity;
  • destruction of plaque and tartar;
  • increasing protection from various types of external influences;
  • polishing tooth enamel;
  • teeth whitening;
  • elimination of microcracks in the row.

Other caries prevention measures

During treatment you will have to completely give up sweet foods. It is also necessary to exclude excessively salty and sour foods from the diet. It is recommended to quit smoking, as tobacco smoke contributes to the formation of plaque and tartar. To better clean the oral cavity from food debris and microbes, you can use irrigators, but not as an alternative to a toothbrush. Visit your dentist every six months for a check-up.

Types of caries by localization


It begins in the physiological recesses of the chewing teeth - fissures. The patient cannot detect it during self-examination.

Approximal (or contact)

It begins on the contacting surfaces of adjacent teeth. As a rule, this is a consequence of not using floss or irrigator as part of hygiene.


It begins at the base of the gum, gradually destroying the neck of the tooth. It is the result of severe tartar.


It begins under the tooth filling if errors were made during its installation.

Under the crown

It begins under the crown if it does not fit tightly to the tooth, causing microscopic food debris to accumulate.

How effective is traditional medicine?

Folk remedies demonstrate the highest level of effectiveness in the field of prevention, but as for treatment itself, their use cannot in any way restore tooth enamel, improve its health and strengthen it. It is impossible to cure areas affected by caries with decoctions and herbs; even the dentist has to remove them, since treatment in such cases will not be effective. Thorough cleaning is carried out using fluoride-containing substances, after which the tooth is covered with a filling and its restoration is possible only with their help; no herbs or decoctions will help here. Their destiny is prevention, here they can give the desired effect, but treatment should already be addressed to specialists.

Types of dental varnishes for teeth

Whitening cosmetic varnishes

Professional whitening, which is offered by dental clinics, has one drawback - high cost. But there are options on how to achieve the effect of a “Hollywood” smile at minimal cost. Teeth enamel whitening varnish will help with this.

It makes teeth white from the first application, brightening them by at least 10 shades and giving a glossy shine. Products from different manufacturers may differ in the degree of whiteness and duration of action, but on average, one coat of teeth with varnish is enough for a maximum of a day. The principle of action is similar to nail polishes: the teeth are temporarily stained and, as a result, become whiter.

After the composition dries, a white film coating forms on the teeth, which can be easily removed with a toothbrush if desired, but can also be easily removed along with solid foods and drinks. The effect of whitening varnish-paint does not affect your own enamel; it will not relieve tooth sensitivity, if any.

The coating can be applied to restorations: on fillings, veneers, and crowns, it will have the same properties as on regular teeth.

The composition of different teeth whitening varnishes may vary, but some components are present in all products:

  • film former;
  • coloring component.

With repeated use, such varnishes can lighten your own tooth enamel by several tones. Manufacturers assure that, in addition to coloring, such varnishes have a remineralizing effect due to a special additive (hydroxyapatite), that is, they help restore and strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, the film has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, thus, while present on the teeth, it protects them from caries.

Main indications for the use of whitening varnish:

  • pigment spots on enamel;
  • darkening of enamel from tobacco, coloring foods and drinks;
  • difference in color of fillings and crowns.

Teeth whitening varnishes are good as a temporary solution, for example, for photo shoots, special events or public appearances when you need to look perfect. Safety: whitening varnishes do not contain acetone and other chemically hazardous components, therefore they do not damage tooth enamel and mucous membranes, and do not cause discomfort during application and presence in the mouth.

Note that whitening varnishes are not effective for problems such as moderate and severe forms of fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, severe chips: in this case, tooth defects cannot be masked with several layers of varnish. With such defects, only ceramic restoration can improve the aesthetics.

Fluoride varnishes

Fluoridation is a procedure that is performed in a dental office. Goes in combination with professional oral hygiene.

When areas of enamel demineralization appear on a tooth, it becomes sensitive: it reacts to cold, hot, acidic foods and drinks. Dentists use fluoride preparations that seal open dentinal tubules, eliminating increased sensitivity.

Problems that fluoride varnish solves:

  • decreased enamel sensitivity;
  • prevention of caries;
  • preventing further development of caries when it is at the spot stage.

Unlike whitening varnishes, fluoride varnishes are absolutely transparent on the teeth and do not have a whitening effect, but due to the preliminary removal of soft and hard plaque from the teeth during professional hygiene, the enamel is slightly lightened. Fluoride varnish creates a colorless protective film on the tooth surface that prevents the harmful effects of bacteria.

Fluoride-containing preparations are not applied to crowns, veneers, or dentures. It is recommended to begin fluoridation procedures in childhood, from the moment the baby teeth erupt, as this will protect the rudiments of permanent teeth. Fluoridation is also carried out for pregnant women, since the drugs are safe and do not have a negative impact on the health of a woman expecting the birth of a child. Fluoridation is especially recommended after removal of braces and clinical whitening.

The composition of fluoride varnish includes:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • chloroform;
  • shellac;
  • ethanol;
  • fir resin.

Many have heard about the dangers of fluoride, and we have already talked about the consequences of its excess in the body. Dentists agree that the use of toothpastes with fluoride at a certain concentration of this element has a bad effect on tooth enamel and on health in general, especially if there is an increased content of fluoride in drinking water in a given region. But the concentration of fluorides in fluoride varnish is very small and cannot harm dental health. Therefore, fluoridation is recommended for the population even in regions with high fluoride content in water.

Remineralizing varnishes for children

Children's dental varnishes for remineralization can be distinguished into a separate category. Varnishes for children's teeth are available in various flavors, so that the little patient has a pleasant impression of visiting the doctor, and he does not feel afraid of the necessary medical procedures. The products contain xelitol, which allows you to fight pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity some time after application.

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