Sore throat and dental treatment
Inflammation of the oral mucosa after dental prosthetics
Many people have faced this dilemma at least once in their lives. When making a decision, people base their
What to do if the gum has receded and moved away from the tooth: why it hurts and how to lift it, causes and methods of treatment
Why does this happen? The etiology differs from case to case. Infrequent, but one of the most
Hematoma on the gum.jpg
After the tooth was removed, a fragment remained. What you need to do and what you absolutely shouldn’t do
The eruption of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by various complications. This is due to lack of space in the dental
Palma technique for injection correction of the infraorbital sulcus
The nerves, whose conduction mainly needs to be interrupted during this conduction anesthesia, begin as already
Types of operations to correct bite
Aesthetic and functional operations on the face with correction of complex malocclusion
And this has been proven by research by American psychologists! The angles of the lower jaw can simply be smoothed, not
Dentist's recommendations after installing a filling
After extirpation, experts strongly recommend that you refrain from consuming food and liquids for a period of time.
What should you expect after dental treatment in a child under general inhalation anesthesia with Sevoran?
Headache after visiting the dentist Visiting the dentist is a very unpleasant experience. Presence of headaches after
Gums hurt after tooth filling
Can the face swell after installation of dental implants, how to relieve swelling
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Atheroma behind the ear, atheroma of the earlobe - causes, symptoms, treatment
Published by: Laima Jansons Tumors of the ear and cheek can be different in structure and nature
In what cases is a tooth removed?
In what cases is a tooth removed that cannot be treated: why and when it should not be pulled out
Existing indications for surgical intervention With a radical method of solving dental problems, tissues are inevitably injured
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