Demineralization and remineralization of tooth enamel

Today you can hear everywhere that proper brushing of teeth is extremely important from the point of view of preventing oral diseases. And indeed it is. If you follow dentists’ recommendations regarding oral care, you can minimize the risk of caries and virtually eliminate the risk of gingivitis, periodontal disease and other inflammatory processes.

What is enamel demineralization?

To justify the need to strengthen tooth enamel, it is necessary to define the concept of demineralization. This is the loss of minerals that make up the surface of the tooth. Enamel dissolves after consuming fermentable carbohydrates, that is, after the pH in the mouth drops.

If you stop this process in a timely manner, you can avoid the use of invasive dental treatment methods. As a result, this does not lead to the formation of a cavity that would interfere with the remineralization process.


The main component of tooth enamel is hydroxyapatite crystals. Their lack negatively affects its condition and integrity. This substance has no analogues, but it can be obtained from sea shells. The uniqueness and price of Denta Seal toothpaste are due to its composition:

  • hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. They fill microcracks in tooth enamel, becoming part of the protective coating. Thanks to this, damaged, weakened areas are strengthened;
  • calcium, mineral supplements. Prevents the development of caries and inflammatory processes, strengthens teeth inside and out;
  • mint, lime. They heal gums, disinfect mucous membranes, and produce a pleasant aroma.

Thanks to its constituent components, the product has earned the respect of doctors - many experts recommend buying Denta Seal paste for caries, increased sensitivity of enamel, and the appearance of foci of demineralization. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles penetrate deeply into the microstructure of the enamel, becoming part of its crystal lattice.

What is enamel remineralization?

Remineralization is the process by which previously lost minerals (such as calcium and phosphate ions) are returned to the tooth structure. The degree of mineral loss in the tooth structure determines the possibility of enamel restoration. Remineralization or saturation is possible only in the presence of a carious stain.

The enamel is strengthened chemically. In the appropriate pH range, in the presence of calcium, phosphate and fluorine ions, as a result of the dissolution of hydroxyapatite in the enamel, fluorapatite is formed, which is more resistant to acids. The initial carious lesion can be treated in a similar manner. For this, not only fluorine compounds can be used, but also other substances, for example, a complex of casein phosphopeptide with stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP), nanohydroxyapatite, and bioactive glass.

Remineralization of enamel in children - which toothpaste to choose?

There are many home methods for enamel remotherapy, but they should be used according to age. Restrictions apply to children. All methods are allowed for people over 16 years of age, but in younger patients the timing of the introduction of new drugs should be observed.

The main and most important way to increase the likelihood of natural remineralization of teeth is to brush your teeth with toothpaste with an appropriate concentration of fluoride. It should be done twice a day - in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after the last meal.

For children under 6 years of age, toothpaste containing 1000 ppm fluoride is recommended. This information is available on the back of each toothpaste tube and is very easy to check when purchasing. For children under 3 years of age, the amount of toothpaste should be minimal - a small amount on a brush, the size of a grain of rice, is enough.

For children aged 3 to 6 years, the amount of toothpaste on the brush can be equal to a pea. Children over 6 years of age can use adult toothpastes containing 1450 ppm fluoride. Following these recommendations will not result in any toxic symptoms potentially associated with the risk of fluoride overdose.

Remineralization of teeth in adults

For people over 16 years of age at high risk of tooth decay, home use of 5,000 ppm fluoride toothpaste is recommended for 3 to 6 months. For children over 10 years of age, toothpastes containing 2800 ppm fluoride can be used for this purpose. These pastes are only available in pharmacies.

Remineralization is the answer to patients’ questions about how to further strengthen enamel, restore it, or strengthen weak teeth. It is highly recommended that these therapies be used at home and in the dental office as it helps reduce the likelihood of treatment using invasive methods (using a dental drill).

Remineralizing toothpaste Denta Seal

Denta Seal is a toothpaste that has a filling effect. The remineralizing composition is designed to restore the integrity and strength of the enamel coating. Unlike other pastes, the product provides nutrition to their hard tissues at the micro level.

It has been clinically proven that the composition is natural, safe for long-term use, and effective.

Thanks to enamel nanoparticles, the product removes cracks and restores damaged areas of the protective dental coating. Dentists recommend buying Denta Seal against caries, since the paste also fights it. Its main component, hydroxyapatite, helps make teeth stronger and whiter. The filling effect allows you to restore minor damaged areas of enamel and dentin without dental intervention.

Remineralization of enamel at home - effective procedures

Fluoride rinses

Mouthwash can be used by children over 6 years of age who can already spit liquid out of their mouth. There are 225 ppm fluoride rinses on the market that should be used daily, while 900 ppm fluoride rinses should be used once a week or every two weeks. Daily use of rinses with lower levels of fluoride is thought to produce better results than less frequent use of rinses with higher concentrations of the compound.

Fluoride gels

They can also be successfully used in the comfort of home, but their use must be strictly supervised by a doctor.

Preparations containing calcium and phosphate ions

The phosphopeptide caseinate complex with amorphous calcium phosphate is ideal for the remineralization of white caries spots. They are usually applied as a gel or cream to be rubbed into the teeth after brushing. Research has shown that combining these agents with fluoride produces better treatment results than using either agent alone.

As additional elements, you can successfully use dental floss impregnated with fluoride, wooden toothpicks and chewing gum with fluoride.

How does Denta Seal work?

The uniqueness of the product lies not only in its ability to treat the consequences of the carious process. It is significantly different from most of its best-selling analogues due to its complex effect on the microflora of the oral cavity and the condition of the teeth. Reviews from doctors about Denta Seal remineralizing paste allow you to understand the principle of its action:

  1. splitting plaque and stones, removing stains resulting from insufficient oral hygiene, smoking, frequent consumption of coffee and tea;
  2. cleansing and smoothing damaged areas of the outer dental covering;
  3. filling enamel microcracks with nanoparticles that are retained in them for a long time, preserving the integrity of the coronal shell of each tooth;
  4. restoration of healthy oral microflora, which ensures fresh breath;
  5. absorption of bacteria, including streptococci, which cause caries.

The filling effect is quite achievable if you use Denta Seal anti-plaque toothpaste for at least 4 weeks, following the rules of use. Good oral hygiene is the easiest, painless and safest way to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Remineralization of teeth at the dentist

To speed up the remineralization of dental caries, dentists use fluoride gels and foams in their offices. These drugs should be used in children over 6 years of age 2-4 times a year, depending on the risk of caries. The gel or foam is applied to a special spoon, which the doctor places in the patient's mouth for the appropriate time. After this treatment, you should avoid drinking liquids and eating for 30 minutes. These mineral preparations can also be used at home by people suffering from xerostomia (dry mouth) and by patients during and after cancer treatment.

Fluoride varnishes

Varnishes used in dental offices contain high concentrations of fluoride compounds - usually 22,600 ppm, but there are also preparations containing 1000 ppm. There are no age restrictions for the use of these drugs - doctors adhere to the recommended doses. They are successfully used in both permanent and temporary teeth. The dentist varnishes all surfaces of the teeth. Depending on the recommendations, remineralized prophylaxis should be carried out 2 to 4 times a year.

All available methods for reminiscing enamel are available in our clinic in Moscow.


Denta Seal is a development that can be considered a scientific discovery. The high concentration of hydroxyapatite determines the following properties of the product:

  • filling enamel microcracks;
  • removal of dental plaque;
  • treatment of caries;
  • bleaching.

Repeatedly reviews of Denta Seal toothpaste contained photographs proving the effectiveness of its use. Thanks to this simple and inexpensive personal hygiene product, you can restore smoothness and radiance to your smile, make your teeth stronger, and eliminate superficial damage to their tissues without a visit to the dentist.


Manufacturers of Dent Seal insist that the product is 100% effective. The advertisement claims that you can restore a healthy, beautiful smile in just 27 days of using the paste. In fact, the uniqueness and effectiveness of the development is proven:

  • investment fund in the amount of $4,000,000;
  • 4-year research period;
  • 2-year period for creating a unique formula;
  • a composition that includes 80% imported components that are not manufactured in the Russian Federation;
  • labor-intensive and costly technology implemented in a specialized laboratory.

Famous experts have repeatedly left reviews about Denta Seal, mentioning that pharmaceutical laboratories in Canada and Japan took part in the development of the product.

Expert opinion

Daily cleaning may well be the only way to care for them if you choose a high-quality hygiene product. The paste is easy to use and does not cause discomfort like most dental instruments. Real reviews confirm that Denta Seal helps against cracked teeth, hypersensitivity, caries, helps whiten enamel, disinfect and strengthen gums. The product is produced in a laboratory created and operating according to European quality standards.

Doctor's review

Yulia Bystrova Doctor of the highest category,

“DENTA SEAL will help in removing harmful cholesterols, poisons and wastes from the body. This ensures the restoration of the elasticity of blood vessels, increasing their tone, and providing a general beneficial effect on the body. Course use of the drug provides reliable protection against the development of serious diseases. The release form is convenient for taking the drug, there are no adverse reactions, including allergic ones. Men and women of all ages can use this drug. The circle of possible users of the drug is unlimited. This product took part in clinical testing, which proved the complete absence of danger with fairly high efficiency. The quality indicators of this product are noted in the certificates of the corresponding sample.”


The active remineralizing composition compares favorably with most fluoride toothpastes:

  1. real protection against caries. It is caused by certain types of streptococci, which are destroyed during the cleaning process;
  2. filling effect. Microcracks are filled with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles;
  3. bleaching. It is produced by restoring the integrity of the enamel coating;
  4. saturation of enamel with minerals. She becomes stronger and less sensitive;
  5. price of Denta Seal against dental plaque.

You can use this toothpaste without a doctor's prescription - it has no contraindications and does not provoke adverse reactions.

Clinical researches

The formula has been verified to be effective and safe through laboratory and consumer testing. 2,000 volunteers rushed to buy Dent Seal to see how effective it was. Based on the results of testing the product:

  • does not cause side effects (100%);
  • completely eliminates caries (98%);
  • relieves bleeding and inflammation of the gums, increased sensitivity of teeth (97%);
  • restores damaged areas of enamel (95%).

These data are confirmed in the form of quality certificates certified by renowned laboratories and research centers. The cost of Denta Seal paste with a filling effect is justified, because it eliminates 99% of the problems inherent in the oral cavity.

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