wisdom tooth before and after treatment
Acute and chronic pulpitis. Pulpitis of wisdom tooth
Problem: a woman came to the Family Dentistry for dental prosthetics. In addition to the main reason for contacting,
At what age does a wisdom tooth begin to grow and when does it stop?
A wisdom tooth is an ordinary tooth, the structure of which is no different from multi-rooted ones.
Why teeth react to cold and hot and what to do if gum sensitivity has increased
Causes Diagnosis Symptoms Treatment Prevention If the patient complains that he has increased tooth sensitivity,
9.1. Anatomical and topographic structure of the dental cavity
Dental Clinic No. 2 In order to always anticipate surprises, the doctor must be prepared
devitalizing paste without arsenic
Devitalizing paste: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews
Every person has visited the dental clinic more than once. Someone did it from a preventive point of view,
Techniques for Using Endodontic Instrumentation
Determining the working length of the root canal Determining the working length of the root canal can be considered a key point
Pain after wisdom tooth removal - what is the reason and what to do?
Tooth extraction is a very serious procedure, even if it happens quickly and without
MTA Pro Root paste (ProRut): composition and instructions for use
ProRut is an excellent material for restoring tooth roots: simple application technique, new formula for
Laser gingivectomy
Gingivectomy – surgery to remove gum pockets
Inflammatory processes in the gums indicate the presence of gingivitis or periodontitis. With gingivitis, only
Smoking greatly increases the likelihood of developing postoperative complications
How Nicotine Affects Teeth Tobacco smoke travels through the air before it reaches the lungs.
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