Dental remotherapy is an effective method of restoring tooth enamel.

Remineralization of tooth enamel (remotherapy) is a procedure that helps saturate the enamel with minerals, strengthening it, thereby increasing resistance to the formation of caries and reducing tooth sensitivity.

Drugs that are used for remineralization make it possible to compensate for the deficiency of essential substances, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Such preparations contain various minerals, including calcium and fluorine, which are capable of creating strong compounds that protect teeth from destruction and microtrauma.

Mouthguard for athletes made of silicone

Such mouthguards are used to protect teeth in contact or extreme sports - football, hockey, boxing. Sports mouthguards are worn over the front teeth and reduce the strong physical impact not only on the teeth, but also on soft tissues and even the cervical spine.

Based on manufacturing methods, there are two types of sports mouthguards:

1. Standard sports mouth guard

Sold in any sports stores, made the same for everyone.

2. Individual sports mouth guard.

It is made individually for a specific person using impressions of his teeth, taking into account their anatomical shape. They cost much more, but are also much more convenient, since they fit on the teeth “like family.”

What to do

First of all, having established a diagnosis, the dentist will advise you to buy a night guard for your teeth. In St. Petersburg, this can be done in almost all dental clinics and private offices.

There are 3 types of caps:

  • daytime (used if the patient cannot control spasms during the day. The device looks aesthetically pleasing, almost invisible when smiling or talking);
  • nightwear (dressed for the night);
  • resonating (such designs belong to protective and at the same time therapeutic devices).

The named types are divided into:

  • thermoplastic;
  • standard;
  • individual.

The main criterion for the quality of a mouthguard is its tight fit to the surface of the teeth.

Dental mouth guard

Unlike a sports mouthguard, which is used only for impact protection, a dental mouthguard has a wider range of applications. A dental mouth guard is made from special plastic materials – silicone or polyurethane.

The convenience of the mouth guard is that it can be used to solve many problems - from therapeutic to orthodontic treatment. And at the same time, the mouthguards are convenient to use - the patient can take them off and put them on himself, according to the schedule established by the attending physician.

Briefly about bruxism

At the subconscious level, a person imitates chewing movements in a dream, but is not able to control the force of clenching of the jaws. This often leads to hyper-wear of tooth enamel and the possibility of tooth loss. The causes of bruxism are considered:

  • poor sleep;
  • nervousness and constant stress;
  • bad habits;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is an alternative to mouthguards. These are Botox injections, but this technique does not guarantee a 100% effect.

Dentists advise not to save money and buy a night guard for your teeth, because with its help you can:

  • prevent tooth displacement;
  • carry out prevention of changes in bite;
  • protect against chips and cracks in enamel layers;
  • preserve orthodontic structures, if installed in the patient’s mouth.

In addition, bruxism has dangerous consequences. It often causes migraines, neck and back pain, and sometimes leads to sleep apnea.

Orthodontic dental guards

These aligners are used to correct malocclusions. At the moment, there are several types of orthodontic aligners on the market from different manufacturers, including Star Smile aligners, the well-known aligners.

But not all orthodontic aligners are capable of solving serious bite problems; they only help to close the spaces between the teeth and correct minor curvatures.

Much has changed when Russian-made orthodontic mouthguards or aligners from the Star Smile company appeared; they became serious competitors to braces, since they can correct almost all defects in the development of bite.

The therapeutic effect of remotherapy

The results of prolonged demineralization, not subject to the necessary timely dental treatment, are:

  • Cracks and damage in the structure of tooth enamel;
  • Increased sensitivity;
  • Development of carious processes;
  • Destruction of the tooth structure.

Saturation of tissues with minerals helps prevent negative consequences. Therapeutic treatment provides:

  • Creation of conditions for stimulation of the ion exchange system;
  • Compensation for the missing volume of minerals;
  • Correction of defects and strengthening of the enamel layer;
  • Resistance to carious pathogens.

Preventive remotherapy is implemented in various ways, the choice of which is determined by the specifics and degree of development of the disease.

Children's mouth guards for proper teething

These are silicone overlays for teeth, which are also called, among others. retainers, trainers. They are called teething mouthguards because they are most often used during the period of change of baby teeth to molars in children aged six to ten years.

The main purpose of teething trays or teething guides is to correct the position of the jaws and align the position of the child’s incisors during the period of early mixed dentition. They are worn for several hours during the day and all night while sleeping. The treatment period is approximately one year; during treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit an orthodontist to monitor the changes occurring.

Also, during the period of mixed dentition, children's aligners are used - children's orthodontic aligners. Since 2021, such mouth guards have also been produced by the Star Smile company.

Dental remotherapy at the Moscow dental center

Patients interested in the prospect of improving the health of their teeth with the restoration of their natural strength and mineral composition are invited to preventive treatment at the dental clinic by highly qualified doctors with extensive professional experience.

Our center provides an effective and safe procedure – dental remotherapy. Price

accessible. The cost of the procedure is determined after examining the patient’s oral cavity, taking into account the degree of damage to the enamel and the chosen technique. Patients who leave reviews on the site are given a 3% discount on all dental services in !

Teeth whitening trays

There are at-home teeth whitening systems that also use dental trays. Whitening trays can be customized, standard, or disposable. Before using any whitening system, you should visit your dentist to determine what is right for you and will not harm your tooth enamel.

An individual mouthguard is made personally for the patient based on impressions of his teeth. For whitening, a special gel is used that is placed inside the tray.

Whitening at home usually takes longer than at the dentist's office because the gel used at home contains less hydrogen peroxide.

The whitening procedure should be carried out strictly according to the instructions provided. The gel is placed on the inside of the mouth guard, after which the mouth guard is put on and specially pressed to distribute the gel evenly. After putting it on, rinse your mouth with water and wear the mouthguard exactly as long as the instructions say. After removing the whitening tray, you should also rinse your mouth with water.

Remotherapy: indications for the procedure

  • The first stage of caries.
    The initial stage of caries - the chalky spot - is reversible. It is important to see a dentist in time, who will tell you how to act correctly to save the enamel from destruction. Thanks to timely and correct remotherapy, the carious lesion will disappear.
  • Hypersensitivity of teeth.
    Remotherapy will help reduce the permeability of enamel and restore its density, so you will forget about pain for a long time.

  • The period before and after in-office teeth whitening.
    Remotherapy is also carried out before and after teeth whitening. Remotherapy keeps the enamel healthy and allows you to carry out the whitening procedure as needed. During teeth whitening, brightening agents are introduced into the enamel. They do not have an aggressive effect on the enamel structure, but remove dark pigments from it. Remotherapy normalizes the condition of the enamel at the molecular level and prevents the occurrence of tooth hypersensitivity after whitening.
  • The period after professional cleaning of the teeth surface.
    Remotherapy should be carried out after the “professional oral hygiene” procedure. During professional teeth cleaning, hard dental deposits are removed from the surface of the tooth. The enamel underneath is weakened and needs strengthening.
  • The period after removing braces.
    If orthodontic treatment with braces has come to an end, remotherapy will help “nourish” weakened enamel with minerals and trace elements. The areas of enamel that were under the braces did not come into contact with saliva for a long time and did not receive calcium, fluorine, or phosphate ions from it. In order for the enamel to recover and “strengthen”, you need to carry out a course of remotherapy
  • Complicated oral care.
    Remotherapy is indicated for patients who cannot maintain optimal oral hygiene, including children. The procedure will also be useful for people whose physical activity is limited due to certain diseases. In these cases, applying a mineral composition to the surface of the teeth compensates for the destructive changes that have occurred in the tooth enamel due to poor oral care.
  • Pregnancy.
    A sharp deterioration in dental health during pregnancy is associated with a radical restructuring of the metabolism and hormonal levels of a woman’s body. Remotherapy will help prevent tooth decay, but this procedure can only be performed after consultation with a doctor who monitors the progress of pregnancy
  • The period after the eruption of permanent teeth in children and adolescents.
    When a child’s molar grows, its enamel does not yet have a full mineral composition, which is why it is susceptible to caries. The substances necessary for the “ripening” of the enamel enter it from saliva for several years after the eruption of a permanent tooth. To speed up the process of mineralization of tooth enamel, it is recommended to contact a pediatric dentist, who will select the necessary drugs to strengthen the enamel and prescribe the correct format of treatment and prophylactic procedures.

  • Non-carious lesions of tooth enamel.
    Hypoplasia, enamel erosion, wedge-shaped defects and pathological abrasion of teeth can also be corrected by remotherapy. However, for these diseases it should be carried out in combination with other therapeutic measures. It is recommended to ask your dentist about the appropriateness of remotherapy in the case of the above pathologies.

Applications on teeth using trays

These mouth guards are used to restore and strengthen tooth enamel. A special composition is placed inside the mouthguard, thanks to which the teeth are remineralized.

There are two types of mouth guards for dental applications – standard and thermoplastic.

Thermoplastic ones react to heat and soften when placed in hot water, and harden when put on the teeth.


Standard (universal) and thermoplastic dental guards for reminalization can be purchased in specialized stores and pharmacies. Their prices depend on the manufacturer.

The universal aligner PearlSmile from the German company Pearl Smile GmbH costs 160-200 rubles. Thermoplastic mouth guards:

  • Miradent Mirafluor Tray (manufacturer - Hager & Werken, Germany) - 120 rubles;
  • PEARLSMILE (manufacturer - Pearl Smile GmbH, Germany) - 250 rubles;
  • Diamondbrite (manufacturer: Huanghua Promisee Dent, China) - 650 rub.

The cost of individual mouth guards for remotherapy, made to order - from 1500 rubles.

Mouthguards for night teeth grinding

Bruxism or nighttime teeth grinding is one of the serious diseases that affects approximately 3% of the world's population. The reasons for this have not been fully identified, but the consequences can be very serious - from abrasion of tooth enamel to deformation of the jaw joints. Wearing special mouth guards allows you to protect your teeth from premature wear, relieve muscle tension, and reduce headaches. For the effect to be effective, the mouth guards should be worn for up to 10 hours a day.

Mouthguards for the treatment of teeth grinding are distinguished by the time of their use. There are day guards that are worn during the day; they are transparent and almost invisible.

There are night guards that you wear while you sleep. They may differ in shape from daily mouth guards, but are also comfortable and imperceptible in the mouth.

Features of dental fluoridation in adults

Fluoridation of tooth enamel in adults is carried out when certain indications appear, as well as in order to prevent damage to tooth enamel, the development of caries and other dental diseases.

Adult patients prefer methods that guarantee a longer lasting effect. This method includes a complex one, which combines the use of a highly effective fluoridation drug in the clinic and additional home fluoridation, which is carried out using a mouthguard throughout the night.

A correctly conducted fluoridation course reduces the likelihood of developing caries by 90%, and the strength of enamel increases by 10%. At the same time, sufficient fluoride content in tooth enamel is maintained for approximately a year.

Retainer or mouthguard

After aligning the bite using braces or aligners, you must wear a special mouth guard or retainer that secures the result. In appearance, this tray looks like an aligner, only very, very smooth and even.

Retention aligners are made from special biopolymers; they are easy to use and almost invisible. These mouth guards are worn at night and worn for several hours during the day. The timing of wearing retainers is individual and depends on the degree of development of the malocclusion.

Wearing retaining trays after braces and aligners is mandatory, and this is the only way you can be sure that the teeth will not return to their original incorrect position.

Remotherapy - what is it?

Remotherapy is a therapeutic and preventive measure aimed at replenishing the mineral composition of tooth enamel.
Remotherapy is carried out in a dental office and at home. This universal and effective procedure will help maintain the beauty and health of your teeth for many years. Remotherapy is carried out by applying a special composition to the surface of the teeth, which may include various phosphates, calcium compounds, fluorine, apatites and other substances that help the enamel return to a healthy state. Usually, to achieve the best therapeutic effect, remotherapy is carried out in several sessions.

Luminous decorative burls

Here manufacturers have a wide range of options, as they say - for every taste and color. And even light, which, thanks to technology, is now built into mouth guards.

Of course, in this case we are not talking about the benefits of mouth guards, but about entertainment. You can wear them to a disco or surprise others at a friendly party.

How to care for your mouthguards

Typically, mouthguards do not require special care. Modern dental mouth guards often just need to be rinsed with running water. Less often they need to be cleaned with toothpaste and a brush. When using orthodontic aligners, the doctor will definitely advise you on how to care for them.

Sports mouthguards require slightly different care and are stored in separate containers and periodically placed in a special solution to extend their life. Any sports mouthguard comes with its own instructions for use and care.

Application trays have their own service life and, as a rule, are not designed for long-term use.

It is enough to wash decorative mouth guards after use under running water, or, in extreme cases, with soap or brush them with a toothbrush.

Types of mouth guards

In dental practice, both universal and individual mouth guards are used:

  1. Standard mouth guard, manufactured according to the average principle;
  2. A thermoplastic mouth guard that fits the teeth much more tightly due to a special installation method. This allows you to count on a more pronounced effect. This option is often used as the final stage of correction with braces.

However, both options for universal mouth guards for correcting dental occlusion in adults will be unclaimed because they will not give the desired effect. To force teeth to change their position, an individual approach is important. This is ensured by the installation of aligners.

Such dental guards, aligners, are made for each patient separately, taking into account the anatomical features of the dentition and oral cavity. Made in full accordance with these parameters, they allow you to solve complex orthodontic problems.

Aligners are made from high-tech materials, bioplastic or biosilicone, which provides a combination of their qualities such as strength and lightness. Photos and reviews fully confirm that these aligner trays are transparent. The unique properties of the material are complemented by such characteristics as hypoallergenicity.

Aligners are created for each patient in a dental laboratory. Computer technologies are required, including a 3D printer. For such a system to work, a set of caps is created. To obtain the result, you need to use about 22-40 products. They are numbered, and the subsequent model is somewhat different in its parameters from the previous one.

The task of each mouthguard is to create a certain pressure on the teeth and move them in the direction of the correct bite. As strength decreases, it becomes necessary to use a tighter mouth guard. How long to wear such a mouth guard to correct the bite will depend on the severity of the clinical abnormality.

The higher the quality of the device, the faster the result will be obtained. That is why experienced doctors who value their reputation use only high-quality models in their work. Transparent aligners invisalign and Star Smile have advantages Such models have unconditionally confirmed their effectiveness; orthodontist Irina Aleksandrovna Butorina uses them in her work.

Installing aligners is an expensive undertaking. The price of such transparent aligners for teeth straightening depends on the manufacturer. Particularly significant costs are expected when it comes to US-made models, clear invisalign aligners. For the first time, the technology was launched with their help, and until now these models belong to the premium segment. Star Smile appeared later, but experts are completely satisfied with their effectiveness.

Making a mouth guard and the principle of its effect

The operation of any orthodontic apparatus to eliminate malocclusion is based on the principle that the system must exert pressure on the dentition. When installing aligners, this force is most noticeable and clearly calculated. It ensures gradual movement of the tooth in the desired direction, taking it into the correct position.

The process of installing aligners is complex and involves several steps.

  1. Preparation. It begins with an orthodontic examination and diagnosis. In addition to X-ray examinations of the dentition, photographs and casts of the jaw are taken, a virtual model of the future system is created, and the required number of aligners is calculated. The finished results are sent to the manufacturer's laboratory. Sanitation of the oral cavity and professional teeth cleaning are also a necessary part of the general preparation for this type of orthodontic treatment;
  2. Laboratory stage. It consists of manufacturing a real set of trays in accordance with the specified parameters and the quantity necessary to ensure an effective correction result. The kit is printed on a digital printer from the appropriate material blank. The process is completed by polishing the finished products, after which they are numbered, placed in special containers and sent to the clinic;
  3. Installing mouth guards in the mouth, teaching the patient how to properly wear a mouth guard to correct the bite. The specialist also sets a date for a follow-up visit.

Replacing one mouthguard with another occurs every 2-3 weeks. There is no need to go to the clinic for this reason. The orthodontist only periodically monitors the progress of treatment.

Methods of treatment with mouthguards

Correction of orthodontic disorders using a transparent mouth guard is only possible in adults when the permanent bite is fully formed. To get the desired treatment result, the patient must strictly follow all the orthodontist’s recommendations. His conscientious attitude towards the correction process plays a key role.

The device must be operated at least 22 hours a day. It is necessary to remove the aligners from the oral cavity only during meals and for hygienic care of aligners and teeth. However, it is quite easy for the patient to comply with the regulations, since he feels comfortable in them, talks and smiles.

Rules for wearing and storing mouth guards

Due to the fact that aligners are removable systems, they are easier to care for compared to braces. To maintain the integrity of the system throughout the entire period of operation, it is recommended:

  1. Store the mouth guards when not in use in a plastic container specially designed for this purpose;
  2. After each use, rinse them under warm running water and periodically clean them with toothpaste and a soft brush. Do not boil!;
  3. Avoid mechanical damage and cracks; handle with care; do not use abrasive substances for cleaning. If defects appear, you should contact an orthodontist. He may recommend installing the next model or ordering a new one;
  4. To maintain the desired aesthetics of clear aligners, products with coloring additives and smoking should be avoided. When choosing a model, you should take into account that high-quality aligner models are resistant to food coloring.

What can be corrected with a mouthguard?

Transparent aligners are functionally quite active. Their use is quite comparable to the results achieved with braces. They are effective for various types of pathological bites, open, prognathic, direct, mesial, cross, etc. Only in particularly severe cases will the orthodontist recommend a less aesthetic, but more effective option, that is, the installation of braces.

If you have any malocclusion, you should contact an orthodontist. With a high degree of probability, it will be possible to carry out the correction with the help of aligners.

Indications for orthodontic treatment with transparent aligners

The indications for orthodontic treatment with transparent aligners are the same as for the braces system: straightening the teeth, improving the bite. However, even the most effective clear aligners cannot be used for

  • jaw abnormalities;
  • the complex nature of the disorders, the need to change the position of the rear teeth.

They are most often used in the following cases:

  • slight inclination of the teeth, their rotation;
  • crowding of teeth in the frontal zone;
  • wide gaps between teeth.

Differences between mouthguards and braces

The difference between aligners and braces is that, by turning to which method of correction, you will be able to carry out all the activities unnoticed by others. Being completely transparent, they do not stand out on the teeth, and others do not notice them even at close range. In the photo, transparent aligners are also invisible. The emergence of such a system is especially welcomed by patients for whom the aesthetic factor of treatment is a priority.

The second important difference is that mouth guards are removable models. They can be easily removed from the mouth, while the braces are firmly attached to the tooth surface. The process of removing them is no less labor-intensive than installing them.

Advantages of using inexpensive aligners compared to treatment with braces

Transparent aligners for teeth straightening have a number of advantages over braces. By using such removable devices, in some cases the result can be obtained even somewhat faster. (The average time for orthodontic treatment with aligners is about a year).

This alternative is also significant in terms of protecting teeth and preventing their damage. While wearing mouth guards to correct the bite , they do not in any way injure the tooth surface, and the ability to carry out high-quality hygiene measures provides full protection against caries. An important advantage is that in terms of effectiveness against malocclusion, aligners are quite comparable to braces. In addition, they are preferable in cases where it is impossible to use a fixed appliance due to the tendency to develop a carious process.

Other benefits:

  • Quickly addictive. If after installing braces a person may experience difficulties with articulation for another two weeks, and may injure the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tongue with the elements of the device, then there are no such shortcomings here;
  • Possibility of removal from the mouth if necessary. This allows you to carry out high-quality professional cleaning, medical treatments, or look flawless during a special event.

Considering that inexpensive aligners can compete with braces in cost, their chances of being installed increase significantly.

You can correct any malocclusion by contacting Irina Aleksandrovna Butorina. As an orthodontist with extensive experience, she uses various techniques in her professional activities, including using innovative approaches and installing high-quality aligners.

Irina Butorina's bite correction with Star smile aligners

How to purchase a mouth guard for dental protection or treatment

Standard sports mouthguards can be purchased at almost any sports store. If you are trying to find a quality product, then you should read reviews on various forums or contact a dentist to have custom mouth guards made. This is what all professional athletes do.

Mouthguards for teeth whitening and treatment of certain diseases can be purchased at the pharmacy. But before starting use, it is still better to consult an appropriate doctor to evaluate all possible treatment options and choose a safer and more effective one.

It is better to order mouth guards for teeth straightening individually from well-known and trusted manufacturers, so as not to waste money and not cause more harm to your health.

Remotherapy at home

Prevention of demineralization of tooth enamel can be done every day. This is done with the help of special toothpastes that contain calcium compounds.

For an intensive course of home remotherapy, Sunny Island dental specialists recommend using ROCS Medicals Minerals gel or GC Tooth Mousse, produced in the form of a mousse. These drugs are most effectively used with special mouth guards, which can be ordered at Sunny Island dentistry or purchased in an online store. Thanks to the mouthguards, the healing gel is firmly fixed on the teeth and does not come into contact with saliva. It would be best to use individual mouthguards: they exactly repeat the relief and anatomical features of your teeth, which promotes maximum adhesion of the drug to hard-to-reach areas on the chewing surface of the teeth. You can talk to your dentist about the correct use of remineralizing drugs and wearing mouth guards.

It is important to carry out home remotherapy under the supervision of a specialist: he selects the most suitable remineralizing agent for the patient and gives clear instructions for its use. If you perform such a procedure yourself, neglecting the recommendations of a dentist, you can significantly worsen the condition of your tooth enamel and provoke the development of fluorosis, which is very difficult to treat.

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