Immunocorrective therapy for infectious lesions of the oral cavity

Description and properties of Lysobakt

The body contains a small amount of lysozyme, a natural antiseptic. It is present in saliva, tears, and milk. The amount of synthesized substance is not enough to treat diseases.

The main component of the drug "Lizobakt" is the protein enzyme lysozyme. The active substance prevents the proliferation of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, destroys viruses and fungal infections. Lysozyme stimulates the division of cells of the immune system (antibodies).

The second active substance is pyridoxine (vitamin B6). The effect of the vitamin on the body:

  • participates in the absorption of proteins and fats;
  • converts tryptophan into niacin;
  • has a beneficial effect on diseases of the nervous system and skin lesions;
  • relieves nausea;
  • reduces cramps;
  • has a diuretic effect.

It protects and restores mucosal cells, prevents the formation of aphthae, and treats stomatitis. During periods of illness, the need for pyridoxine increases many times.

Read about what other tablets will help against stomatitis.

Auxiliary components of Lyzobact:

  • sodium saccharinate – 0.5 mg;
  • gum tragacanth – 10 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate – 155 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate – 4 mg;
  • vanillin – 0.1 mg.

Unlike antibiotics, the drug is gentle on the excretory system and the liver.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis

Self-medication for infectious stomatitis is completely excluded, since it is necessary to accurately identify the pathogen and select drugs that suppress it. Such studies are carried out in the laboratory. This is especially important when it comes to babies. To prevent possible complications, parents of a baby should immediately consult a doctor as soon as they see an inflamed scratch or swelling in the child’s mouth.

When treating bacterial stomatitis, the following are used:

If necrosis has developed, dead tissue is removed surgically, after which it is necessary to completely sanitize the oral cavity.

In parallel with medical measures to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial stomatitis, the patient is prescribed a diet. During this period, it is necessary to ensure maximum sparing of the oral mucosa, limit the consumption of carbohydrates and enrich the diet with vitamins and proteins.

  • Superficial (catarrhal). In this case, symptoms of intoxication manifest themselves in a deterioration in appetite and an increase in temperature. There is discomfort when chewing and swallowing food, and the secretion of saliva periodically increases. When examining the oral cavity, a white coating on the tongue is found (on its lateral surfaces there are clearly visible imprints of teeth), bleeding gums, and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Lack of treatment for catarrhal bacterial stomatitis leads to the disease progressing to the next, more severe form.
  • Deep (ulcerative-necrotic). The patient's condition worsens. Symptoms of intoxication intensify: a person has a headache, the temperature rises to high levels, sleep and appetite are disturbed, weakness, irritability, and lethargy appear. Also, bacterial stomatitis in this form is characterized by pain when chewing, bad breath, and increased salivation. When examining the oral cavity, bleeding gums, hyperemia of the mucous membranes, and the presence of ulcers are revealed - first small, covered with a grayish coating, then enlarged, deep, with traces of tissue decay. Immunostimulants. They are necessary to boost immunity and prevent new outbreaks of the disease. These drugs have local and general effects. The doctor selects the optimal treatment option depending on the patient’s condition. For the same purpose, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins.
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed when bacterial stomatitis has become severe or the cause of the disease is systemic diseases of the internal organs. Effective remedies that stop infection directly in the oral cavity are ointments that contain an antibiotic. They give excellent results if the causative agent is a coccal infection. Among the drugs for oral administration in the treatment of bacterial stomatitis, penicillin, lincomycin, gentamicin, kanacimin and others are used.
  • Antiseptics. At the initial stage and in the middle of the disease, rinsing with a chlorhexidine solution and treating the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with an anti-inflammatory gel with an analgesic effect are recommended. After the disappearance of acute symptoms, treatment of bacterial stomatitis continues with the help of epithelializing agents that promote rapid healing of defects.


The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity. The following factors play an important role:

  • lactose intolerance and deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

When treating stomatitis, Lizobact should not be given to children under 3 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor. There are no absolute contraindications for this criterion.

In some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the drug occurs.

How to use lysobact for stomatitis - dosage

Lysobact is sold in the form of tablets. An important point: they must be dissolved until a homogeneous mass is formed, and not chewed. The longer the mass is in the mouth, the better the effect of treatment.

Lizobakt for stomatitis in children from 3 to 7 years old, take 1 tablet three times a day, from 7 to 12 years old, 1 tablet 4 times a day. People over 12 years of age dissolve 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-8 days. In some cases it takes up to 2 weeks. Within half an hour after resorption, the tablets should not be drunk or eaten so as not to destroy the medicinal film.

Read more about how to treat stomatitis in children on our website.

Numbness of the limbs, tingling, loss of sensitivity are possible with a significant increase in dosage. Drinking plenty of fluids helps you recover.

The effectiveness of treatment is achieved through the complex effects of antibacterial and antiviral agents.

Immunocorrective therapy for infectious lesions of the oral cavity

Results of clinical use of imudon

In recent years, one of the promising areas in increasing the effectiveness of therapy and preventing many diseases is the use of immunocorrective agents and methods. Currently, among the main groups of immunocorrective drugs, immunomodulators of microbial origin are of interest, among which there are three main groups - purified bacterial lysates, immunostimulating membrane fractions and bacterial ribosomes in combination with membrane fractions. New generation immunomodulators that can activate the formation of antibodies and stimulate defenses in the oral mucosa deserve special attention. Among them, Imudon should be mentioned first of all.

Imudon (produced by an international pharmaceutical company) belongs to the group of purified bacterial lysates. The drug is made from a mixture of lysates of strains of the most common bacterial and fungal pathogens of pathological processes in the oral cavity. Among them are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Corinebacterium pseudodiphtericum, Candida albicans and others.

Imudon is intended for specific antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory immunotherapy of oral diseases. The drug is a polyvalent complex of antigens that can cause the formation of antibodies. The therapeutic effect of imudon is explained by its influence on the immune system, which is expressed in an increase in phagocytic activity due to a qualitative improvement in phagocytosis, an increase in the content of lysozyme in saliva, stimulation and an increase in the number of immunocompetent cells responsible for the production of antibodies, and an increase in the content of local antibodies (JgA ).

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of the drug determines its use both for the treatment of corresponding diseases of the oral cavity and for the prevention of relapses.

Imudon is available in white tablets for resorption in the oral cavity.

Imudon was prescribed to 88 patients with various diseases of the oral cavity (see table). Among the patients there were 45 men and 43 women aged from 18 to 72 years.

All patients received etiotropic and pathogenetic general therapy in accordance with the existing disease. The main clinical indications for the use of imudon were chronic, relapsing course, as well as the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.

Imudon was prescribed eight tablets per day with an average treatment duration of 10 days. For chronic conditions - six tablets per day for 20 days or more. It was recommended to keep the tablet in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

In patients with chronic recurrent processes, imudon was prescribed two to three courses of treatment per year.
Clinical effectiveness of the drug Imudon - 95%

Clinical recovery25 people (28%)
Significant improvement44 people (50%)
Improvement15 people (17%)
No effect5 people (5%)

The effectiveness of Imudon is generally 95% (see figure). No deterioration from the therapy was noted. Treatment was well tolerated in all patients; no side effects were observed.

The clinical effect of therapy with imudon manifested itself quite quickly - on the third or fourth day of taking the medication - and was expressed in a decrease in acute inflammatory phenomena and pain in areas of lesions of the oral mucosa.

The effectiveness of imudon largely depended on the clinical form of the disease. The most impressive results were obtained in patients with various stomatitis; the use of the drug led to rapid epithelization of aphthae and cure. At the same time, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngolaryngitis required repeated courses of Imudon (two or three per year) to obtain an anti-relapse effect. A significant improvement and reduction in relapses was noted when imudon was prescribed to patients with recurrent oropharyngeal candidiasis and gingivitis of various etiologies.

Thus, this drug can be recommended for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the oral mucosa. The method is characterized by good efficiency, tolerability, short duration of use and is especially convenient in outpatient practice. Long-term results of treatment are characterized by a decrease in the number of relapses, as well as an extension of remission periods.


Lizobact can be difficult to purchase at a pharmacy due to high demand. The drug is quite expensive, so not everyone can afford it. A structural analogue of the drug is Pyridoxine.

If necessary, you can purchase other drugs of similar effect. These include:

  • Agisept;
  • Imudon;
  • Grammidin;
  • Hexoral;
  • Rinza Lorsept;
  • Lisak;
  • Magwit;
  • Laripront;
  • Strepsils;
  • Faringosept;
  • Dorithricin;
  • Laripront;
  • Septefril;
  • Septolete.

Russian analogues against stomatitis containing pyridoxine are Angiovit, Biotredin, Combilipen Tabs, Loxidon Plus, Magnelis B6.

Read more about what remedies will help in the treatment of stomatitis on our website.

Many of the above-described drugs, in addition to anti-inflammatory ones, also have immunomodulatory properties.

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