Transplantation of tooth 8 into place 6. Autotransplantation of teeth.


Crooked teeth or malocclusion is a problem that affects 70% of people. But not everyone is in a hurry to correct the defect, because they are afraid to put on braces: some are embarrassed, while others are worried that they will not be able to eat and speak normally. But progress is advancing by leaps and bounds and today dentistry offers teeth straightening without braces. However, there are cases when it is still better to resort to a more traditional orthodontic method.

Causes of crooked teeth

There are several factors that can cause crooked teeth. These include:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Bad habits in childhood. These include thumb sucking, nail biting, prolonged pacifier sucking, and others.
  3. Lack of proper attention to the problem is untimely removal of baby teeth, as a result of which the permanent tooth grows with deviation forward or backward.
  4. Excessive grinding of food. The child's chewing apparatus must bear the load. If they are missing, the muscles do not develop correctly and the teeth may grow unevenly.

Mistakes that make it difficult to straighten teeth

There are several mistakes and misconceptions, following which can significantly harm and slow down the process of straightening your teeth in the future. Among them:

  • Neglecting the problem, acting independently without consulting a doctor. Changes in normal occlusion have their own nature, which should be understood before actions to correct it begin.
  • Waste of time. Often parents see a problem, but put off taking action to eliminate it. As a result, this can result in a more complicated situation and much more time spent on treatment. The sooner action is taken to correct the defect, the simpler, faster and cheaper the process will be.
  • Tooth extraction without prior consultation. There is an opinion that it is easier to remove an uneven tooth and replace it with a denture. To date, there are no prostheses that completely correspond to natural teeth. A good specialist will not recommend this unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, it is better to consult several doctors to determine the correct treatment tactics.
  • Refusal to remove baby teeth. If this helps eliminate the defect, it is possible and necessary to remove baby teeth. Delaying will not solve the problem, but will only make things worse.

How long does it take to correct a bite with aligners?

Typically, the use of one full set of aligners extends over a period of six months to one year. But in most cases, the doctor then prescribes using another set of these devices. This is necessary to consolidate the results obtained. Two-stage treatment is especially relevant for severe crowding of the anterior units and severe distal occlusion.

When it comes to providing dental care to teenage children, they are first recommended to undergo pre-orthodontic training, during which standard mouthguards are used. And only after the last molar has erupted, full-fledged aligner therapy is prescribed.

In other words, how long it will take to correct a bite without braces directly depends on the age of the person and the complexity of the clinical case. Also, a lot determines the competence of a specialist.

Is it possible to straighten your teeth yourself?

It is important to separate the concepts of self-leveling without the help of doctors and using home methods after consulting a specialist. Methods of the “folk” category are not used by modern medicine. They are also not among the known treatments in the past. Options like loosening, tying threads, etc. are nothing more than a way to cause harm.

Instead, there are more and more ways to “do it yourself” to straighten your teeth. They involve eliminating braces, using much simpler systems and minimizing visits to the dentist's office. These methods can be conditionally classified as home methods, since they involve wearing orthodontic systems at home.

The importance of carrying out preventive procedures

The best way to treat pathologies, as they say, is to prevent diseases at the initial stage of life. It must start from childhood. It will take some effort to teach your child good oral hygiene from an early age. But the result is worth it.

Prevention means the following actions:

  • systematic, high-quality oral care;
  • competent teeth cleaning technique (using suitable brushes, irrigators);
  • regular stone removal;
  • strengthening tooth enamel.

In cases where a defect has nevertheless formed, doctors advise installing braces. However, not every patient can agree to long-term wearing of a bulky structure that is constantly in the mouth.

Mouth guards for teeth alignment

Alignment using aligners is a modern, effective method that allows you to do without braces. For this purpose, transparent systems resembling cases are used. They can be removed while eating and are easy to clean. As a rule, the aligners are replaced with new ones every two weeks. Among the advantages of the method:

  • Aesthetic appearance – the systems are transparent and almost invisible when worn.
  • There is no negative effect on the gums.
  • Easy to clean and can be removed while eating.
  • Individual production taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.
  • The patient receives the entire set at once; there is no need to visit the orthodontist frequently.

Mouthguards are used at any age, but most often for adults. Disadvantages include high cost and inability to treat severe malocclusions.

Instead of an afterword

So, as we see, an alternative exists, and correcting crooked teeth without braces is quite possible. The advantages of such methods are many:

  • the opportunity to save money (modern aesthetic braces are expensive);
  • comfort of wearing (after all, not everyone can wear braces);
  • minimal discomfort.

Therefore, there is no reason to deny yourself a beautiful smile. Be sure to consult with your dentist, he will choose the best way to straighten your teeth without braces.

Children's lip bumpers and plates

These systems are good when the malocclusion is not fixed. The principle of the plate is simple: pressure is applied to the teeth, causing them to fall into place. Bumpers work for children under five years of age. These are peculiar arches located along the dentition and prevent malocclusion.

Devices for self-correction of crooked teeth are selected individually by a specialist after consultation and examination of the patient. Only in this case can you get an excellent result as quickly and simply as possible.

Veneers or Lumineers

In orthodontic offices, you may also be offered to use special thin plates that are glued to the front side of the molars.

It is fair to note that such devices do not correct defects, but hide them.

However, in some cases, this is quite enough, and the effect is achieved quite quickly, whereas with other methods, it will take more than one month for the results to become visible. Such plates are made according to individual casts, the color and shape are selected.

Veneers are made from ceramic or composite materials. Their thickness ranges from half a millimeter to one and a half millimeters. It can be used to correct slight curvature of molars, most often the anterior ones. To close cracks and restore chips, and also help to lengthen teeth that are too short. Before gluing the veneers, the teeth are ground down to the thickness of the element so that it does not protrude forward.


  • the speed of correcting uneven teeth is reduced tenfold; all work from the moment the impression is taken and the veneer is made takes no more than two weeks;
  • teeth acquire a beautiful even color and become smoother;
  • affordable price.

They will serve you for at least ten years, and if care is carried out correctly (this includes regular brushing, flossing, preventive examinations at the dentist), then even longer.

Lumineers are also made from ceramic materials, however, they are thinner and no less reliable.

In this case, preliminary grinding of the teeth is not required, and installation becomes much simpler.

The main objectives of such plates are the same as those of the previous method, however, the defects should not be so significant that the thickness of the lumineers allows them to be hidden. There is also a significant advantage of lumineers - the process is not irreversible; if desired, you simply remove them and do not use them further. But in the case of veneers, you will have to restore the worn-off tooth enamel.


Used for minor curvatures. These are silicone structures with a spring arch and individual pockets for each tooth. They are mainly used for children under 12 years of age, and are less commonly used for adult patients. Adult trainers are more rigid and are made of polypropylene. Trainers not only move teeth to the right places, but also help train the muscles and the entire dentofacial apparatus to the correct position.

Advantages of trainers:

  • Invisible when worn.
  • They do not cause discomfort.
  • Easy to remove and clean.
  • Minimum doctor visits.
  • Wearing mainly at night, during the day one hour is enough.

Types of bracket systems

Orthodontic technologies are improving every day. In addition to ligature and self-ligating systems, the following designs are distinguished:

  • Vestibular – attached to the visible part of the tooth crown.
  • Lingual “invisible” ones are located on the inner side of the teeth, facing the tongue.

Division by materials:

  • Metal braces are inexpensive and most effective. The period for correcting a bite with metal braces is the shortest.
  • Ceramic braces are white and hardly noticeable on the teeth. They are often used in combined designs, when ceramics are placed in the frontal zone, and inexpensive and unesthetic metal is placed on the chewing teeth.
  • Sapphire – braces made from medical sapphire are aesthetically pleasing and are great for picky teenagers. To decorate transparent shiny systems, children often choose colored rubber bands-ligatures, forming their own image in the social environment.

Alina Soldatenkova
You must understand that metal always means strong and stable pressure. There is no fragility in it, like in ceramics or sapphire braces, which is why correction with metal braces is faster.

Questions and answers

In 2010, she went to a Swiss clinic in St. Petersburg.
From there they sent me to Vegria where they placed implants on both jaws, but the bite was set incorrectly, so the implants did not take root; they tried to correct it, but it didn’t work. Can you help me? In 2010, she went to a Swiss clinic in St. Petersburg. From there they sent me to Vegria where they placed implants on both jaws, but the bite was set incorrectly, so the implants did not take root; they tried to correct it, but it didn’t work. Can you help me?

Hello! We will definitely try to help you. Our doctors have extensive practical and theoretical experience in basal implantation. First, it will be necessary to conduct a diagnosis to understand the causes of problems with implants and the consequences of a broken bite. This can be done at an initial consultation at our clinic. If you have an electronic orthopantomogram or computed tomography, you can send the pictures to us by email to receive a preliminary doctor’s opinion. You can find out more detailed information and sign up for a free consultation by phone (free for regions). Sincerely, Patient Support Center SIMPLADENT+ 7 (495) 789-42-02+8 800 333-53-41

Other questions

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In what situations can aligners help?

It is clear that plastic aligners are not always as effective as metal braces. They cope with:

  • large interdental spaces;

  • slight to moderate crowding;
  • improper closing of the jaws.

But if there are too large gaps between the teeth and pronounced curvatures, you should still give preference to classical devices, which are guaranteed to eliminate existing problems.

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