Collagen plates Farmadont I for inflammation in the oral cavity

For gum inflammation, doctors recommend a comprehensive approach to treatment. One effective option is the use of collagen plates, such as those produced by Farmadont. This product is unique and has no analogues; it contains collagen and natural plant components. According to patient reviews, positive dynamics are observed after the course of treatment. The plates are approved for use at any age. We will consider in more detail about the types and method of application below.

What are they needed for?

Dentists recommend using plates in the following cases:

  • Gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Injuries and damage to gums.
  • Recent surgery, such as tooth extraction or implantation. Active components allow you to speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

The only contraindications can be identified as an allergic reaction. It is manifested by severe itching and increased swelling. In this case, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution and stop treatment with Farmadont. Carefully study the composition before using the plates. Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Types of records

Plates are special orthodontic structures that are necessary to prevent changes in the shape of the jaw bone, displacement of teeth, fix teeth in a certain position, and cure malocclusion. The plate does not move the teeth, it simply holds them in place. Therefore, it is often used when just starting to correct an incorrect bite. Then, instead of the plate, braces are installed. Compared to the braces system, the plate can be removed if necessary. There are the following types of dental plates:

How to use it correctly

The plates are very easy to use:

  • First, carry out a complete hygienic treatment of the oral cavity. Brush your teeth with toothpaste and a brush, use dental floss, mouthwash and irrigator.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Lightly massage your gums using your fingertips for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then take the packaging and remove the plate.
  • Remove the protective film and apply the product to the gum, firmly fixing and straightening the plate with your fingers.
  • Close your jaws and wait for complete dissolution. It usually takes about 10 minutes, after which the plate dissolves on its own.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat or drink water for 1.5 hours. Depending on the specific diagnosis and severity of the pathological process, the doctor can establish an individual course of treatment. It is usually recommended to use the drug twice a day for 7-10 days. It is convenient to use the plates at night, in which case the therapeutic effect remains for a longer time.

The drug for the treatment of gums is affordable; it can be found in almost any pharmacy. The price is very reasonable; on average, a pack of plates (24 pieces) does not exceed 400 rubles.

Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I

Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I (Farmadont 1) are intended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory and other gum diseases at any stage in children and adults. Collagen plates Farmadont I ─ is a combined preparation consisting of cosmetic and natural collagen and medicinal plant extracts.

Used for inflammation in the oral cavity. Collagen plates are an effective way to prevent diseases of oral tissues, such as gingivitis, alveolitis, and periodontitis. They are used at any stage of the disease, suitable for both adults and children. The components included in the plate have a healing effect, relieve inflammation, cleanse tissues of non-viable elements, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize local immunity.

Ingredients: cosmetic collagen, extracts of maclea, sage, rose hips, chamomile, ichthyokol (dry crushed collagen from the swim bladders of sturgeon and large catfish), crab collagenase. To eliminate painful sensitivity of teeth and gums in children and adults. The components included in the plate have a healing effect, relieve inflammation, cleanse tissues of non-viable elements, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize local immunity. Packing: 24 plates.

Collagen plates for gums FARMADONT I (Farmadont 1) price: 336.00 rub.

Healing properties: strengthen weak gums, eliminate bleeding, soothe pain, reduce sensitivity, provide antimicrobial and antibacterial protection, promote healing of the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity. The action of the active components of Farmadont I collagen plates for gums: Collagen is a “building material” necessary for the healing and restoration of soft tissues of the oral cavity. Relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, serves as a source of nutrients. Stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen in tissues. Macleay extract has antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, an antagonist of yeast-like and filamentous fungi. Active against microorganisms that are insensitive to antibiotics. Sage extract contains essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins P and PP, which together provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent effects. Rosehip extract is a multivitamin with a high content of vitamins C, K, rutin, carotene, as well as potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, tannins. It has a vascular strengthening effect and increases local immunity. Chamomile extract is an antiseptic given by nature. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and analgesic effect, eliminates irritation, softens, and reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

The use of collagen plates for gums for inflammation of Farmadont I does not require special skills. Farmadont plates are safe if accidentally swallowed.

Directions for use: Carry out oral hygiene, brush your teeth. With dry, clean hands, remove the plate from the packaging. Apply and carefully straighten the plate along the gums, pressing lightly. The plate itself is fixed to the wet gum. Over time, the plate dissolves in the oral cavity. Before re-application, remove any remaining plates. Do not eat or drink until the plates have dissolved or until the remains of the plate have been removed from the mouth. Use for 1-2 weeks, depending on the intensity of the pathological process, until symptoms disappear permanently. , Russia. Shelf life: 3 years.

Gum diseases, causes, symptoms, treatment

The most common gum diseases are gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Gingivitis is the onset of inflammation of the gums due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar. This is caused by poor oral hygiene or weakened immunity due to chronic diseases. Gingivitis can also be caused by trauma to the mucous membrane. Symptoms of gingivitis are itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, plaque. Gingivitis often occurs in old age and in women during pregnancy.

There are three types of gingivitis: catarrhal, ulcerative and hypertrophic. Catarrhal symptoms include slight swelling, bleeding and redness of the gums, dome-shaped gingival papillae, unpleasant smell and taste, itching, pain in the gums while eating, weakness and fever, plaque. Ulcerative gingivitis is complemented by the presence of a purulent dirty-gray plaque with an increase in temperature, increased heart rate, pale skin and lack of appetite. Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by reactive growth of connective tissue and thickening of the epithelium due to chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the apex of the tooth root due to unsuccessful canal filling or advanced pulpitis (inflammation of internal dental tissues). A periodontal lesion looks like a cyst in the form of a bag of pus.

Installation of plates

Installing the plates is a fairly quick, painless process that takes no more than 10 minutes. Most of the time is spent on final adjustment of the system. That is why the first installation of removable plates is carried out in the presence of the attending physician. The doctor will give detailed instructions on the rules for its use, care and how to properly regulate the tension of the arc. The first correction is carried out after the appearance of a visible result - it is this that determines the subsequent course of treatment and its duration. It is important to understand that at first the plate will be perceived as a foreign body in the mouth, which can cause discomfort, impaired diction and increased salivation. The adjustment period averages up to one week; after this the structure ceases to be felt.

How does the process of installing records work?

The plates are installed on the teeth simply and quickly, it does not cause any pain. The design is made individually. Before this, the specialist conducts an X-ray examination, takes an impression, and creates a plaster model that will match the patient’s shape. The base of the plate should follow the surface of the gums, its relief, as well as the dental contour. And with the help of an arc, the position of the structure is already fixed. Most often, the plate is placed on baby teeth. After all, in children the dental system is not formed, so it will be easier for them to correct their dentition.

Quite often you can find plates for teeth in orthodontics. After all, this method is considered more gentle for children in the matter of correcting their bite. And the plates are cheaper than braces.

It is important to remember that the most important thing is to seek help from a professional in time! He will tell you how best to correct the existing defect, which method will be most effective and when you can use it.

Why wear a removable plate?

The bite treatment plate allows you to:

  • create enough space for the free eruption of molars - this will help avoid crowding of teeth and other occlusion pathologies;
  • achieve a gradual expansion of the dental arch - cure the Gothic palate;
  • adjust the position of the teeth - correct possible tilt of the crowns, correct rotation, etc.

The need for malocclusion treatment with a removable children's dental plate is determined by the orthodontist after:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • collecting anamnesis (the orthodontist asks parents questions about the course of the mother’s pregnancy, type of feeding, possible chronic diseases, lifestyle features, etc.);
  • snapshot of the jaw.

How to choose the right plate for children's teeth?

Usually, during the initial examination, the orthodontist already sees possible bite pathologies and offers options for resolving the issue. If among them is a removable plate, the following steps are performed:

Step No. 1 – the doctor takes impressions of the jaw and teeth, calculates the shape of the required plate;

Step No. 2 – the data is sent to a dental laboratory, where an individual plate is manufactured within a week.

Step No. 3 - when the dental plate is ready, the doctor installs it, tells the young patient and his immediate family members in detail how to wear and remove the structure, and how to care for it. Usually, after installing the plate, a calendar of follow-up visits to the doctor is drawn up, who evaluates the progress of the treatment process, tightens the arch screws if necessary, and makes recommendations.

When does a child need bite treatment?

A removable plate helps with malocclusion, and the causes of these pathologies can be:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • problematic pregnancy, deficiencies in the mother’s body (the rudiments are formed in the prenatal period);
  • previous removal of baby teeth due to extensive carious lesions;
  • the absence of one or more teeth due to injury;
  • accelerated eruption of molars (when teeth erupt faster than the jaw develops);
  • “bad childhood” habits (thumb sucking, toys, lip biting);
  • long-term wearing of a pacifier and artificial feeding;
  • diseases of the ENT organs (when a boy or girl breathes through the mouth, while the correct breathing is nasal, the so-called “Gothic palate” develops, adenoiditis and other pathologies);
  • initially anatomically compact jaw size.

Also, among the causes of malocclusion in children, there may be a deficiency of solid foods in the diet (when soft, refined foods predominate).

How to care for the plates?

In order for the plate to serve the required time and not break, it is necessary to provide it with appropriate care. It is as follows:

  • brushing with toothpaste every day;
  • disinfection every week;
  • storage in a special container, closed;
  • oiling the screw;
  • removing the plate while eating, brushing teeth, practicing martial arts, boxing and water sports.

Do you dream of beautiful teeth? Contact the orthodontists of the multidisciplinary clinic CELT!

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

Are there any difficulties?

According to reviews, dental plates are effective, but in the case of children there is one problem. It lies in the fact that you need to wear them at least 22 hours a day for 12 to 18 months. This does not always please young patients who are not delighted with the presence of a structure on their teeth, which requires getting used to and which may cause teeth pain at first.

It is important to explain to the child that plates are much less noticeable than braces, which will have to be worn if the plate does not give the desired effect... And to achieve the effect, you need to use it correctly. It is better to undergo a much simpler course of treatment now than to resort to much more complex treatment in adolescence - especially since the result will be obvious! The child needs to be taught:

  • Wear the plate in the morning;
  • Remove the plate to brush your teeth before going to bed;
  • Do not remove the system during the day;
  • Tighten the structure screw in a timely manner.

Manufacturing and design features

Making plates to correct a bite is not an easy process, requiring a preliminary x-ray examination of the dentition. In addition, it is preceded by taking impressions and making control models. By conducting a preliminary assessment using them, the orthodontist decides how accurate the model is and whether it is suitable for the patient. If necessary, correction and re-fitting are carried out.

Plastic is used to make the base of the plate. The shape of the base exactly repeats the relief of the dental contour and gum surface. The base itself is durable and moderately rigid. The arc of the plate is made of steel wire and has hooks that are fixed on the cutters. As the position of the teeth changes and the jaw grows (when it comes to a child), the system is corrected.

Benefits of orthodontic plates

Although bite plates are only effective for minor malocclusions, they have a number of other benefits:

  • Convenient to use. The design of the plates allows you to easily and quickly remove them while eating or brushing your teeth;
  • Prompt production. The average production time for plates is from 2 to 4 weeks. At the same time, a removable type structure is manufactured faster than a non-removable one;
  • Affordable price. The average price of a plate for correcting a bite is 2 times lower than the price of inexpensive braces.

How much does a removable plate cost and what does its price depend on?

The cost of a removable plate for a child’s teeth depends on the following factors:

  • the nature of the pathology that needs to be corrected;
  • number of screws on the plate;
  • the need for additional dental treatment at the dentist after wearing a corrective plate.

The approximate price of a removable plate for a child’s teeth with one screw included is from 20 thousand rubles, with two or three screws – from 24 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to purchase a storage solution, care products, and a storage box - about another 3 thousand rubles.

You can get a full consultation on installing a plate for children’s teeth from a dentist at the Zuub clinic, which specializes in pediatric orthodontics.

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