Acne around the mouth is a very common problem that brings a lot of discomfort, mostly psychological.
Quick navigation Should you worry? Is there any danger during infection? Cold on the lip
Thrush is one of the most common and not yet conquered infections that affects anyone
Periapical abscess Periapical abscess develops as a result of infection of the root canals in acute periodontitis or
Causes Danger of a fistula Diagnostics Treatment Prevention A fistula on the gum is a pathological condition, the result of a purulent
Ceramic braces are the most aesthetic multibonding systems, which in their aesthetics are second only to lingual structures.
11/22/2019 Dental phlegmon is an acute infectious disease of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and face. Pathology
In the 21st century, people continue to believe in omens that are associated with human organs. So
Irrigators are devices that help maintain oral hygiene and clean teeth from plaque.
A child enjoys drooling and blowing bubbles at a certain age (usually 3 to